Wednesday, 20 October 2021



Goodbye, Granddad

Sarah Harrison©  More By Sarah Harrison

Published: September 2009

Heaven has received another angel,
The night sky another star.
Your life has become a loving memory.
I know you will never be far.

I know you are watching over me
As my life goes on.
I will treasure the memories I have of you.
I can't believe you're gone.

You were a loving, caring granddad.
You were there for me a lot.
You will always hold a place in my heart,
A loving, treasured spot.

You were really one in a million,
A cut above the rest.
All who knew you would agree.
You simply were the best.

So, Granddad, I will say goodbye.
I love and miss you with all my heart,
But as long as I have my loving memories,
We will never be too far apart.


Hi, my name is Sarah. I am 24 years old, and I lost my granddad on July 26, 2007, to cancer. Growing up, I wasn't really as close to my granddad as I was to my Nan, but over the last few years I did get really close to him. He only found out he had cancer about 10 weeks before he went, and my Nan spent the last 4 weeks of his life looking after him because she wouldn't allow him to go in hospice because he wouldn't have wanted to. The cancer robbed him of his pride and dignity then eventually his life. He just seemed to give up when he was fitted with a colostomy bag. He told me the day before he went that he was ready. I believe I am truly blessed to have had him in my family.


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