Friday, 24 January 2014

Open Speed Limits

Good morning everyone or maybe it will be good afternoon, whichever hi everyone.

I am at my brother’s house again dog/house sitting it isn't too bad here, although I think I will  have a bath at my own house for no reason other than I prefer my own bath. I am waiting for my niece Kelli to come over and pick me up as Tim took my car to work yesterday so I had to get Kathy-Lee to bring me over on her way home, and it is on her way home she has to drive past the house on her way home.

The one thing I find difficult is that they don't have a table in the house, instead they have a bench to eat at, this is where I am standing to use my laptop, now I know some people (Kathy) don't mind standing to use the computer and to eat but I am not one of the they do have a few stools but if one sits on a stool one is too high above the bench.

There is a plan here in Australia for the Northern Territory to trial open speed limits, some people think it will mean more accidents others say it will reduce accidents me I have no idea, what I do know is that in some places the speed limit doesn't feel right. There are some European countries that have open speed limits and it seems to work there.  

What do you think of open speed limits?

Do you think the speed limits are right, do you think the people who set speed limits know what they are doing?

Sometimes I think not, ok most of the time I think not, honestly where is the sense in have 6 different speed limits in a space of a couple of kilometres.

It is now 3pm and I am getting around to finishing this post.


  1. I don't think we have any open speed limits around where I live.. so I'm not really sure if it works or not. But, in theory it could because it takes the 'fun' and 'thrill' out of breaking the law.

    1. Yes I think taking the fun and thrill out of doing something illegal might make a difference

  2. I hate the idea. People drive nuts as it is without going faster.

    1. I think the idea will not make sensible people drive faster it will only make the young and foolish do so but then if they can will they, they might think why bother not illegal anymore.

  3. No open speed limits here for which I am thankful!

    1. It isn't plan for local areas but the open road such as freeways

  4. Here in Texas, we have the highest speed limit in the country on one particular highway. It was scary driving it at first, but once I got used to it, it was OK. I think we have too many stupid drivers here, though, for an open speed limit to be safe,

  5. I think they should just offer national speed limit, so there is still a boundary to what people can drive up to but as you mentioned some places feel awkward as you need to go faster. Also if the roads are empty on a night time why do you need to drive at a regular speed. Those that drive like nuts will anyway and those that are going to jump in front of a car will do anyway.

    1. Yes so true, I get this if you have an open speed limit on the freeways the sensible driver will still do a sensible speed

  6. That sounds a bit uncomfortable for blogging. Sometimes they change the signs from 60 to 100 coming out of a country town but the road heads straight into a windy down hill run. I think that is stupid. There is no way you can do 100 on some of our roads.

    1. Hence the reason I have not been around blogs in the last few days. I agree there are some roads that doing 100 doesn't feel safe

  7. Just as stupid drivers take it from me. so wouldn't want it around my local area

  8. After being in Europe and seeing the breakneck speeds, I am thankful that we have posted speed limits in the U.S. Our speed limits are constantly being increased, then a few years go by and they decrease them...but then wait and increase them again. As a general rule the highways are between 70 and 80 MPH. That's something like 112-128 Kilometers? Not sure as we don't use the metric system.

  9. I don't know how wise open speed limits are. Here is the states people normally abide within 10 -15 miles over the limit. it will be interesting to see what the outcome is. :-)


Week 8 of 2025

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