Tuesday, 21 February 2023



Hello everyone this week I am starting a reference book called World's Most Freaky by Elizabeth Ginis and is published by Australian Geographic in 2019. This book belonged to my grandson Sam aka Leo and he gave it to me to use for my “online thingy” aka my blog.

The book covers Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania, North America and South America

Within the animal kingdom there's no shortage of creatures that have evolved specialised bodies and techniques for killing their prey or defending their territory. Understanding these animals is the most important step in conserving these species for the future.

Our first creature is the Proboscis Monkey no other primate has such a large, fleshy, dangling nose as the male proboscis monkey. It's believed the nose helps increase the volume of their call, impressing females and intimidating rivals.

They have evolved webbed feet and hands to swim quickly a great help when evading the crocodiles that lurk in the rivers of their native Borneo.

Enthusiastic swimmers, both male and female are often seen launching themselves from trees to belly-flop into water below.

They are unable to eat ripe fruit as the sugar ferments and expands in their bellies causing them to bloat which can be deadly. They eat unripe fruit as well as leaves and seeds.

Habitat destruction throughout Borneo means this big-nosed primate is endangered.


  1. OMG, he's adorable. His nose gives him more of a human-like face. Looks like Jimmy Durante. If you don't know who this is, just google him. He was an American comedian back in the golden age of Hollywood and was known for his prominent nose.

  2. His nose is impressive! His face is very expressive, it would be fun to have a nice chat with him!!

  3. I've seen them many times, but that expression is priceless!

  4. I have seen these on nature shows. Comical looking characters! :)

  5. He is so cute. I do love his nose.

  6. That's very nice of Leo to lend you his book.
    Love monkey's to look at.

  7. My gosh, he is the oddest looking animal I have ever seen!

  8. Oh my gosh.....our odd yet cute that little fellow is.

  9. Debby................Yeah I know who Jimmy Durante is or should that be was since he died way back when

    Kathy.....Yeah I get that

    Chris.....It is priceless

    Rita.......That they are

    Chatty.....He is isn't he

    Margaret......Yes I am blessed to have Leo

    Katie.......Odd for sure

    Pam......Yes he is


New post at Radom Stuff

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