Wednesday 14 June 2023

Aussie Slang old and current

 Damn my feet are cold this morning, I will be pleased when Tasha puts some socks on my feet, anyway here are some more old Aussie slang words, words that are rarely used now days, if at all.

Back of Bourke......a very long way away

Banana Bender......Someone from the state of Queensland.

Coathanger.......Sydney Harbour Bridge

Coldie........A beer

Corker.......Something excellent a


  1. Those sayings are not used much at all these days, the first one I've used a few times though Jo-Anne.

    1. I know I have said that myself often, the others are not heard much

  2. The only one I've heard of is corker. :)

  3. I've heard to word "corker" used here in the States, and it means basically the same thing.
    Blessings, Jo-Anne!

  4. I've not heard any of these; of course I'm not in Australia.

  5. Another vote for corker here. IDK that "coldie" will catch on here...


Parkinson's and Swollen Ankles

  Hello everyone, I had a rough night, but I have managed to get up as usual check emails and read some blogs. Now it is time for another po...