Sunday, 10 November 2024

Week 45 of 2024


Had a good night, Tim came to bed at around 4am I remember him saying he had only been home an hour, that was a long day.

It is supposed to be 29 degrees today at the moment it is 16 degrees and my BGL was 4.8

Kathy and family arrived around midday, Tasha had asked Michael if he could come and put the new TV on the wall for her.

Sue sent me a message asking who the two girls on the calendar for November she thought they were her granddaughters and yes, they are but it was upsetting that she had to ask.


Had a good night once I settled down and slept till the alarm went off, a warm start to the day has both front and back doors opened. It is 23 degrees and my BGL is 5.0 at 6am

It is the type of morning that makes one want to stay in bed, but of course I am up showered, dressed and doing stuff. It isn’t warm nor is it cold but if shut the doors I will get hot but with them open I feel a chill.

I walked down and posted some letters off just before Sam arrived home, not long after returning home it started to rain and there was some thunder. It didn’t rain for much and only a little thunder.

Steps: 6,642

Had an early night last night was in bed by 8.30pm got up once to pee and straight back to sleep till the alarm went off. I woke feeling unwell

It is 19 degrees and my BL was 5.0

No school for Sam today due to a doctor’s appointment.

It has been a cool day, I have not felt good all day, I ache all over and just feel unwell.

It is 6.30pm and I am ready for bed but will try and stay awake till 8.30pm.

Steps: 8,486




Had an early night last night was in bed by 8.30pm slept straight through to the alarm went at 5am.

It is 19 degrees at 6am and my BGL is 4.8. I am feeling great this morning and so happy that I am able to do stuff this morning.

A nice day morning but a bloody hot arvo. I turned the air con on around 12.30.

I walked up to meet Sam, and the heat drained me and left me exhausted.


I overslept this morning didn’t hear the alarm, turned out I l left my phone in the lounge-room. I woke up when Tim was getting up. So, it was only 15 minutes after my get out of bed I, slept all night.

I am dressed in shorts and have both front and back sliding doors open, it is a nice 20 degrees and my BGL was 5.0.

The temp reached 32 degrees, when it was time to go meet Sam it started pissing down, I was pleased when Jess rang and said she would go meet Sam. She called in sick due to a really bad headache.

Steps: 8,257

Another good night don’t remember getting up at all, it’s wet outside but not raining at this time. It is 17 degrees and is supposed to get as high as 29 degrees. My BGL was 4.8

By 8.30 it was 22 degrees

The calendars came for next year they are A3 size so much bigger than this years but that is good this year is too small for my liking.

I got my Christmas cards out and over the next week or so will make a start on them.

I am having a restless night.


After six good nights, I had a rotten night, I got only between 1 and 1.5hrs of sleep, I didn’t even dose I was awake. I got up a couple of times, I used the powerfit which helped settled the movement part down. When I was in bed there wasn’t much tossing and turning, mostly I just laid there at 4.30am I needed to pee, so I got up and stayed up. I had a shower and shaved my legs, applied moisturiser to my legs, arms, chest and face. It is 19 degrees and my BGL was 4.7

I was not good when we went to the shops around 1pm I had a 1hr nap and felt better after that.

By 6pm though I started to feel not the best again.






  1. All those nights of good sleep and then wham! Happens to me a lot, too. I hope you sleep well and are feeling okay when you get up. :)

  2. I feel so bad for Sue having to ask that question. I have not been sleeping well myself, but I am getting more than a few hours of sleep. Hope you get a good rest soon!

    1. Thank you Sue needing to ask is upsetting for me
      I have good nights and bad nights just like I have good days and not so good days and at time down right bad days

  3. Seems like you had a rough week, Jo-Anne. I hope this one will be better for you!

  4. It's so disconcerting when you don't sleep well. It ruins my whole day. I'm hoping you get back on track quickly!


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