Sunday, 5 December 2021


 Had another good night, I remember Tim asking me if I wanted to go to the toilet when he came to bed and me saying no. I do not know why I said no but I did.

Woke to the sound of rain again. I have only berries in way of fruit and I can't eat berries without apple or grapes or a mandarin. So no fruit for me this morning.

Kathy came and showered me.

Because it is raining I decided not go shopping also our groceries will be delivered between 10-11am. I don't want to go to a crowded shopping centre because it is difficult to manoeuvre the scooter.


Managed to sleep till 5am, Tasha came down without me needing to ring her, another cool wet day. Tasha started cleaning out the laundry cupboard. It now has more room as we tossed out a lot of old unused stuff.

Kelli came and cleaned off the dining room table and placed my Christmas snow globes on it. She also hung my family wreath for me, in a place that I can now leave it 24/7.


Monday again and out of bed at 4.45am I was having my morning wash when I heard Tasha arrive.

A cool dry start to the day, no rain all day.

While watching telly I saw Kelli's dog trying to get over the fence again, so I rang Jono and let him know.


Slept well woke at 4.45,up washed and dressed another cool dry morning.

My arms are very sore had Tim rub ice gel into them for small relief.

Wrote a list of overseas penpal addresses ready for Christmas card, which I must do this week.


A new day has began I was awake and up around 4.30am. Tash turned up without me calling her.

Had a doctors appointment for my care plan review and scripts all went well, except I stumbled and nearly fell while walking to the nurses room.

Other then that another run of the mill day.


Damn I woke up early 3am, I got up and peed then back to bed but unable to go back to sleep. I dosed on and off till 4.30 when I got up.

My left knee is super painful stinging something awful. Paracetamol does shit when it's like this.

Kelli came over with Jess to ask me about Christmas Day as in what I am doing, answer spending it here with my girls.

While she was here Tash arrived to settle me down for the night and they started talking about Christmas lunch.


Slept well woke at 4.30 up at 4.45am washed and dressed for the day.

A hot day, hot enough for air con.

Did the grocery shop, read some blogs and found some more Christmas cards and that's about all,no motivation to do anything else.

Kelli putting me to bed.



  1. 4:30 is so early to be getting out of bed regularly, I'd be exhausted by mid day.

  2. Not a bad week, by standards. Need to tie some weights to that dog, lol!

  3. KAren............It is



Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....