Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Arriving home and kfc I didn't like and seeing my nan

Good morning world, it is now 7.30am on Wednesday the 24th September and I am at last getting around to writing another post. Since returning home from Hawaii I have been busy with washing and shopping, (there was no food in the house).

Anyway I am going to start this but reckon I won't get it finished and posted before mum arrives to pick me up to go and see nanna at the nursing home.

But let's go back to food, while in Hawaii we had pizza which I mentioned and it was great but we also had Macca's and KFC which were not so great, the Macca's was ok I could eat it, it was just different from what we have here. However, the KFC was disgusting, I didn't like it at all and neither did Tim. In fact while I was in Hawaii I mostly had fries at the hotel swim bar although on night I had fried chicken that was ok not great but ok.

When we arrived back in Australia the first thing we did after clearing customs and such was stop at Macca's at the airport for food and Tim takes a bite out of his Big Mac and says this is what it's suppose to taste

Monday night we had KFC for tea and again Tim says this is what I

Now his plan is to save and save for our next holiday, which I am hoping will be a cruise with my parents and brother & his family but we will see as Tim says we have just got back from a holiday. However, I felt like I was really just starting to really relax and get into the holiday mood when it was time to come home. I could have stayed another few days, really I like around 2 weeks away because it can take me up to a week to feel like I am on holiday.

At least we came home to a clean house, thanks to Natasha coming over and cleaning and the lawn had been mowed thanks to “bear” our next-door neighbour.

Just got back from seeing nan, she was good chatty but her left eye looked terrible the nurse had to wash it out to get rid of all the muck in it and I can tell you nanna didn't like it, she is like me in that she doesn't handle stuff to do with the eyes very well and cried as it was washed out.

So now I will post this with some photos of food that we didn't like that we ate in Hawaii............


  1. Welcome home. Does Macca's mean McDonald's? I wonder why the KFC was so bad. Maybe it was something other than chicken.


    1. Yes Macca's means McDonald's and I think it was the sauce on the KFC burger that made it taste so bad

  2. Welcome home. We don't eat at KFC but when we do, I get the pot pie. I love those things.
    We haven't taken a 2 week vacation since we went to Ireland several years ago. We did a short cruise in 2013 and it was nice.

    1. We can usually only afford to go for a week but it is better than nothing........I have never heard of a pot pie

  3. Never heard of Macca's. I haven't had KFC for maybe 15 years or more. I tend to like Subway because it is fresher. So glad you had such a good time, though, that you would have liked to stay a few more days. Glad your nana is doing okay and got her eye cleaned out--even if she wasn't happy about it. :) Glad you are home safe.

    1. Macca's is McDonald's, I also like Subway but don't have it very often

  4. Wow Hawaii!! will you post some pictures of your trip? I would love to see them!
    Blessings, Joanne

    1. Yes will be posting more photos in the next day or so

  5. Glad you arrived home safe.
    I would have thought that Maccas & KFC would taste the same no matter where you were in the world, but I am wrong according to what you wrote.
    Your poor Nan.
    Save well for your next holiday :)

    1. Yes I thought it would taste the same but I was wrong and it was a bit of a shock to find that out.

  6. Many years ago when we went to Hawaii and we went to a cafe for dinner we ordered steak. They asked if we wanted cottage cheese or ice cream with it?????We laughed and ordered cottage cheese. The steak was a mince patty made into a shape of a steak. I don't like Macca's or KFC. Subways is okay.

    1. What the hell that isn't a streak and who has ice cream with steak..............

  7. the product served in every country from mcdonalds and kfc depends on their regulations and NOT all are the same. did you notice all the spam while you were there even at mcdonalds? lol glad you had a good trip but I NEVER do fast food on a trip I try the local quisine and experiment. so what should I try if I ever make it down under?


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