Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Happy Birthday "My Blain"

As everyone knows Wednesday is the day I go to the nursing home to see my nan but not today we just didn’t get there, we ran out of time. Why is that you wonder well my mum had to go out to my brother’s house and wait for the fridge repair man, he was to arrive somewhere between 9 and 11. He got there at 11.10am and it took him an hour to fix the freezer, yes I know I said fridge repair man but it was the freezer part that wasn’t working thankfully it was still under warranty.  We took Temika with us as mum was hoping that the guy would turn up early and we would still be able to get to the nursing home.

It has been a beautiful day so good that Jono & Kelli decided to let Blain have the day off school because it’s his birthday and take the boys to the beach, Jessica and Leo went along too and they had a great time by the look of the photos. Blain is now 7yrs old and he seemed to like what I got him which was a remote control car. 

 Tomorrow mum is hoping we get a chance to call in and see nan before we head up to Wakefield school for Dawson’s end of year thing, I will write more about that tomorrow along with photos of the day.


  1. Great photos of a family day at the beach.
    Happy birthday to Blain :)

  2. What fun! I hope Blain has a cracking good birthday~

  3. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Happy Birthday to Blain♡♡♡ Wonderful pictures at the beach☆☆☆ Haha, funny to see your famiy enjoying the sea while we are so cold here. It is one of the great things about blogging to feel the world (^_^)彡☆
    I AM also the one not having visitig you for a while; lovely to have youe visit♬♬♬

    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  4. I love the beach pictures! Make me wish I was there considering it's 20 something outside right now. Love the memories you captured.

  5. What a fun way to spend a birthday! Many happy returns to him!

  6. Lovely happy photos of a day at the beach. Wonderful ! Happy birthday to Blain.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Good thing I stopped by to get warm. Our temps in Virginia definitely aren't conducive to lying on the beach!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog post of the 1513 Christmas Eve letter. Like you, in my youth I was very much a letter writer. Most of my life I did it in longhand, but now my fingers are glad for the computer.

    Have a warm weekend...
    Ann Best’s Blog


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