Saturday, 1 December 2012

Cable Car, Ships and a dropped Laptop

Well this is our second last day in New Zealand and it has been a busy day, we went to breakfast at Macca's then we went on the cable car which was awesome took a bunch of photos, after that we went to the ship museum which was double awesome because it was free and have to say loved it well worth the visit.

After the museum we wondered around the town of Wellington for a bit then ended up at the Portrait Gallery which was also free. Today we tried to do mostly free stuff the only one we paid for was the cable car but that was only $6 each return.............The cable car goes up 610 metres.

Tim just dropped the laptop and stuffed up the cord so it isn't charging and it will die soon so I will wrap this up and will be able to read blogs again on Monday, as tomorrow it will be around 8pm when we get home..........


  1. That cable car looks scary...I don't Do well with heights. So cool that so many things were free.
    Blessings, Joanne

    1. It wasn't scary at all I don't do open heights but enclosed heights don't bother me........made me wonder what free stuff there maybe around home to see

  2. What a grand adventure this has been!

    1. Yes it has and now I am home and the work has started

  3. I've never even been near New Zealand. sandie

    1. It was a great place, loved it but glad to be home again

  4. Love finding free places to visit. they can have the best stuff at times.
    Plus it leaves more money for treats and souveniers.

    1. Yeah free stuff always a plus and I do like to buy

  5. i'm loving being on holiday with you


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