Sunday, 20 November 2016

Just a little update today

Good morning everyone, it is morning here, may not be morning where you are but that is ok. It has been a couple of bloody hot days here with today suppose to be another hot day anyway, we will see.

Yesterday I went to my parents place for my birthday lunch my brother did his version of KFC style chicken with is home-made fried rice and a bloody nice Oreo cheesecake, damn my brother is a good cook.

Moving on, we all know that death is something that comes to all of us, we may try and prepare ourselves for the death of a loved one but still when it happens it can come as a shock to those who loved the person.

Yesterday morning at 4.42 mum got a phone call from Uncle Frank telling her that their mother my nanna had passed away, this was distressing for mum she knew it was coming but it was still naturally upsetting and distressing for mum.

Mum rang me at 9.30 to tell me that nanna had passed away, and it upset me, like mum I knew it was coming but still it upset me, maybe not as much as it would have if it had come out of the blue.

I will miss my nanna so much my and I will have to find something else to do on Wednesday we might go visit my Aunty Pat a bit more often and we will also go to the cemetery to visit nan and pop. I expect pop asked nan what took her so long to join him as he passed away 6 years ago and nan is only now joining him.

Not much of a post today I know but such is life 


  1. Aww, I'm so sorry for your loss and for your Moms loss as well. IT's hard to lose a parent, no matter what age. Mommies are always our Mommies. Even when we are expecting it - it sit hits hard. Your Nan was a beautiful bride.

    1. Thank you, yes our mum is always our mum and yesterday mum wasn't really with it she was so upset

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss, Jo-Ann. I lost my nana a few years ago and I still miss her so much.

    1. Thank you I was very close to my nanna but I am ok not sure how I will be in the coming days though

  3. It is life, true, but so is deep sadness when someone you love passes. I'm so very sorry for you and your family.

    1. Thank you I think when Wednesday rolls around both mum and I will feel it because as you may know Wednesday is the day we would visit nan

  4. So sorry for your loss and also your mom's loss. No matter how well prepared we are, when it happened, we cannot deny the pain of losing a loved one. Your Nan was a beautiful bride.

    1. Thank you she was a beautiful woman as her beauty came from the inside she was always thinking of other

  5. Sorry to hear that. Even when you know it is coming you still can't be totally prepared for the reality of the loss.

    1. So true, nothing can really lessen the pain of the loss

  6. Sorry for your loss Jo-Anne, to your family also.
    Always a surprise when it happens...

    1. Yes it is mum would have liked to be with her when she passed but Frank didn't ring her till after the fact

  7. So sorry for your loss. Nan is in a better place now.

    1. That she is, and she is with pop and her children Diane and Ronnie

  8. I am so sorry for your loss, Jo-Anne. What lovely pictures of your family. She was really beautiful.

    1. Her beauty came from within and she was so kind and always thinking of others, I was very close to her


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