Monday, 17 December 2012

Gifts, Cars and the Weather........that's all I got

Ok Christmas will be here in just over a week and I am getting worried every year I place orders with 2 different hamper companies Chrisco and Hamper King and this year for the first time ever they have mucked up my orders.

One gift a set of 3 candle holders came with 1 off them broken and they refunded me only $5.00 for the broken one not happy……………add to that it wasn’t till on last Thursday I realised they hadn’t sent me the sheet set I ordered for my daughter so they said they will refund me that money but still that is one gift I don’t have. That was Chrisco stuff up

Now I have not received 2 other gifts from Hamper King as I type this I am waiting for Hamper King to pick up so I can speak to someone I hope they get here before the end of the week……….I bet they tell me they have been sent and should arrive by the end of the week but we will see.

On the topic of gifts I have a heap of things I bought Friday and Saturday that I need to sort through and wrap/bag but can’t do it till Jessica and Leo go home which will be sometime today. 

I however will have to drive them home as Jessica’s car is really playing up and she doesn’t want to drive it, it goes to the mechanic tomorrow morning to see what is wrong with it and since the mechanic is just up the road from me she has asked me to take it up so she does have to go home and come back tomorrow and of course I said I would do that for her. I hope it isn’t going to cost too much to get repaired my next door neighbour said he thinks it is something to do with the “drive plate” whatever that is. 

The weather here is so mixed up at the moment yesterday it was stinking bloody hot till late in the evening had the air cons going all day and most of the night and today it is cool and overcast and by Thursday it is supposed to be stinking hot again.


  1. Christmas and hot weather... hum. It is well below 50f here... LOL. I hope you get it all sorted out and you have a jolly time this hoilday. :-)

    1. I can't imagine having a cold Christmas..........many years we have had to have the air con going because it is so bloody hot

  2. I'm wrapping up last minute stuff also . Mostly, last minute decorations and getting all the food in the house. I hope you get your orders sorted out in time.

    1. Yes I still have to get some food stuff just waiting on mum to tell me what I need to get and I think the parcel I am waiting for should be here today......

  3. You are such a good shopper. We have unseasonably warm weather here now, even for South Texas. I'm just trying to get started on my Christmas shopping!

    1. I do love to shop for everyone although I do have to think of something to get my dad from my sisters he is so hard to buy for.......

  4. I think I have everything all wrapped. I sure hope so.

    1. Good on you I wrapped up a heap more yesterday afternoon and think I am just about done......

  5. My packages have been getting here late or not at all lately. One the post office sent it back for no reason. The one I didn't get was not for a gift, but I still wanted it.
    I hope the car is an easy fix.And not too expensive.

    1. The curse of buying online waiting and hoping it will arrive in time......Fingers crossed the car will not cost to much

  6. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Oh, busiest time for you and you seem to be doing your best for your family. Hope your preparation delights your grand-kids and have a wonderful coming Christmas(*^_^*)
    Cannot imagine hot Christmas (haha, did I said before?), colder weather than usual here.
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. I cannot imagine a cold Christmas but I think that is the same for everyone we are use to wear we are and can't imagine anything different.

      Yes it has been a very busy time for me but it is the same every year........

  7. That's a bummer Jo-Anne, the muck up, do hope you get it all sorted out or least those 2 places do for you..

    1. Yeah it was a bummer I was told the parcel I am expecting should be here today so I am hoping they are right.

  8. that is really a bummer they didn't refund or fix the whole product you order and as for me I got a few more small things to buy and i'm done

    1. Yeah it was annoying that they only refunded a small amount but what ya gona

      I am pretty much done now except for dad he is just so hard to buy for

  9. I myself am jealous of your "stinking hot" weather. It's rainy and cool here for 2 days. yuck! 2 years ago I waited "patiently" for the mail to bring Christmas gifts and they let me down. I'm such a last minute shopper! Wishing you luck!

    1. I hate it when it rains at Christmas time thankfully it doesn't happen very often here can't remember the last wet Christmas we had......I can't imagine being a last minute

  10. That's really annoying about all the mix ups etc. with your presents that you had ordered with these Companies. I do hope that it all comes right in the end. Also hope that your daughter's car isn't going to be costly. There's always something to worry about, isn't there?! Take care.

    1. Yeah it's one thing or another the car is at the mechanics now fingers crossed it will not cost a small fortune to have repaired.......

  11. This time of year can be so exhausting--good luck sorting out the returns/exchanges and the rest of it!

    1. Yes it is an exhausting time of year but it is also a wonderful, special time of year


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