Monday, 26 March 2018

Did you know No: 10

Hello blogland people, here I just after eating lunch writing today's post. I went to my aqua class this morning and made a few phone calls after getting home now to write today's did you know facts. But first I have to say I am somewhat nervous because this afternoon Leo is catching a bus with his friend Daniel back to Daniels house after school it is the first time he has done this and I can't help but feel nervous.

The Pacific Ocean is very nearly as big as all the other oceans put together, it is home to the deepest places in the world.

The loneliest, most remote place in the world is in the Pacific Ocean at 47°30' South – 120° West, this point is 2,575 kilometres from the nearest land.

Australian Ben Carlin is the only person to really drive around the world. His car turned into a boat and he completed the drive, including the Atlantic Ocean and all the other wet bits in 1958.

Approximately one in every ten people who ever lived are alive today

The most accurate clock in the world is made by Hewlett Packard in the U S A, it is accurate to within one second every 1.6 million years


  1. I love facts like these! Good morning.

  2. "Approximately one in every ten people who ever lived are alive today"- that doesn't surprise me- but sustainability? It sure scares me...

  3. Dear Jo-Anne, I so love to learn facts because they are more astounding than fiction. The one about the loneliest island--the most remote--stirs my feeling and lodged in my gut! Peace.

    1. I cannot imagine living in such a place, I like to have my family around

  4. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Well, on March 27 while having killer cramps, early in bed, I jumped out of bed, only to fall to my hip. No broken hip but 2 closed fractures of the pelvic bone! Severe pain and no fun if you cannot take any pain meds due to CKD. But as my orthopedic surgeon told me I was very lucky, it only heals slowly at my age... Haha! On June 12 I'm supposed to retire my crutch. Was NOT allowed to sing and dance at the annual Revue at the Theatre with my choir on May 19th. So sad but I can understand the risk of falling would be disastrous when bones actually shift and become open fractures. So patience was what I needed to learn. Have managed to scan all the old letters since we immigrated on August 29, 1983. What a treasures for having those letters from Pieter's Mom and from my Mom; both reside in heaven. It is meaningful and from so many others that are no longer with us. Guess it's one of the perks that comes with moving to another continent. My siblings don't have such treasures...
    Hugs and hope you all are well.


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