Monday, 2 April 2018

My Easter

Well hello everyone, this Easter Monday with one thing after another I have hardly sat at my computer so no blogging for a week but things should now return to normal. Last week saw me going to Kmart on Wednesday to get Easter Eggs for the grandchildren but not for my daughters which somewhat annoyed Jessica but told her she is too old for Easter Eggs from mummy & daddy so to suck it up and deal.

Now on Good Friday we do not eat meat here in this house same goes for my parents house but this was a shock for my grandchildren they acted like they would starve but I said there is many other things one can eat that isn't meat. I don't eat seafood so I had chips and eggs for lunch and banana bread for breakfast, fruit for tea.

Saturday saw two out of three daughters turn up for a baked lunch, Jessica wasn't able to come as she had to work so we had Leo from 7am till when she arrived to get him around 4.30pm. Although for a change Michael came as well for lunch. We did all the baked veggies in the air fryer and for a change Tim did all the cooking and did an ok job but the spuds were undercooked.

3am yesterday morning saw our clocks go back an hour marking the end of daylight savings for a few months, of course we turned the clocks back before we went to bed and had Jessica turn the clocks in the lounge room back before she left. Why Jessica well she is the tallest in the family and thus she is better able to reach the clocks, yes she is a tad taller then her dad.

I did mange to write 7 letters to different pen pals yesterday still have two to do but I am happy that I got so many done.

School resumes tomorrow for two weeks then they break up for two weeks holidays before starting term 2 which is 10 weeks long, term 1 will be 11 weeks by the time school breaks up. 10 weeks is the normal length of a school term here this year.

Now we are in Autumn here but the last few days have been pretty bloody warm with temps in the low to mid 30's again.

Ok that is all my news so I will post this now............................


  1. I hope you had a pleasant Easter.


  2. I am glad that you had a nice Easter - you are going into winter - we are going into summer! That is so odd - right?

  3. Nice to read you had family with you over the Easter.
    We all eat fish so 3 of the 5 grandchildren small ones ate their fish with salad and chips, adults too - we had salmon portions.
    Sunday I had a roast at lunch time for everyone, we had turkey and baked veggies plus boiled ones - the children always love their ice cream afterwards.

  4. Glad you had a good Easter. So interesting to hear about your life over there where you live. You all have a wonderful evening.

    1. It was a nice time, loving having the family here and love being alone as well

  5. I'm glad you had a happy Easter. Everyone here loves Easter eggs - especially chocolate ones :)

  6. Sounds like you had a lovely holiday weekend and got to spend it with most of your family.


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