Sunday, 13 November 2016

It's bloody hot and the sweat is dripping off me and I don't like it, just saying

Hello everyone I am stinking bloody hot, and in a caravan with no air conditioning just a stupid fan that is blowing warm air around so not in the best of moods, I have sweat dripping off me and a headache to boot.

Add to that the fridge in the van was turned right down so the bait Tim had in the freezer was crap and the fridge stinks something awful although the van no longer smells as we have all the windows opened. I am drinking warm Pepsi Max as the fridge takes a good 24 hours to get really cold. Tim has switched it to gas as he things that will make it colder faster I am not so sure but what do I know.

The park it's self isn't that bad we are across from the amenities block which is good but I am not sure if I will have a shower or not tonight guess it will depend on how I feel later at the moment with the heat I am not feeling that steady on my feet.

I haven't said much to anyone about how when I am in the shower I feel unsteady from the heat in fact when I have a bath at home I often feel unsteady when I get out due to the heat so to be honest at times the thought of having a shower where I don't have some where to sit makes me nervous.

Tim bought himself a slab of beer but didn't get me anything, which at the moment is annoying me just saying.

I have limited internet here and Tim doesn't want to pay for credit for Jessica's Wifi hub thing so I am writing this and will just get online to post only have 100mb and have used 70mb already.

Oh yeah Tim bought a solar panel that he attached to the roof of the van, now when he said he was doing that I asked if it would be secure he said it would be but I wasn't sure anyway it blew off and we lost it that is $200 we won't get back, he said he wants to get another one. I said I would rather air conditioning for the van as I can't take the heat.

At the moment he has gone to the lake only a short walk from here to try fishing just so you all know I hate fishing and don't eat seafood.............period

I hope to be back ready blogs on Tuesday or Wednesday if I had better Wifi I would be doing that while Tim is off fishing.

Oh nearly forgot to mention where we are we are in Port Macquarie which is a 3 hour driver from our home.


  1. I so agree with you, rather have ac in van. Men dont see why we need internet as much I think. I saw your blog over at Adventure before dementia

    1. Yeah Tim doesn't get what I do online, he is sitting here complaining he is bored I am blogging or reading

  2. I too rather have the van air-conditioned. I don't like the heat and sweaty body, which makes me very uncomfortable and moody. I get very restless without internet. Lol!

    1. Yeah how did we live without internet, Tim agrees now that we do need air conditioning in the van as I was pretty sick yesterday afternoon/evening

  3. Lovely at the lookout where the lighthouse is a Port Macquarie.
    Always warm to hot in the van, we keep the A/C going and you need one.
    Sorry to read you lost the solar panel.
    Internet in caravan parks is a disgrace - just saying.

    1. Yes it is unless you pay for it, which I have done as I need my internet, yeah I was surprised that Tim didn't get more upset about the loss of the solar panel

  4. Oh I would be cranky, too! No wifi, no A/C, no functioning fridge, and a husband who gets a cool beverage for himself but not for me???
    I hope things will improve for you, and you get to enjoy your stay!

    1. The fridge is good now and I paid for my internet and it cooled down last night so slept ok and not suppose to be as hot today

  5. I canNOT do heat. No AC means I will not be there. UGH.

    1. I also do not like the heat, Tim said he would look into how much it would cost for air conditioning in the van which has made me happier not as happy as I will be once we get it but happier then I was when he said he didn't think we needed it

  6. You poor dear. I would hate that too. Hope you can get cool, soon.

    1. It is a much cooler day still very warm but not stinking bloody hot

  7. Sounds like a terrible time for you.

  8. I agree with you the AC would be a priority. I can't take the heat and I don't suffer from headaches like you. That has to be miserable.


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