Thursday, 27 December 2012

My Christmas Gifts

Well yesterday I told everyone that I had a great Christmas Day and got some wonderful presents so today I am going to show you the gifts I got, well some of them.

The saucepans are from Tim and he also gave me some clothes and as far as he is concerned the microwave and towels are included in my gifts I however, don’t think so.

The Dimple scotch is from Kathy-Lee, Michael & Sydney-May; Jessica gave me the frog necklace both gifts I love. My seconded daughter Natasha hasn’t given me or her dad anything really that doesn’t come as a surprise she says she is going to get us something but I won’t hold my breath she still hasn’t given me my Mother’s Day or Birthday presents…………….lol

Today I went out and bought some of my Christmas decorations for next year I do like to get most of them at the post-Christmas sales.

Mum and dad gave me the Sunbeam Skillet and Tum gave me the other one which I will be taking back and exchanging for something else as I don't need two of them............


  1. We didn't give out a lot of gifts. The only thing I'm getting I just got an email from Amazon saying it could be delayed due to severe winter weather. Shoulda just let Santa bring it!

    1. I buy a shit load of gifts and give to most members of my family, why because I love to give

  2. Oh wow! You got some awesome gifts! I love all the kitchen pans, etc., and your necklaces are so cute :D

    1. We needed new saucepans most of what we have are like 20odd years old........and I do love my necklaces...

  3. You got some great gifts Jo-Anne!

  4. Pots and pans do not a Christmas gift make. But I like the frog necklace.


    1. Yeah at first I was a little disapointed when I thought he was only giving me the pots and pans but when I thought about it I was ok.

    2. Please send me the scotch. I am in need and too helpless to visit the liquor store.

  5. Christmas was small this year due to money but it was still good love your gifts you got some great stuff

  6. You had a VERY nice Christmas my friend. I got some cookware too (blender, grill pan and jam jars). I also got some clothes and a few Christmas things. :). We did pretty good, you and I. :)

    1. I wasn't thrilled with the saucepan set at first but I am ok now, at least it is something I will use.

  7. Love the frog necklace and the scotch.

    1. Yeah I love the frog necklace it is to match her frog necklace

  8. Looks like you had an amazing christmas!! That's so great!!


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