Monday, 20 October 2014

I love him but he can be so annoying at times

Good morning, well I started this last night but not posting till this morning. I am trying to get some more posts written and saved ready to use when I am busy or can't think of anything to write about.

Tim is so annoying at times, it isn't hot nor is it cold but it is very cool with the front door open, I have shut the door a number of times and Tim opens it again. He just came out from having a shower and because he is hot he opened the door again, when I said I didn't want it opened he said “well I am hot” so once again what he wants is more important.

Although I am watching what I wanted to watch, the new show called “The Embassy” Tim said he thought it would be dribble, but knew I would like it so he went off to have his shower. I also have the subtitles on which I know would annoy him as he hates subtitles but I don't care.

Another thing I hate is when Tim will say “you're going to bed” and I will snap back yes I will be going to bed tonight but not right this minute............just because I am going to be soonish doesn't mean you get to watch what you want without consulting me.

We have an election coming up soon I don't remember when it is but it is soon, anyway this afternoon I had a phone call about a survey about the upcoming election thankfully I answered the phone and I answered the questions it was just punching in a number for your answer. Tim said he would have just hung up, ok at first he said he would have told them to get effed and then hung up I said you didn't speak to anyone you just hit a number, so then he said I would have just hung up. Me I feel that my opinion matters hence the reason I answered the questions.

Speaking of Tim not answering the phone, he rarely answers the phone, he can be sitting next to the phone but will still not answer it. Usually he will say it's not for me so why should I bother answering it, that is also what my dad says, he is also terrible at answering the phone.


  1. I'm still chuckling at the title of your post. I'm right there with you!!


  2. Oh my my my....sounds all too familiar

  3. Willy Dunne Wooters annoys me, but he's a heck of a lot better than X.



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