Wednesday, 15 October 2014

10 signs of aging

Well another day is upon us, a cold wet day at that as well I have been up and doing stuff for a while now and now I am just waiting for mum to pick me up to go see nanna because it's Wednesday.

Anyway today we are going to talk about the 10 signs of ageing, so many creams say they can reverse the first signs of aging and maybe these creams can make the fine lines of wrinkles fade and your skin look more toned and soft but can they really revise the signs of aging I doubt it, so let us look at those signs that all women and many men will recognise all too well.

A sudden interest in pockets, pants with pockets, dresses with pockets why did we not know how useful pockets were till now

Why has the washing machine suddenly started shrinking our clothes really these clothes fit before and now they don't and what is with these friends telling us that we are thickening around the waist, no the washing machine is shrinking our clothes.

What about the problem with the Logies and other award shows when we don't have a clue who anyone is anymore.

Realising that no matter what the distance we are flying we want an inflatable travel pillow.

Having chats to our friends and family about why on earth someone would want to go out at 11pm when they should be home in bed, don't they have to get up and go to work in the morning or have a family to take care of.

Wondering why young people go out without a cardigan or jumper don't they get cold.

Having to hold things a foot or more away from us to read it without our glasses, and not being able to find my glasses if they are not hanging around my neck.

An obsession with convenient car parks, really who wants to walk a mile to get into the shop, hence the reason I like to get to the shopping centre nice and early just like my nan use to.

Suddenly realising clothes come in colours other than black , honestly for years black was my colour now I find myself dressing in many different colours.

Suddenly not giving a rats ass what other people think about how, I am dressed, how I dance, or how I live my life, I am happy and if someone has a problem with it, it's not my problem and I don't care.

So do you think there is a cream that can reverse those signs of aging and even if there was would we want it, I wouldn't I happen to like aging it is empowering..............


  1. Ha i didn't have to read any of those tidbits to know I am aging - lol - but I guess it is better then not aging! You have a good spirit!

  2. I think it's been proven that those creams might have a temporary effect, but they don't really do anything. Aging is fine. It's better than the alternative.


    1. Yeah better to get old than dead......................

  3. LOL, I laughed... Yep, I have all the sighs. It sure ain't fun this aging thing... Sigh! :)

    1. Glad I made you laugh, yeah getting older isn't a lot of fun

  4. Hey! We're lucky to live long enough to sag and get wrinkles--LOL! It is pretty funny how your perspective changes, though. :)

    1. We are lucky to live this long, when you think a couple of hundred years ago 50 would be considered old now it is just middle aged

  5. That's a good article. I have seen it in the past, it always makes me smile :)

    1. Yes I found the article in an old copy of Women's Weekly and thought I would turn it into a blog post

  6. Well, when you put it THAT way...

    1. I could put it differently but I didn't so

  7. Ageing is better than the alternative but ageing isn't for sissies.

  8. Aging certainly is nothing to take lightly, but it is so true that it's better than the alternative!

    1. I don't mind getting older, I love my life and my family

  9. Reversing 20 years of aging is as simple as THIS, says doctor…
    Here’s a DIRECT quote from Dr. Juan Carlos Izpisua
    Belmonte of Salk’s Gene Expression Laboratory regarding

    “Aging may not have to proceed in one single direction. With
    [a simple routine], aging might be COMPLETELY reversed.”

    You read that right – your aging can be reversed…


    No – this isn’t some science fiction stuff.

    Dr. Belmonte says all it comes down to is a simple, daily

    It doesn’t have to do with creams or serums or clinics….or
    anything like laser treatments, injections, or “facelifts.”

    If you follow this simple, 100% natural routine you can (and
    likely WILL) reverse up to 20 years of aging from your face,
    getting rid of wrinkles and crow’s feet to reveal crisp, elastic,
    full, glowing skin.

    I wish I could tell you about it in this email, but there’s just
    too much information!

    But, there’s a private website that explains the WHOLE
    process (and how you can do it yourself within just 14 days).

    == > Click here to learn about this proven age-reversing routine (and take 20 years of age off your face!)


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