Thursday, 20 December 2012

My Door and More

Yesterday I was reading over at KariAnne's blog about her front door so this made me think of my front door what do people think when they see my front doors at this time of year, what does say about the type of person I am really I am not the one to answer this question it is for others to answer so her I am asking others what they think when they see my doors. You can find KariAnne here: she is a very talented woman and her home looks so pretty and inviting.

While talking about Christmas ok I didn't mention the word Christmas in the last paragraph but anyway here are a couple of shots of my dining table covered in Christmas presents still have a couple to wrap but only a couple..............

I will be going out shopping with Kathy-Lee today when after her doctor’s appointment she still needs to get some things. I am happy to go with her, she doesn’t handle crowds and finds it a bit easier if she has someone with her and I do like to go shopping with my daughters.


  1. your doors are lovely. i don't mean to pick on you but have you ever thought about reading back what you type and putting in a full stop occasionally. sometimes it quite hard to read your blog when the first sentence is as long as a paragraph. just read it back before you post it. i hope you enjoy your christmas time. Susan

    1. You can pick my dear when you are right and you are I didn't even notice that I hadn't used many full stops. I have no excuse just didn't realise my bad..

    2. She is just writing like she is having a conversation. I don't find it hard to read her blog. Also, if I had a problem or concern I would use my real name and not hide with Anonymous.

  2. Wow!! That is a lot of presents!

    1. I do have a large family and I buy for only some of

  3. I love these pictures. They're so colorful. Isn't it wonderful how color will brighten any dark day.

    I commented on your Google+ page in response to your stopping by my blog. Always love to see your smiling face.

    1. Yes colour does brighten a dark day,I also read you comment on my Google page and left a reply.

  4. wow LM wants me to air mail him to you because you have present already and we don't...Shhh don't tell him his are in the closet

    1. You know I don't remember a time when I wasn't prepared for Christmas by Novemember of early December
      but I do love to shop and buy things on line as well.

  5. Love all the colours of your presentd it looks so inviting and festive.

    1. Thanks I do like pretty colours and to mix it up and not have them all wrapped in the same paper

  6. I do like your doors. You do a good job of getting everything ready for Christmas. I am woefully behind because of an extra busy schedule at work and my daughter's wedding next week. Ah well, there's always next year for me-

    1. Thank you, and wow you have a wedding coming up and Christmas I don't know how I would go organizing both.

  7. Your doors look very nice. As for the criticism about your long sentences. I think that was unfair. You are typing a blog of your own style and you can "talk" any way you want to express yourself. I have NO trouble what-so-ever reading your posts. Unless anonymous is your creative writing professor, he/she need not critique.

    1. Thanks I do like to use the glass stickers on the slidding door and front windows, and yeah I do write as if I am having a chat to someone that's my style and sometimes I forget to use the full stop.

  8. You have a lovely door. Mine just has a simple wreath on it. We are moving and so we didn't do much decking the halls outsides this year. Just some lights on the bushes and a wreath.

    1. Thank you the older I get the more I want to decorate at this wonderful time of year

  9. Your door looks lovely, and very inviting! Isn't it a wonderful feeling to have all the pressies wrapped and to be as organized as we can be! I hope you and all your family enjoy a very happy and blessed Christmas.

    1. Yes it is good when I look at the table and see all the presents wrapped and waiting to be opened

  10. I love that you strung Christmas lights on your front door! That is super cute - I wish I could do that.
    Wow! You have a lot of presents on your table!!

    1. Thanks I still have a few little presents to wrap which I will do this afternoon.

  11. Dear Jo-Anne, I hope you had a happy time shopping with your daughter. Being with friends and family and finding just the right gift for someone is one of the joys of this season. Peace.

    1. Yes it is and I do love to shop for presents, I am already thinking of what to get my mum and hubby for thier birthdays, Leo & Sydney I already have presents for.

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