Tuesday, 11 April 2017


Hi all on Lauren's blog I came across this post:

I liked the questions and copied some of them which I will use as blog post, starting with this post on nicknames, if you don't already follow Lauren you should she is amazing but that is just my humble opinion. Go visit and decide for yourself.

So today's question is about nicknames, do you have one or had one in the past but no more, please tell me. I don't have a nickname and have never had a nickname.

According to freedictionary.com a nickname is:
1: A descriptive name added to or replacing the actual name of a person or place or thing.
2: A familiar or shortened form of a proper name

So using those definitions I guess you could say being called Jo instead of Jo-Anne is a nickname, I however, have always thought of a nickname as described in number 1 like when I was a child the man acrossed the road was called “Vic” because he was from Victoria. My daughter Natasha has the nickname “Tinkerbell” I don't know why she just does.

I can't think of any nickname had by Tim, although I just asked him and he said when he drove trucks he had the nickname “knuckles” because when he was driving down some roads doing 110klmp's he would grip the steering wheel so tight his knuckles would turn white, I never knew that.

My dad when he was working was called “the little general” because he was bossy and short tempered, my sister had the nickname “Franky” I don't know why but I do know it was our brother in-law Mick who gave her the nickname.


  1. I had a nickname my dad called me when I was little. Now when I think of it, it makes me sad in a nostalgic way.

    1. Yeah my dad calls me Josephine he is the only person to do so as its not my name. I used to call my dad"Bay" when I was a young child, don't know why though

  2. My father used to call me "ButterBall" when I was a child because I was really skinny. I guess that was his sense of humour. Otherwise, no nickname for me as an adult!

    the critters in the cottage xo

    the critters in the cottage xo

  3. Hi, Jo-Anne!

    Coincidentally, my nickname is also “Tinkerbell” just saying... :)

    But seriously, I have been nicknamed "TEA" because my initials spell the name of the beverage, along with Tommy and Andy (short for "Anderson"). The name I most often go by is actually a nickname, too - Tom - which, of course, is short for Thomas.

    I hope your week is off to a fine start, dear friend Jo-Anne!

    1. My pop was called Tom it was his middle name his first name was Richard. I can see you as a Tinkerbell, lol

  4. Junebug or June or Junie--it started because a co-worker said I was like June Cleaver and would vacuum my house wearing a dress and high heels (not true). June became Junie, which became Junebug. That's why my blog name is Janie Junebug.


    1. Now that is interesting, can't imagine anyone vacuuming in a dress and high heels in real life that would just be strange

  5. No none of us have nicknames as none of us care for one.

    1. So I am getting from comments they are not as popular as some may think

  6. All four of the lovelies are known by their nicknames on my blog instead of their real names. Nicknames come in handy when blogging. :)

    1. Yes I agree, my girls all have a special name that I use for them

  7. Rick is a nickname. It's short for my real name Richard.

  8. Nancy sounds like my real Chinese name and it is easier to call, so my dad and friends starting calling me Nancy. One day, a school teacher why was everyone calling me Nancy and I just told her that it is easier to call me Nancy. My ex-colleagues called me Nan and some very close ones called me Nan Nan. Have a beautiful day, Jo-Anne!

    1. So Nancy isn't your real name, would have never guessed that

  9. Yes I do, as a child my Dad always called me Lindylou as a term of affection, the Mac got added via my married surname.

  10. Nicknames given by others are more special as long as they are not mean. My nickname for my little sister was DeeDoe the rat.

    1. I agree names that are special and created from love are good


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