Monday, 28 November 2016

Random Stuff this Monday

Hello all it is now Monday here, and today I am just doing a random update type of blog.

We all know what cannibals are but if cannibals eat human flesh why do they not eat their own, I mean what do they eat when there are no lost people, explorers and such to eat once a pond a time there might have been more people for them to eat without eating the cousins who they can't stand but really I don't get how there can be a tribe of cannibals when they should be eating others in the tribe.

I have decided to start getting up early and blogging before I have to take Leo to school, although there is only a couple of weeks left of the school year.

I really need to get off my ass and get the Christmas decorations up, and sort out the Christmas presents I have and find out what I still need to get.

Many years ago I was given a Christmas watch that I would wear during the Christmas season, I got this watch out on Saturday it was stored with all my Christmas jewellery and it was fine just needed a new battery, well this morning I found it on the floor under my computer table and the strap is now broken, thank you Leo and yes I know it would have been Leo playing with it that broke the strap. So now I need to decide what to do, do I replace the strap on a $10 watch or look for a new watch and should I get Jessica to pay for the replacement since it was her son who broke the strap or since the strap was old and not in the best condition do I just not worry about it.

Speaking of Leo he sleep here last night, he is still asleep I will wake him at 8am if he isn't wake by then, last night after he got home from work Tim went with Jessica to get a treadmill, a second hand one and you know what when they got it to her place it was too big and wouldn't fit through the front door, so this morning Tim has to go back and take it apart to get it into the house. Thankfully he doesn't start work till around midday so he has the time to go over and see to it.

So there is a new Star Wars movie coming out, guess what I have only seen the first one, I am just not into Star Wars.

In fact I don't watch many movies I rarely seem to have the time to watch movies there are movies I think I would like but generally don't have the time to watch them.

Well it is about time for me to wake Leo up and get him dressed for school and all the before school stuff we do before leaving for school. So I will post this now.......


  1. I never thought I'd laugh about cannibals, but your pondering has me laughing. I'm also amused that Tim has to take apart the treadmill to get it in the door. Maybe you should let Leo have a pass on this one. Normally, I would say the opposite, but you said the watch was old and inexpensive.


    1. Yes I asked Leo about the watch this morning after telling him I wasn't upset or angry I just wanted to know if he touched it or did a ghost touch it he said it was him and he was sorry, I said no big deal not a good expensive watch. Glad you had a laugh about the cannibals

    2. It's good that he told the truth. That's to be encouraged.

  2. Having not lived among the cannibals I am not sure about the etiquette involved but I bet if you sent Leo to them they might trade you a new strap lol.

    1. Wouldn't trade Leo for anything he is far to special to me even if he does break stuff.

  3. Well Jo-Anne, I opened you blog to read, took a mouth of soup at the same time as I read about your - perfect timing.
    Don't know why they don't eat each other, have no idea - maybe it's something to look up on Google sometime.

    1. Now I want to Google why cannibals don't eat each other to see what Google says.

  4. Good point about the cannibals...maybe they do eat their friends and family - the media just doesn't report that. That would REALLY give them a bad name.

    1. Just a random thought I had some of the things that pop into my head are strange

  5. I need to get my Christmas decorating spirit on and get moving! It's so warm here that it doesn't seem like Christmas is coming!

    1. I know my house doesn't have the Christmas feel yet either

  6. I would replace the strap on the watch as you said you enjoyed it and that it still worked.
    Just a thought...I would have Leo do a little chore for you as payback just so he knows the value of something that he was responsible for breaking. Nothing big mind you just a little reminder of caring for other people's possessions.

    I thought all treadmills unlocked and folded. What a pain to have to dismantle it. That was nice of Tim to do that.


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