Sunday, 12 December 2021


 Up and waiting for Kathy at 4.30 she arrived at 6.30. I had breakfast at 5.30. So all Kathy had to do wash shower and dress me. She also did my fruit and vacuumed lounge-room floor.


Sunday here and a dry fine morning it is, I have been awake more or less since 3am, up since 4.20am.

Read some blogs then turned to doing Christmas cards managed to do 6 before the pain got to bad and I packed it in

Also answered a couple of letters


Had another good night awake and up at 4.30 again.

I had Tasha cut the sleeves out of the tee shirt I'm wearing, much better.

Wrote another letter and did 4 more Christmas cards.

Kelli came and wrapped Mrs Claus which we will deliver maybe tomorrow.


Slept in till 5am don't think I woke at all last night.

Kathy told me that there is a state wide teachers strike, so Leo isn't going to school.

Kelli & Freya drove me around to drop off Mrs Claus gifts, as well as Leigh's birthday gift, it took a couple of hours.

I'm in a lot of pain.


Tim woke me at 2am to pee, after that it was difficult to get back to sleep but I did till 4.55am when I got up.

A good morning managed a few more Christmas cards.

Kelli putting me to bed, Tasha had to go out and was stuck in traffic.


A good start to the day, up dressed and fed by 5.30am.

There are workmen at Mrs G's aka NO:10 taking out her vertical blinds and bathroom vanity. As place has to look like it did when she moved in.

Went with Jess & Kelli to Jesmond just for the drive. Kelli had a click & collect order to pick up.

Jess picked up a bed base for Leo with Kelli's help.


Another has arrived, I was up washed, dressed & fed by 5.35 again.

Sandy came over for a visit it was great seeing her. Kelli & Freya came over while Sandy was here.

Sandra reminded me that there is a Christmas Eve lunch at Dave's. I had forgotten all about it.

Kelli putting me to bed.


Woke at 5am, Kathy arrived at 6.30am showered me and help get my breakfast.

After reading some blogs I started on Christmas cards till I ran out of cards. Kelli came and help.



  1. I'm sorry you're still in a lot of pain but it sounds like you're sleeping better and getting a lot accomplished with your cards and letters.

  2. A relatively uneventful week, for which we thank God.

  3. Karen...........Thank you, I am

    Chris..........That we are


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....