Sunday, 26 February 2023

WEEK 8 OF 2023

Sunday again I woke at 4.50am to pee and decided to stay up, it is nice an cool at this time of the day.

By 1pm I had to turn the air con on as I was drenched in sweat again.

Monday is here and I am up washed and ready for the day, in for another hot day.

Sandy came over to take a phone call in private, as in away from Ed.

I went to the podiatrist and my feet are good.

Upset Jess as I forgot she is working tonight ans so she was sleeping when Tim rang her to go meet Sam's transport.


An early start up at 5.10 after the 5am news as my body was shaking too much to settle. We are in for another bloody hot day.

Tim off to yet another doctors appointment this one with our GP, as soon as he left I turned the air con.

This afternoon while waiting for Tasha I managed to change the bottom half of my clothes granted it took me 10 minutes to do so but still I did it.


Up at 5.10am again same reason as yesterday. Going to be a much cooler day today.

Pissing down rain when it was time to leave taking our last umbrella.

Sandy dropped in to give me postage stamps and to use the loo

Tim at last has at last been able to reset the pin on his computer so he is happy now.

A new day is here no rain this morning, hope it stays that way.

Took Sam up the front not long before it pissed down rain. Sandy had just turned up to get some forms I printed out for her. Turned out fine no more rain today.

Friday again and again I was up at 5.10am needing to pee. I have to wake Tim at 7.30am, he has more medical appointments.

Well Tim needs surgery on his elbow before they will operate on his wrist, not sure how long before that happens.

There was a blow up between Tim and the girls because they said he was told stuff that he can't remember but I also don't remember being told so I maybe we were not told.

I will need to talk to the girls about helping me after Tim's operations as he will not be able to use his right arm for a few weeks.

Up at 5.20am opened the house up and had breakfast before ringing Tasha. I needed to check that she didn't need her dad's help this morning.

Had a good talk to her about yesterday's carry on with Tim and Jess. I explained that we were not told about needing to take Sam to an appointment next Friday despite what Jess is saying. I also pointed out that Jess work schedule changes often and us checking that she is off or working is normal.

Kathy & Syd came over so I had a good shower and Kathy vacuumed while Syd cut up and divided my fruit for the week.


  1. Memory gets worse as we get older. I used to get so mad when my memory was questioned; nowadays, I figure it's 50/50 my fault and try to roll with it.

  2. Kids just say what they think even if they are adults talking to their parents. It makes a person mad.

  3. Chris......So true and I feel the same

    Katie.......Yes it does


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