Thursday, 26 April 2018

Have you heard of.......Leonardo da Vinci

Ok here we are at another Thursday, and another have you heard of.................

This week it's Leonardo da Vinci, heard of him, unless you live under a rock in a cave I am sure you have indeed heard of him.

He was born on the 15th April 1452, in Tuscany Italy, he is famous for painting the Mona Lisa one of the world's most famous and valuable paintings.

He also designed canals, cathedrals and castles with central heating, yeah central heating what the hell..............

He made drawings of what we know as a helicopter, hovercraft, tank, machine guns, cranes, parachute and a submarine. Drawings of things that will not be invented for hundreds of years to come. What a man................

He was largely self-educated and filled dozens of notebooks with drawings of his inventions, observations and theories but much of his writings and drawings were difficult to interpret and he was generally considered ahead of his time and many feel he was not fully appreciated as the genius he was.

He was the only child his parents had together, they never married each other and they had other children with different people, he had around 16 half siblings.

He died on the 2nd May 1519 at Cloux he was buried nearby in the palace church of Saint-Florentin, during the French Revolution the church was nearly obliterated and its remains were completely demolished in the early 1800's making it impossible to identify his exact gravesite.


  1. Interesting to know more information:)

  2. Hi Jo-Anne ... yes I've been to see a museum with some of his works in when I was in Milan, and read quite a bit about him ... he was an amazing polymath. Cheers Hilary

  3. Dear Jo-Anne, I so like blogs from which I learn new things. You have such a fine curiosity about life and seem to love to research, so I count on you to teach me and you do every week! thank you. Peace.

    1. Oh thank you for such kind words, yes I have a love of history and facts

  4. Of all the people of the past I'd like to see in today's world, I would be the most curious of what he'd make of things.

    1. Oh yeah what would he think of the world now days

  5. An amazing man who was so very talented.

  6. Went to his museum a few years ago when I was in italy. Totally facinating! Have a great weekend!

    1. I love learning stuff like that - of course I had heard of him and knew some - but it is good to remind an old mind some good information! I have seen the real Mona Lisa.

  7. Wow! 16 half siblings. He was truly before his time. Genius.


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