Friday, 23 June 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts

The end of the school week and it is raining and cold of course it is cold, anyway it is the day of Jo-Anne's thoughts and my thoughts this cold wet morning are about how conflicting advice from doctors can be so annoying.

Yesterday arvo I had a telehealth appointment as in a video appointment with my neurologist and I was telling her that the last week or so I feel like things are sliding backwards. When I told her that my GP had taken me off Sifrol as he did didn't think I needed to take both Sifrol and Madopar, well she disagrees and wants me to start retaking the Sifrol as she said the two work well together in some people and she thinks I am one of them. She also said she will send me a script for a longer acting version of Sifrol.

I know my GP was just doing what he thought was best as he said that both medications do the same thing, the neurologist said that they don't. So I may have to go and see my GP about a script, I don't know how long before the new longer acting script arrives, she didn't say whether she was snail mailing it or emailing or doing an escript.

I am sure I am not the only person who feels like doctors give conflicting advice each believing they are right. Which is so frustrating to the patient and in the end we often have no bloody idea who is right and who isn't. So we carry on through life hoping our doctors know what the hell they are talking about.


  1. That is frustrating. I've encountered that as well. Bottom line, we are the ones that have to decipher who we believe has the best information for ourselves. Crazy, they should all be on the same page when it comes to medication. How about researching the medications online for yourself?

    1. I often do that Google the medication to learn more about it, it is a frustrating part of life

  2. Good luck with it then Jo-Anne, it's not good when Doctors do that, then the Chemist throws his tuppence worth in as well sometimes...don't know where we are.

  3. Yes, I find I have to go by my own body reactions. If you go back to taking both and feel better, then that tells you something. A neurologist is a specialist, and they should know medications related to their specialty more than a general doctor. But you are the only one who knows how you feel...better or worse. :)

    1. I agree, I will be seeing how going back on the Sifrol makes me feel

  4. I do hate it when medical professionals have different takes on a situation. What are we supposed to do? Other than trust how we feel when taking the medication.

  5. And throw in insurance, pharmacies, it can be a real headache.

    1. Yeah a bloody headache is a regular occurrence for me it seems now days


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