Saturday, 18 December 2021



Had a decent nights sleep, woke at 3.30 to pee, did that and went back to bed till 4.30.

Tasha on the warpath about dishwasher not being unpacked and dirty dishes everywhere.

Blain's 16th birthday. I sent him a birthday message.

At 10.20 I tripped coming in the back sliding door and fell over hitting my head on the dining room table. Blain was here and I was going to get his birthday present. No blood just a sore head.


Had a restless night but I am feeling ok.

My left upper arm is extremely sore, I suspect from falling on it. I am wearing the shoulder brace.

This afternoon I did some online Christmas shopping at Big W for Tasha to pick up on Wednesday.

13-12-21Had a restless night but I am feeling ok.

My left upper arm is extremely sore, I suspect from falling on it. I am wearing the shoulder brace.

This afternoon I did some online Christmas shopping at Big W for Tasha to pick up on Wednesday.


Woke at 4.15 and started shaking all over bad enough for me to get up.

Tim drove me to Xray place had Xray and ultrasound done. I was 35 minutes early but got straight in and was home 15 minutes before appointment time.

My left arm is very painful. I also now have a black eye and a bruised head.

I feel like shit this afternoon.


Awake and up at 4.30, I had just started my wash when Tasha arrived to shower me.

My black eye is more noticeable today.

Kelli picked up my click & collect order from Sandy where Dave took it at lunch as Tash forgot about it.

Been a bloody hot day.


Woke at 4.30 thought I would just lay there for a bit but after only a few minutes my whole body started shaking, so I got up at 4.35am.

By the time Tash arrived at 4.55 I was washed and drenched in sweat.

Kelli took me shopping at Hot Bargain she pushed me in my wheelchair as there is no room to take the scooter in.

When we went back to the car it started to rain heavy, we all got pretty wet.


A latter start didn't wake till 5am.

First day of school holidays, so no need to wake Leo which is why his mum didn't before she left for work. No idea what work she is doing but she will be home by 10am.

Kelli came over this arvo and we wrapped and bagged more Chrissy. After that I had a bath and laid down and listened to a book.

Been another hot day.

Jess had to go and finish her days work at 5pm, she will be home by 8pm.



  1. Sorry to hear you had a fall. Glad nothing broken. Take care.

  2. I wish you better health and a really good night's sleep.

  3. Oh no! Falls are what we do not need. Be careful.

  4. I wondered how you got that lovely shiner. Glad it wasn't more serious, though at our age any fall is serious. One of the first things the doc's office always asks is, "Have you fallen in the last 30 days?" Happy birthday, Blain!

  5. Diane.............I am trying to take care

    Karen.......Thank you

    Debby.......Nope I can do without a fall

    Chris........Falling is not fun but I'm ok


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....