Monday, 7 November 2016

It's hot here.........................

Well here I am on Monday morning and I am using Tim's old laptop, the one Leo uses as mine is still at my brother's place and I am at my place I had to take Leo to school and I have to meet mum at the X-ray place at 2pm so I am hanging out here for the day.

Before I took Leo to school I had to go and have blood test done and of course the first woman couldn't find a vein so had to wait for the other one to be free and then they had to use a butterfly (a small needle with tube).

It really feels like summer here, as it has been bloody hot the last few days, so glad for air conditioning and shorts. I can't imagine how women coped way back when women had to wear long ass skirts with petty coats and thick knee length or longer stockings. Also they would have to wear dresses that came up to their necks with long sleeves because showing skin was such a no no.

Today us women get around in shorts and tee shirts and the young females like teenagers wear really short shorts and skirts and show a lot of skin.

Can you imagine what it was like for a woman to go to the beach or swimming pool and have to wear those swimmers that went from the neck to the knee, no I don't swimmers any more but when I was in my 20's I would get around shorts and a bikini top during the summer days. That is because when Tim and I were first married we didn't have air conditioning in fact we didn't have air conditioning for many years but now I wouldn't be without it.

That said I still prefer to have the doors and windows open as long as there is a cool breeze although on Saturday the breeze was bloody hot so no having the doors open then, today the breeze is nice and cool and I am happy to have the front and back doors opened.

In other news it is my birthday in 9 days time and I am hoping to get at least one gift card I can use to buy new shorts as the ones I have are about 4 years old and I am down to only 3 pairs of old stained shorts nothing nice enough to wear out.


  1. I can't imagine women or men wearing all those clothes in the heat.
    The less the better.
    30 deg is just nice, but the humidity in summer is often a killer.
    We are having a new ducted recycle system installed today, will take a few days to install - it's a new one as the old one wore out.

    1. Yeah I know when it is stinking bloody hot the less clothes we have to wear the better, humidity yeah that is a killer

  2. Ug, I am not a fan of hot weather. Maybe if I lived on a deserted island - where I could be naked -

    1. As long as one isn't dripping in sweat things can be good, I hate to have the sweat dripping off me

  3. I have thought about the poor women in those times myself. I am so grateful not to have to deal with That! Happy Birthday 9 days early!

    1. Yeah I cannot imagine how those poor women coped with the heat and all those clothes

  4. Australia in November grows hotter and the United States in November grows colder.
    And, so the hemispheric topsy-turvy game begins.

    1. Yeah and some parts of this country get so hot even in the middle of winter think places like The Alice or Darwin middle of winter and it can be like 30°c

  5. Its really hot here too. Summer has arrived early but I like it. Hope you get a nice pair of shorts for your birthday and Happy Birthday if I don't get here on the day.


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