Sunday, 26 December 2021


 A late start to the day, didn't wake till 6.10am. No Kathy today she was a close contact of a positive Covid case, so needs to isolate until she gets a negative result.

A stinking hot day.

Tim received a $100 gift voucher for Coles as a reward for 10yrs service at work, along with a 10yr badge. So he went to Coles and did some shopping.


Had a horrible nights sleep I feel like I spent more time awake then asleep. I was up at 4.30am, it was already bloody hot.

Managed to write another letter although half way through it I had to get Tasha to rub deep heat into my left arm.


Slept well more or less, woke at 4.50 when Tim pushed me because I was laying in the middle of the bed.

Much cooler this morning but by 9am it is stinking hot again.

My left arm is sore when I use it to type.


Awake at 4.30 and up washed and ready for the day, gonna be another hot one.

Tried to vacuum the lounge room but the vacuum cleaner must need emptying so it's a half ass job. So asked Kelli if she would bring her vacuum down and run it over the floor which she did.

Been stinking hot even with the air con going. Decided to have a cool shower before I go to bed.


A bloody early start,woke at 3.20 hot and unable to settle, tossed and turned kinda till 4.30 when I got up.

I opened both sliding doors to cool the house down. I also turned the air con in Tim's office and opened Leo's door to cool his room down.

Kathy is back at work she got a phone call telling her to go back to work. This is good and not so good news, as she was expecting to be off till the 29th.

Sandy wasn't able to take me to the cemetery but Kelli will take me tomorrow.


Another warm night and early start to the day.

Jono's birthday he is 34 sent him a birthday text at 5.30am.

Kelli drove me to visit Mum & Dad, Sue met us there.

Had some rain but not much.

Kelli putting me to bed as Tash is super stressed, after going shopping.

Going too have a shower on my own to wash the sweat off, this I can do kinda.


Slept in till 5am, not as hot this morning.

Kelli drove me to Dave's for a siblings lunch. I took some grog and of course gifts for the family.

Kelli said she will pick me up when I am ready to come home.



I am having a shit morning, woke with stiff arms. I made the mistake of ringing Tasha. She went off yelling and slamming stuff and going off about Tim not helping.

Tim got up in a depressed mood because of Tasha, this upset me.

Lunch was great the food was delicious, Tasha & Kelli did a bloody great job.

I received some great gifts, a new blender, a skirt and top, sleepers for my ears, body creams and wash.



  1. I'm sorry it's so hot and uncomfortable for you, but I wish you a Merry Christmas! I treasure you.


  2. Merry Christmas! I hope it cools off for you. :)

  3. Saw that you made quite a nice haul for Christmas, good on Tim for ten years. And I totally get the "good/not so good" of days off right now.

  4. The weather is unseasonable everywhere, I think. I am wishing for some warm days to complete the packing up of my gardens items. Still not as well as I would like to me, moving slower, but with determination to get it done! Wishing you a cool breeze!

  5. Janie........Still sweating here even though it's not hot

    Sandi........Thank you

    Rita...........It's much cooler today

    Chris.......Yeah I did ok gift wise

    Kathy.......There is a cool breeze this morning


  6. Glad the girls cooked a god meal and you got some lovely gifts. Hope it cools down soon.


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

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