Friday, 30 September 2016

At Last A Break Away In The Caravan

Hello everyone here I am starting a post on Saturday no hang on it is Friday not Saturday why do I think it is Saturday well because I am away on a short break we are at the Forest Holiday Park which as you may guess is in Foster. We arrived her yesterday afternoon and guess what it was raining in fact by 3.30pm it was pissing down.

Forster is a 3 hour drive north of where we live yes we have at last managed to get away in our caravan, and the first thing we did after Tim set the van up was go to the shops to get things such as a broom drinking glasses and a TV also got a clock for the van.

This morning we have to go the shops again for more things we need such as a kettle, washing up things and some things Tim want.

Our first night was good we both slept on but you know what at 3am yes bloody 3am my alarm went off and I had to get up to turn it off, that is your fault Natasha, the 3am alarm is for her when she works anyway because I was up I pulled on some long pants slipped on my slippers and went to the toilet, it was fine not raining hadn't rained in a while as the ground was dry. Thankfully we are located close to the amenities block only a short work thing 30 seconds so when I say close I mean close.

This park has free wifi but only 100mb but that is enough for me to post a blog post check Facebook and such I am not going to be online the whole time, other things to do.

Oh yeah last night Tim said he was glad we went and bought a telly as if he didn't have it he would be bored, I of course wouldn't be but I am a reader and when I have a book I am not bored. Although what is with Tim leaving the door and windows open it is pretty damn cold here at the moment I am sure it may warm up but right now it is cold.

One thing I am finding slightly annoying is that the seats at the table are either too low or the table is too high, I am coping but it is annoying. Remember I am on 4' 11” tall or should that read

Took a while to get the fridge working Tim had it set wrong and he went to check how much water was in the tank and he can't get the tank open which is annoy at the moment there is water in the tank but we will need to add to it at some point.

Ok that is all from me for this Friday morning.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

NSW Police History Pt 2

Here we are at part two of my history of New South Wales Police Force we start at 1894 when as a result of the Bridge Street Affray saw a number of the Police in Sydney were injured while attempting to arrest a group of safe-breakers, subsequently saw Parliament pass legislation allowing members of the New South Wales Police Force to carry firearms and they have carried them ever since.

The following year the Police Band was formed and it continues to perform and entertain throughout the state just thought I would throw that in here. It will be 1933 when the Police Choir will be formed.

Let us move forward a bit to 1903 which saw the Fingerprint Section being formed, it became the Central Fingerprint Bureau of Australia in 1941 maintaining a nationwide manual collection of fingerprints and criminal records right up till 1986 when it reverted to a state-based role. It now forms part of the Forensic Services Group.

1906 saw the Police Headquarters relocate to the corner of Phillip and Hunter Streets in Sydney and the Police Depot was relocated from the inner city to Redfern in 1907 and the Mounted Police have been located there ever since. Between 1953-1984 it was the main centre for education and training in its role as the first Police Training Centre and later the Police Academy.

1911 was the year, the first Police Prosecutors were appointed to the Force and appeared in the courts

The first motor vehicle was bought by the NSW Police Force in 1912 it was a Sunbeam roadster and was for the exclusive use of the Inspector General the following year a Douglas motorcycle was bought and commenced special traffic duties and in 1915 a Renault was modified for use as a motorised patrol van.

1915 was also the year that Lillian Armfield and Maude Rhodes were appointed as Special Constables and became the first women in the NSW Police Force, they were not allowed to wear a uniform or to carry firearms though. It would be 1948 before women were allowed to wear a uniform and not till 1965 before they were sworn in as Constables like male offices and not till 1979 before they were routinely allowed to carry firearms.
Members of the Force who volunteered to serve in the Great War were commemorated on the Honour Roll at the Sydney Police Centre and on the Wall of Remembrance at the Police Chapel in Goulburn. The war saw the first major change to the uniform with the military style cap replacing the kepi the military style cap is still in use today.

In 1924 the use of wireless with morse code was introduced as the means of communication in a number of the police vehicles the main wireless station in Sydney became known by the call sign VKG in 1927 and by 1928 all police stations were linked to the telephone network.
1925 saw the Public Safety Bureau being formed within the Traffic Branch, this later became the Highway Patrol and had the responsibility for all traffic law enforcement.
Between 1927 and 1929 saw the so called Razor Gang Wars rage in Sydney with criminals using the straight (cut throat) razor as their weapon of choice. It was in 1929 that the Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB) was formed from the existing Detective Branch, today it is known as the State Crime Command.
In 1933 the first Police Cadets commenced training and were sworn in as Police Officers three years later in 1936 the system of Police Cadets continued until 1980.

In 1933 the Police Association funded the original Honour Roll for Police Officers who lost their lives in the line of duty, it was installed at Police Headquarters.
The first Police Citizens Boys Club was established at Woolloomooloo in 1937, this later became known as the Police and Community Youth Clubs (PCYC) and continues to this day, it was also in 1937 that radio started to replace morse code as the main form of communication.
In 1938, the NSW Police RSL sub-branch was formed to cater for returned servicemen from the Great War and of course the following year saw the Second World War and policing declared a reserved occupation as a result not many serving police officers were released for military duties. Those who did serve were commemorated on the Honour Rolls at the Sydney Police Centre and on the Wall of Remembrance at the Police Chapel in Goulburn. The threat of invasion from the Japanese saw the police undertake many internal security roles in the community and trained with rifles and bayonets.

The Police Cliff Rescue Squad was formed in 1942 it is now known as the Rescue and Bomb Disposal Unit it has a permanent base at Zetland and a number of part time units around the state including in the Hunter region where I live, I often see the Police Rescue truck around these parts.
That will do it for part two today more will follower next week, don't want the post to be too long and boring.

Monday, 26 September 2016

My Saturday and Sunday but Mostly My Saturday

Three times yesterday I sat to write a post and each time I was interrupted and never got around to doing a post so here I am on Monday morning at last doing a post. Some of this I wrote yesterday some of it I have written today.

Do you get bored, I don't yesterday (Saturday) when I got up all was good but between the time it took me to get dressed go to the loo an head out to the kitchen we lost power, Leo was here with me and asked if the neighbours had power I said I didn't know he said he would go find out, so he went over and asked Kevin if he had power, he didn't then he went up the driveway and asked a few other neighbours some had power some didn't have power. So Kevin checked the fuse/power box and he could tell that some of the units had power some didn't, so he went and rang the Dept of Housing who said they would report the loss of power to Ausgrid and someone would be out to check out what was going on between the time he rang which was 8am and 4pm.

So Jessica gets here at 8.30 to get Leo and she said to me what are you going to do with no power how bored are you going to be, I said I don't get bored and would be fine and I was I wrote by hand a letter to an overseas pen pal and then read all the letters I had here from pen pals about 6 letters then I was able to use the laptop and write out a letter ready to be printed when the power came back on also d id a few other things. At 1.35 I thought well now what maybe I will have a nap while I wait for power to come back on but at 1.45 the power came back on and all was good, so didn't fet bored at all.

Leo said when we had no power why did we have to need power to watch TV and use the internet, I said because we do it is just the way it is, he said well what I am going to do, I said ride your bike do your Lego, draw he looks at me and said yeah I will go and do some Lego but 20 minutes later his mum was here to get him so he was happy to go home which is rare he usually doesn't want to leave when she gets here.

I was speaking to mum about how Leo was and how Jessica thought I would be bored and she said it is because we grew up in a time that didn't have electronic devices that entertained us that we are able to find things to do to keep us busy and entertained when there is no power. She may be onto something.

Natasha turned up to have a shower at 1.15 and said could I do a load of washing for her, I said I would when the power comes back on then she said bugga, followed by do we have hot water of course we had hot water so she had a shower then left again.

Speaking of Natasha we don't see a lot of her lately since she met a new man Steve who she says is not her boyfriend he is just a friend she has sex with at times but she is spending all her free time with him, Natasha is one of those people who when there is a new man in her life everyone and everything else falls by the way side, including at times her son although she doesn't see it or think it but that is how it seems to others which should say something.

Now I don't care if she wants to spend all her time with this guy if Blain is at school or at his fathers but when he is home here she needs to be spending some one on one time with Blain as he gets jealous if she isn't spending much time with her.

Today (Monday) I am going to watch my granddaughters while their mum does something, I asked her if she will drive me to Lake Fair as Tim to the car to work and I have to go out and do a few things for mum it is annoying that he took the car as it is fine not wet or cold so he could have taken his bike I wouldn't care if I didn't need to go out.

Well that is enough ramblings for this post until next time stay happy and enjoy life.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

32 Years

On this day 32 years ago at 4pm well it was after 4 pm as I was 10 minutes late to the church, I became Mrs Meadows wife of Tim and have to say I am lucky that after 32 years I still love Tim, I am still happy with him and my life.

Yes we have had our ups and downs as all couples have but we have had more good times then bad times.

I don't remember a lot about my wedding I know it is strange but the wedding its self wasn't as important to me as being married to Tim at the reception after the wedding I was busy talking to people and having photos taken with different ones.

I do remember Tim making a speech saying how lucky he was to have meet me and that I agreed to be his wife and he told my dad that he would always take care of me, which he has done. 

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

History of New South Wales Police Pt 1

Today I am going to talk a little about the police force here in New South Wales which is of course the state of Australia that I live in and have always lived in, why this topic today well I am sitting here watching the TV show Cops so thought I would find out a bit about the cops of NSW.

Over the next few weeks I will talk about the New South Wales Police Force during the ages starting at the start of course.

The NSW Police Force is one of the largest police organisations in the English speaking world, not it the whole world as some (Tim) thought, common sense told me that would be the case as China has a bloody large police force, just saying.

NSW Police Force began as the first civilian police force in Australia, it was known as the Night Watch and was formed by Governor Phillip way back in 1789 to guard Sydney Town. It was in 1862 that all Watch Teams were combined under the Police Regulation Act of 1862 to form the NSW Police Force, that act was replaced in 1899.

When the first fleet arrived in Sydney Cove in 1788, the job of policing the colony was in the hands of the Royal Navy Marines, however, the Marines didn't desire the job and so Governor Phillip soon appointed John Smith a free settler to the position of Constable, even though he didn't remain in the office long he was the first recorded police officer in Australia.

The following year the Night Watch and the Row Boat Guard was appointed by the governor, these men were drawn from the ranks of the best behaved convicts. In 1790 the Night Watch was replaced by the Sydney Foot Police and continued as an organised force till 1862 with the amalgamation of the NSW colonial police forces. The Row Boat Guard was both an independent Water Police and part of the Sydney Police and was the forerunner of what is now known as the Marine Area Command.

Initially in rural areas police officers were appointed by the local Justices of the Peace and became known as Bench Police Officers or “benchers”.

It was in 1825 that the Military Mounted Police were formed following clashes between Aboriginals and settlers but they were disbanded in 1850 in favour of a civilian Mounted Police, also known as the Mounted Road Patrol, they were the forerunners of today's Mounted Police.

There were other colonial police forces including the Board Police which was around between 1939-1846 and there was the Mounted Native Police which was around between 1848-1859 these various mounted troopers were colloquially known as “traps”.

It was in 1850 that the Parliament in Sydney legislated to amalgamate all the various colonial police forces into one force under the superintendence of and Inspector General of Police. A solicitor by the name of William Spain was appointed as the first Inspector General.

After the discovery of gold the Gold Escort was formed in 1851, it was also in that year that the Parliament in London disallowed the 1850 colonial legislation to amalgamate colonial police forces. This meant the various forces remaining as separate entities, it was during this period that police from the United Kingdom were offered free passage to NSW in return for three years service as colonial police. It was also during these years that saw the rise of bushrangers.

In 1862 there were riots on the Goldfields at Lambing Flat and the military had to be deployed to restore peace this lead to a new push for more effective policing in the colony. Also in 1862 the Police Regulation Act was passed by the colonial Parliament and on the 1st March 1862 all existing police forces were amalgamated to establish the NSW Police Force under former Army Captain John McLerie as Inspector General.

The Police Force had its headquarters in Phillip Street Sydney, and the colony was divided into districts and sub-districts at the time there were 800 Policemen at the ranks of Superintendent, Inspector, Sub-Inspector, Sergeant, Senior Constable and Constable. The Force was divided into Foot Police, Mounted Police, Water Police and a Detective Force.

Police in Sydney at the time were not routinely armed although they had access to firearms from the Police Depot, however, police in country areas did carry firearms.


Monday, 19 September 2016

Jo-Anne Not Joanne Just Saying

Hello everyone, as all of you know my name is Jo-Anne but how many of you if any know anything about the name Jo-Anne or Joanne so I thought I would tell you a little I have found out about the name. It is ranked 251 on a list of most used names and there is about 2382100 people in the world with the name, it is said to mean God is gracious it is of Hebrew origin and seems to be a popular name for girls.
There are a number of different spellings of the name such as Joann, JoAnn, Johanne, Joanne, and Jo-Anne which is how I spell it , I am particular and the name has to be hyphenated with a capital J and A.
It is considered a variant of Joanna, although in modern English the name is often a compound of the two names Jo and Anna thus why we get the spellings of JoAnne, Jo-Anne or Jo Anne, however, the original name Joanna in ancient Greek and Latin is a single unit name, not a compound. The name Anne or Anna means grace or to be gracious.
The name was very popular during the 1960's and 1970's when it was often among the top 10 names for girls, however, by the 1980's it had fallen out of the top 10 and by 1994 it wasn't even in the top 100. When I was at school in year 6 there were 6 girls in my class with the name Joanne although I was the only one who spelt it Jo-Anne so I felt I stood out and was a little different.
I like my name, and my eldest granddaughter has the name Joanne as her middle name yes she was named after me. I was named after my great-grandmother who was Mary Anne but mum didn't want to call me Mary she liked the name Jo so I was named Jo-Anne, a name I have always liked unlike some people who I know who have at times not liked their name.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

A Little About My Cyst

Hi everyone as pretty much everyone knows I don't blog between Friday and Monday much, although yesterday I managed to read around 30 odd blog posts and of course comment on those blogs I am one if I visit you I comment even if the comment is only saying that I was there.

Anyway yesterday I went over to the Dr's surgery and asked if I could have a copy of the CT Scan report and yeah no problem Sonia the receptionist printed it out for me no problem. So now I can tell all what type of cyst I have.

The report says there is a questionable a arachnoid cyst within the posterior fossa adjacent to the sigmoid sinus. So of course when I read that I turned to Dr Google to see what that meant I could find out.

What I found out was this: Arachnoid cysts are cerebrospinal fluid-filled sacs that are located between the brain or spinal cord and the arachnoid membrane, one of the three membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord

Arachnoid cysts that are not congenital, but develop later in life, are called secondary arachnoid cysts. This would be what I have as I had a brain scan way back in the 90's and it wasn't there then.

Non-congenital arachnoid cysts in both children and adults can have several causes. These include trauma or injury to the head, meningitis, and tumors. They may also occur as a reaction to brain surgery. Arachnoid cysts are most common in children.

They don't usually have symptoms and most people don't realise they have one until they say have a scan for a different reason, such as me mine was see if there was a cause for the terrible headaches I am getting each and every day.

If the cyst grows large enough or starts pressing on nerves and sensitive areas in the brain the sufferer may get some symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, seizures, problems with balance and walking, problems with seeing and hearing feeling lethargic as well as other neurological problems.

An arachnoid cyst with no symptoms or other complications may not be treated. A doctor will monitor the cyst over time to watch for growth or changes in the cyst. Which is why I have to have another CT Scan in 12 months time.

If the cyst is symptomatic, removal is common although cysts in the brain may not be taken out with surgery because of the risks.
Instead one of two procedures will be used. The first involves a small incision near the cyst and insertion of an endoscope with a small camera on the end. The endoscope is used to gently open the cyst, allowing the fluid to drain. The fluid will mix in with the cerebrospinal fluid and redistribute through the body. This procedure is called Fenestration. The other procedure includes putting a small tube or catheter into the cyst allowing the fluid to drain to another part of the body like the belly.
The cyst needs to be monitored but generally the affected person should be able to enjoy a normal life with the cyst, however, if the cyst isn't monitored and starts to bleed or grow rapidly there could be permanent neurological damage, so it needs to be checked regularly to make sure those things are not happening.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

I have a brain and Denni is 4

I have a brain, yes it is there, well that is what the doctor told me today when I saw him, he did say I have some kinda cyst he did give it a name but for the love of me I can't remember what he said. I have to go back next week so I will ask him to print out the report from the radiologist so I can tell Tim and anyone else who cares.

I had to have another Xray done today of my left shoulder as I have had a lot of pain in it the last week or so I said I thought I must had slept wrong but he said to have an Xray anyway to make sure I haven't done anything bad to it. So when I go back and get the results I will ask him for a print out of the results of the scan and the Xray.

Blain is home he went to school yesterday and was back here last night, both yesterday and this afternoon he walked home from school it is much better for me with him walking home from school. I like the fact that I can be there when Leo gets out, what I don't like is that Leo always wants to come back here after school and most days Blain doesn't want him around and will go off to his mates and leave Leo here.

Natasha has had a fair bit of work this week, today she was suppose to be off but they rang this morning and wanted her to go do a job this is ok but also annoying when she had already made other plans for the day and had to change her plans. She loves the day work but it is annoying when she has to change her plans last minute as she has to work.

In other news 4 years ago today at Denni Jean was born at 9.46pm she was 6lb 5oz funny how here in Australia it has been metric for so long but when we talk about a baby's birth it is still pounds and ounces. Denni is the youngest daughter of my sister Sandra brother in-law Ed she has an older sister Temika 6 and older brother Zac 18, her best friend is Landon 4 who is also her cousin she calls him “My Landon”, she is the most adorable little girl.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Tired and Sick so Nothing Much Today

Good morning all it is another cool day here in Newie, I am not feeling well this morning started yesterday afternoon/evening just feeling tight in the chest and back and have a headache but I have headaches pretty much every day lately and for the last week or so, I have had pain in my left shoulder and neck area, I have to rub stuff into it for the pain at night in order to sleep.

Yesterday Jessica rang me to ask if I could take jump leads over so someone could jump start her car she left the interior light on over night and had a flat battery. She also wanted me to take Leo to bowling after school which I did because I do these things when I cannot get out of them, he does like bowling.

Blain is still at his fathers well he was yesterday, not sure about today as I haven't been told where he is at his dad's or at school, he has tonsillitis and has not been well he is on antibiotics for it, from what Natasha said his father was making out it was somehow her fault that Blain got sick, really, I don't think so these things happen.

Just had a property inspection to check the condition of the property, not a worry for me nothing wrong here, the guy checked the smoke detectors and looked in each room and left, the whole thing took less then 20 minutes.

When I went out this morning to take Leo to school, I left the letter about the inspection taped to the glass door saying that I had to take a child to school and would be back soon, thankfully he didn't turn up while I was out.

What gets me is that I am home I have the front sliding door open and still the guy went to the other door, makes one wonder do they not look, our wooden front door is out of use as the screen door is locked and we can't find the key but I am going to see if I can get Tim to change the lock on the screen door so we can start using the door again.

It isn't even 11am and I am so tired, I feel like I have been up for hours ok have been up for hours but still feeling this tired isn't the norm, some would say go have a nap but I don't want to do that.

Sorry I don't have much news today, I am just too tired and not with it enough to write about anything interesting.

Monday, 12 September 2016

The Last Post About Me, At Least For A While

As all know that I live in a suburb of Lake Macquarie in the state of New South Wales, which is on the east coast of Australia.

I was born at Western Suburbs Maternity hospital, as mentioned in the last post about me that we lived with my grandparents for a while before we moved to a Dept of housing place in Blacksmiths about 20 minutes from my grandparents mum and dad didn't really like living that far away from my grandparents and when I was

Education: Year 10 of high school, I left in 1979, in 1980 I did a secretarial course at Tafe but that was only because my best friend at the time thought about doing it and I went along with her and I got into the course and she didn't.

Siblings: Well I have 3 sisters and 1 brother all younger then me and as everyone should know we are all pretty close and see each other at least once a week

Hobbies: Reading, I love to read and I have a book in the car and I listen to an audio book while driving. I also love blogging as you all will know I like to read blog posts most days of the week usually around 30-40 blog posts a day but I do limit myself to only a couple of hours of blogging in the morning.

What I wanted to be when I grew up: A mother, yes that is what I wanted to do, I never had a job that I wanted to do all I knew was that I wanted to get married and have children and spend my time raising my children. This I achieved

Favourite Colour: Don't have one favourite colour, I like shades of purple and I like shades of pink and some shades of yellow so more then one colour.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

31 Today, Happy Birthday Precious

On this day 31 years ago, at 3.50am my beautiful, precious daughter Kathy-Lee was born weighing 5lb 13oz it was a Tuesday and after she was born all I wanted to do was sleep so her dad held her for a bloody long time and she spent the whole time looking at him into his eyes, this formed a strong bond between the two.

Kathy has always preferred her dad over me, there has been many times in her life that I felt she didn't need me or want me around. Kathy and I have clashed a lot over the years she stills says I kicked her out of home when she was 18, for the record I DID NOT. However, when she was 18 she started thinking about moving out of home and thus started applying for rental places one of which was her first flat in Charlestown.

She came with me to the property inspection she said she liked it and so I filled in the application form and handed it in for her and when she got it I spent the whole first day laying carpet in the kitchen/ lounge-room area, it wasn't new carpet it was an of cut bit I found in a bin at the back of a carpet store they did and at times still do toss out off cuts.

I also stayed there while her dad moved furniture in for her along with my parents and my sister Sue, thinking about it now was Tim there I think he was but not sure, not important I guess. I left when she got home from work, her first car was one that I had which I gave to her. I do not remember why she moved from that flat other then she wanted a change, but not important.

I remember when she was in 1st class at school I used to walk her to and from school most days and let her dad take the car to work, well this one day I pick her up and we get out the front of the school and she didn't want to walk home and threw a tantrum, I knelt and told her calmly we had to walk as I did not have a car she spat in my face, so what did I do I slapped her face. I then spent the rest of the day and next few days worrying that one of the other parents would report me to Docs ( Department of Children Services) for slapping her face, no one did and she never spat in my face again.

As a child she gave me a lot of worry because she acted like she hated her youngest sister Jessica she often threaten to kill Jessica and told me I couldn't always be there to protect Jessica so I could never leave the two of them alone. She often told Jessica she was adopted and not really part of the family.

Today they get on really well it only took 20 odd

A few years back sitting here in my lounge-room me and my girls were talking about how children will say they hate their mother or father and I said to Kathy how she would often tell me she hated me but I knew she didn't mean it and she doesn't hate me to which she replied “there are times when I really do hate you mother” that hurt it still hurts when I think about it she was no longer a child having a tantrum but a 26 year old mother herself.

As a mother Kathy rocks, she is amazing, she is one to interact with her children each and every day, she plays with her children to the point that for a while they didn't know how to play alone without mummy that has changed but often they still prefer mummy to play games with them and entertain and amuse them. This of course can be frustrating for Kathy when she wants them to amuse themselves while she cooks tea or does the laundry or other housework.

Kathy-Lee is in a serious long term relationship with Michael with who she has a daughter Summer, she is happy and Michael is a good man, he loves and treats her eldest daughter Sydney-May as his own daughter and Sydney-May loves Michael like a second daddy.

All in all her father and I are super proud of Kathy-Lee she has grown into a wonderful woman a loving and caring mother and daughter who is there for us when we need her, she has been helping me with my grocery shopping on Friday's do I need her help yes and no do I like her help yes, do I enjoy her company sure do. I also enjoy seeing Summer on the Friday.


Thursday, 8 September 2016

National Flag Day was a week ago, my bad

Does anyone know when the Australian National Flag Day is, no well it is  on the 3rd September, it commemorates the day in 1901 on which the Australian National Flag was first flown. On that day the Prime Minister Edmund Barton announced the winners of a competition to design a flag for Australia.

A large flag 5.5 by 11 metres was flown over the dome of the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne, it wasn't till the 28th August 1996 that the Governor-General of Australia, Sir William Dean issued a proclamation that officially established the 3rd of September as Australian National Flag Day, it is not a public holiday so most people do not even know we have a national flag day.

Many people would like to see our flag changed to something different, I am not one of them, I really don't see the point in changing the flag, some have said there should be a referendum like they had in New Zealand about changing the flag but since New Zealand voted on changing the flag and the vote decided to keep their flag as it is some now say if we had a vote they thing the majority would vote to keep the flag as is as well. 

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

What Happened To Tuesday

Hi all, what happened to Tuesday, stuffed if I know, after taking the boys to school I came home and read some blogs opened up a page to write a post got distracted then had to go to have a CT Scan of my brain, not to make sure it's there but to see if it showed a reason for all the bloody awful headaches I have been getting. Before the scan I went to the library so I left home at 11am and didn't get home again till 3.20pm as by the time I was done at the Xray place I had to go get the boys from school.

Blain said he was walking home but he didn't tell me he was walking home till after he got out of school, so I left him to walk home while I went to get Leo but I didn't let Leo come home to my place instead I dropped him off at his own house. Blain said he didn't want Leo here in the afternoons and so I am not bringing him here as that means I end up having to deal with them fighting. I know it is upsetting for Leo when I say he can't come over after school but I cannot see the point in him coming here if Blain doesn't want him here they only end up fighting.

Thankfully Blain told me this morning he would be walking home so he took his phone with him this morning, he hands the phone into the office when he gets to school and picks it up in the afternoon as children are not allowed to have mobile phones at school.

This morning mum and I went to see nan as we do each Wednesday and nan was in a happy mood laughing and babbling to someone, when I asked her who was making her laugh she said Ron that is my deceased grandfather, it was nice to see her laughing and sounding so happy usually she just sleeps while we are there.

Mum asked me how I would feel if we changed the day we go see nan from Wednesday to Tuesday, she would like to take Landon and Denni with us when we go out mum has Landon every Monday and Tuesday and he has a habit of getting into mischief so she thought if we take him out with us it might give him something to occupy his mind/time.

Just a thought how many of you know how to use a dictionary, may sound like a silly question but I was just looking up how to spell mischief and occupy and had a flash of memory to a few years back when my youngest daughter said she didn't understand how to use a dictionary. Yeah she said that I said how hard is it, she said if you don't know how to spell a word how can you find it in the dictionary. To which I replied well generally speaking you have an idea how to spell the word so you look up how you think it is spelt and find the correct spelling, she couldn't get it she was in her late teens early 20's at the time. Now days you have spell checker on your computer but still at times it doesn't always pick up the word you are trying to spell like mischief it wasn't coming up with the correct spelling so I used the dictionary the problem was I left the c out and for some reason it just didn't come up with the right spelling.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Father's Day Weekend

Well Monday is here yet again, how was everyone's weekend?

Mine was somewhat busy, Saturday saw Kathy arriving here at 8am to dye Natasha's hair only to find Natasha still in bed asleep, Kathy was not amused I can tell you. Then she goes to start her hair only to find that Natasha was nearly out of the product she uses to bleach her black roots this saw Natasha asking me if I would go and get more I said yes were did I get it from she said Price Attack or Priceline so I go to Charlie ( Charlestown Square shopping centre) only to get there at 8.50am they stores didn't open till 9am so had to wait. I went to Priceline first so I could get Leo's Webster pack for school while I was there. Well it turned out that Priceline didn't sell it so I had to go to Price Attack they didn't sell it any more so headed down stairs to the Hair Warehouse they are no longer in the square. So I then had to drive to Glendale shopping centre about 15 minutes away to the Hair Warehouse store there and they had it I got the last jar of the damn stuff they had in stock.

I then get home and cook a hot breakfast for the family, bacon, eggs, hash browns after breakfast I had to hang Natasha's washing on the line, ok didn't have to do it I chose to do it because she was busy.

In all this I had my mum ring me for a chat, she wanted to tell me what a bastard my sister's partner is the dickhead smashed her phone (Mobile) with a hammer because he found out she was on Facebook what a bastard, he bought her a new phone but wanted one that didn't have Facebook on it but of course my other sister managed to find a way she could get Facebook on it so who got the last laugh. I wouldn't put up with that shit, Tim doesn't understand Facebook but he wouldn't tell me not to get on it he does say not to post stuff about him on Facebook which I don't so all good. Tim also doesn't get blogging and would rather I not talk about him in my blog posts but too bad I do and since he doesn't read the blog he doesn't know what I say about him which I guess is a good thing.

Anyway back to my weekend, Sunday was Father's Day here in Aus, which meant that Tim and I went over to my parents place for lunch we had KFC which of course mum and I went and bought and of course when we get back no one has cleared the kitchen table to set it for lunch as per usual, followed by a nice sponge cake I picked up from the supermarket that morning. Dad likes his sponge cakes hell I like sponge cakes prefer it over mud cake just saying.

Tim was quiet pleased with is Father's Day presents I got him this mug and a T Shirt that said
I want you to know someone cares, not me but someone” I saw the shirt of Friday and it just sounded like Tim. Leo got him a cap that said “ Australia's Greatest Dad” and a keyring that said “I love Papa” Jessica got him a $100 gift card for Flight Centre to go towards a holiday and Natasha got him a $50 gift card from Supercheap.

I gave my dad two books and got in trouble from my sister because I didn't get a gift for her to give him she didn't remind me she needed anything I need to know these things if I am to arrange something.

Anyway Jessica and Leo didn't turn up here to see Tim till 5pm and didn't leave till around 8pm while she was here she was asking me when I was going to get a new phone (mobile) because mine was so slow I said I didn't know after talking for a bit she asked if I would like to have her old Samsung Note I said yes so now I have a newer and faster phone and my old one I have given to Leo to play games on and watch Youtube on.

Natasha has a new man in her life and she wants him to sleep over on Friday and Saturday nights but Tim said no he doesn't know the guy and doesn't want him to stay over, I understand this as I understand how Natasha feels when she asked me I said I would talk to Tim and see what he says but when he said no well that was that, but of course Natasha says she helps pay the rent, she doesn't she gives me only $50 per week board money. It is her fathers income that pays 99% of the household bills and as such he has the right to say whether he wants someone to stay over but of course she doesn't get that she thinks he is being unfair and has said to me that he has to pull his head in and get over it if she wants someone to stay they can stay she is so wrong but she doesn't get it.

Ok I have rambled on long enough for one post about my weekend, till next time stay happy and safe. 

Thursday, 1 September 2016

They came to blows

Hi everyone, how is everyone?

I am well here, it has been a lovely warm day here in Newie.

This morning Blain and Leo came to blows over a bloody $2 toy knife, when I say blows I mean it there were throwing punches and after a minute or so Tasha and I stepped in and separated them but minutes later they were at it again.

Blain was punching Leo in the gut and when he saw the chance Leo punched Blain in the face this Natasha thought was out of hand as Blain had started to look away when she told them to stop it I don't completely agree I think both boys were wound up and Leo saw it as a chance to land a good one on Blain.

By the time we left for school 15 minutes later Leo was over it but Blain not so much, it takes Blain a long time to get over things, Leo is more like me once he has blown up he will get over it pretty quick.

Yesterday we sent Leo to school with money for the Father's Day stall but he didn't get anything, why, well because the Father's Day stall is today not yesterday so we made sure he had money again today, at least he didn't spend the money yesterday on stuff from the canteen he brought the money home.

Blain's Father's Day stall is tomorrow so I hope his mum remembers to give him money for it.

I had to go to the doctor today, when I get there he asks me why I am there and I say no idea I was told you wanted to see me, he checked his notes and asked if I had a problem with me feet but I don't have so he went out spoke to someone came back and said he had no idea why I was there. I did,however, speak to him about the terrible headaches I have been getting every day for the last month or so, he has refereed me to have a CT Scan of my brain. I will arrange this tomorrow sometime.

That is all I have for this post. 


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