Sunday, 21 October 2007

My Clothes and Tim

Well today being Sunday means lunch at mums and because it is so stinking hot here I thought I would wear a new halter neck top I bought but when I put it on Tim said he thought it was to slutty and to tight around my hips and I told him it isn't designed to sit at the hips it only comes to my waist but he still didn't like it. So I went and changed it and thought I will take it to mums and see what everyone else thinks but then dam it I forgot. If it is hot like this next weekend I will take it over then and see what they think.

It isn't like I want to wear it out shopping, just around the house and to my parents place on a Sunday. Tim also has a habit of telling me I have a big bum and I do I know it and I know it looks bigger then it is because I have what some people call a sway back, you know when your lower back sways in then out again at your bottom well that how my back is so my bum does look big...

I am trying to just be happy with myself and how I look as I know I am doing all the right things to slim down and get fitter and healthier and stressing over how I look isn't helping it only makes me upset and depressed and I am fed up with those feelings.


  1. well hello sis ,jo i told you today that you should have told tim to piss off and just wear it anyway he is a old man with no dress sence im not saying it looked good cause i dont know what it looked like yet so ill say you should have just worn it and you know your siblings would tell you want they

    anyway love ya xoxox

  2. :( aunty jo meadows u shouldnt be saying those things about ur self u are beautiful no matter wat anyone says even tim yep i think u should have just worn it i bet u would have looked beautiful coz u are beautiful anyway it dosent matter wat u look like its wats inside that counts and to me u are the best aunty the best mum and the best dam nanna too and i love u like ummm i no a fat kid loves chocolate cake hehehehehehehe i love u aunty jo please dont say stuff about urself to make u feel crapy u gotta feel good about ur self:)

  3. Thank you Heather I think your beautiful too and you are doing a great job raising your 2 darling little girls.

  4. Hi Jo-Anne, Men can be a pain sometimes....learn to read behind the lines if you can.....I have not yet...Don't like sometimes means you look gorgeous and don't want anyone else to see what I see.....other times it means looks pathetic and I don't want to be seen with you.....YOU FIGURE IT OUT, CAUSE I CAN'T.

    You wear what you feel comfortable in and don't worry about anyone else....I hope you are trying to loose weight for yourself and no-one have to want to loose weight and not feel you need to loose weight for someone else....Beauty is only skin is what is inside the person that matters...LOL

    Hope you had a lovely family lunch as usual....say Hello to your Mum for me...Hope all is well, will catch up during the week...Janelle

  5. Hi Jo-Anne, Men can be a pain sometimes....learn to read behind the lines if you can.....I have not yet...Don't like sometimes means you look gorgeous and don't want anyone else to see what I see.....other times it means looks pathetic and I don't want to be seen with you.....YOU FIGURE IT OUT, CAUSE I CAN'T.

    You wear what you feel comfortable in and don't worry about anyone else....I hope you are trying to loose weight for yourself and no-one have to want to loose weight and not feel you need to loose weight for someone else....Beauty is only skin is what is inside the person that matters...LOL

    Hope you had a lovely family lunch as usual....say Hello to your Mum for me...Hope all is well, will catch up during the week...Janelle

  6. Hi Jo-Anne,

    Congratulations on making it to blogger. I think that you will be pleasantly surprised at how much better than BB it is over here.

    Take care


  7. Hello Jo-Anne, That dress sound lovely, and if you like it, wear sometimes takes men awhile to get used to seeing us women in something different :)


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