Thursday, 19 April 2018


Well hello everyone, how is everyone on this Thursday morning or whatever day or time it is as you read this. I had a sleep in this morning didn't get up and dressed till 7am.

So let's talk about sleep, do you have trouble sleeping, when you go to bed do you fall asleep fast or do you toss and turn. Do you need a lot of sleep or not so much, I am one of those people who need around 10 hours a night, Tim however needs only around 6-7 hours of sleep a night.

I sleep on my side usually my left side but there are times when I wake up on my back but when I sleep on my back I end up with a backache which is not good.

Tim has to take phenergan each night to help him get to sleep, this he has been doing for 15yrs. I generally have no trouble getting to sleep at night and don't need to take anything to help me get to sleep.


  1. Sometimes I fall asleep immediately and other times I'm awake most of the night. I'm in a mess right now because I have my days and nights switched around. I've always tended to be a night owl.


    1. It sucks when one spends most of the night awake, have had nights like that myself

  2. I go to bed when tired Jo-Anne, fall asleep quickly and often have a cup of tea before going to bed..

  3. Most times, I sleep well! There are times, I stay awake till wee hours of the morning before I can fall asleep. Instead of tossing around, I get up to read a book, etc. until I feel sleepy.

    1. Tim often gets up during the night to watch telly because he can't sleep, me I just toss and turn

  4. I take melatonin just to try to keep myself on regular hours or I tend to be up all night (night owl). Even so I am still usually up till 12-2am, but that's good for me. I also am one who takes 15-30 minutes to fall asleep. Since having fibro I am up and down 2-6 times during the night and I never really feel rested even if I sleep 10-12 hours. I usually am up in 7-9 hours on a good night. Some nights I can barely sleep at all (pain). So sleep has become a fickle companion the last 15 years--LOL!

    I also have to sleep on my sides because of back issues. I can't just roll over (ouch) so I have to get up and get in the other side of the bed. You do what you have to do. ;)

    1. Yes the pain of trying to change position in bed is terrible and is not something I like. The doctor has recommended melatonin to help Leo stay asleep at night


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