Sunday, 26 April 2009

Popping Air Bubbles

I have been a bit slack lately I just haven’t felt like doing much anyway lets get to the point my dad is doing much better now saw him yesterday when I saw him he looked good made me feel better as I have been very worried about him.

We are having lunch today but mum said she isn’t cooking as she doesn’t feel up to it so we will get either pizza or KFC. Dad isn’t eating much at all but as mum said that is normal she was the same after she had her op.

He can still hear and feel the air bubbles popping, the other night he coughed a bit and ended up in a great deal of pain when he coughed David held dads side to try and prevent dad ending up in a great deal of pain. At the moment when dad is sitting watching telly he holds a towel against his side, he said it makes him feel more comfortable.

Monday, 20 April 2009

This post should have been written on Tuesday or Wednesday but I haven’t felt like doing much of anything still don’t as I now have the flu.

Anyway my dad was operated on, on Tuesday all went well they removed the top half of his right lung and of cause is still in hospital. He has been recovering well although he is in a bit of pain he did have an epidural in but it has came out this happened the last time he had an operation. Now he is just being given tablets for the pain but he is still complaining to mum about the pain, he won’t complain much to anyone else.

On Wednesday he had some idiot physio come round and clamped his drainage tube, which cause his face to swell up when the nurse discovered this after my mum went and told a nurse that his face was swollen. The nurse got a doctor who got another doctor and in the end told him he would be ok after a few days. His face is full of air and when you push on it you can hear it pop like rice bubbles pop.

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Just some stuff

We have new carpet at long last they came and replaced it on Thursday and it looks good it is now blue naturally it's the cheap stuff that the Dept of Housing lays but at least it looks good. We have only been nagging them for 5 years.

We also went out and bought a new lounge today it's not a good one only $200 from Fantastic Furniture and it folds down into a double bed it's one of the click clack ones. We will be saving up for recliners now and will get them when all the kids have moved out and don't look like coming after a few months.

Now we just have to get our dinning table out of storage so we can have somewhere to eat at again.

Also today we took the old dining suite over to Tasha's place along with a microwave we had in storage which was Jessica's but she gave it to her sister.

This morning I went shopping with mum before she went over to see dad and because she wasn't there at 9am dad rang her twice wanting to know where she was and she had to remind him that visiting doesn't start till 10.30am and since he is no longer in a private room she wasn't able to go over early.

Friday, 10 April 2009

Good Friday

Today as we all know is Good Friday and although I am not an overly religious person I do not believe in eating meat on Good Friday but my darling daughters are not so inclined.

Tasha walked in at lunch time with Lucas both eating a pie when I said something Lucas tried to tell me that I had chicken last Easter. I wonder if he ever listens to the rubbish that comes out of his mouth.

Anyway the next thing I know Kathy is here complain she is hungry and I say find something to eat as long as it isn't meat and I could tell by the look on the face that she had already eaten meat today. Now to Jessica she wanted me to go to the fish and chip shop for her but I said no I didn't want to go out so she went out herself and came back with KFC.

I said nothing but I was thinking it is one day a year how hard is it not to have any meat for this one day. I guess I just have to accept that they are adults now and I can not control what they eat any more.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Bad News and Not so Bad News

Thank goodness for a stomach pain was all I could think when mum told me the news this afternoon.

What news is that you are asking well dad went to see is specialist today and he was told if they hadn't found the cancer when they did he would have been dead in 6 to 12 months..........

He was also told if the cancer had spread he would only have had about 18 months and that is with chemotherapy..........

The good news is that after he has his operation next Tuesday he should have at least 5 years but I know my dad and he will be around a lot longer then that.

So I am very glad he had such bad stomach pain that he had to go to emergency that night. As dad hasn't had any symptoms and would have been unaware he had lung cancer until it was to late to do anything. I believe the stomach pain was someone's way of getting him off to the hospital.

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Truck Driving

On Thursday afternoon while I was having a nap Tim got a phone call from a mate asking him if he would like to go with him to Brisbane as a second driver this is called 2 up driving.

Anyway he said he would go and he enjoyed the trip he left on Thursday afternoon and got home at midnight last night. He was paid cash in hand and that is always good.

It also looks like he may have another job he has a driving test on Monday and if that goes well he will have a job so fingers crossed it will all go well.

New Posts

  Well, here we are at Thursday and Thursday are an easy day for me when it comes to blogging just posting links to new posts over at Random...