Friday, 15 November 2024

Insomnia help list


Ok here were with that list of things that are supposed to help with insomnia, how many of then actually help I do not know

Create a sleep-friendly bedroom: Keep your bedroom dark, quiet, and cool. You can use curtains, blinds, an eye mask, or ear plugs. Yes, I sleep in such a room

Stick to a sleep schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. Yes, I do that as well

Avoid electronics before bed: The light from TVs and smartphones can disrupt your sleep cycle. Yep, do this too

Exercise regularly: Try to get at least 5 to 6 hours of physical activity during the day. No bloody way I am that active during the day

Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol: These substances can make it harder to sleep. Can’t say I do this, but I don’t have a lot of caffeine

Avoid naps: Naps, especially in the afternoon, can make it harder to fall asleep at night. I get this but sometimes I am so tired I have to close my eyes for a bit 

Relax before bed: Try reading a book, listening to music, or taking a bath. Nope don’t do any of these things

Manage stress: Try writing down your worries before bed. I generally just hand my worries over to God when I go to bed

Check your medications: Some medications can contribute to insomnia. I am on top of this, and not an issue with me

Try relaxation techniques: Try meditation, imagery, or muscle relaxation. Yeah, I often meditate when going to bed 

Use magnesium: Magnesium can help muscles relax and relieve stress. I do take magnesium

Try massage: You can try self-massage or have a partner or friend give you a massage. Nope never tried this 

Get out of bed if you can't sleep: If you can't fall asleep within 20 minutes, get up and do something non-stimulating until you feel drowsy. Yes, I do this as well

Ok how many of these tips do you do?



  1. I’ve always been a good sleeper. No electronics, no TV.

  2. I have tried all of these I think, except massage. (Allie refuses to give massages--ROFL!) Magnesium gives me diarrhea for some reason, so that's out--lol!

    1. Yeah often we try these things but they don't work, well they don't seem to work for me

  3. I am pretty sure I violate almost every one of those "Don't do" items on that list. Overall, I sleep pretty well though.

  4. I'm so grateful to be able to sleep well every night. If I didn't or couldn't get a good night's sleep, I'd be a basket case! Blessings, Jo-Anne!

  5. Well ... my schedule is crazy, I'm always on my phone, I fall asleep on the couch during the day if I don't sleep at night, and I never get up if I can't sleep. I just lay there while my brain goes crazy! LOL. I'm printing out this list!!!

    1. I often lay in bed trying to get my brain to shut up and let me sleep

  6. Let's see here... #1, yep... #2, not really, and it doesn't seem to hurt... #3, not a problem here- the content of said electronics can, though... #4, usually cover that one... #5, yeah, caffeine in large enough doses. Don't know abt Nicotine, and alcohol has never been a problem here... #6, Avoid naps? Bwa-ha-ha! Just get them done before sundown... #7, Music is a big sleep disruptor, I pay too much attention... #8, good luck with that... #9, not an issue here, either... #10, if it gets bad enough to resort to "relaxation techniques" for me, the battle is already lost... #11, haven't tried Magnesium, but then again, I don't often have a need to... #12, "C'mon, Misty, just a quick massage, please?" #13- this begs the question do I have the self discipline to do something non-stimulating? Answer: no.

  7. Thank you for sharing this. I usually go into my office and turn something on the TV and I'm able to fall asleep then.

  8. Great post! It’s interesting how different techniques work for different people. I agree that creating a sleep-friendly environment and sticking to a schedule are key. It's good to know that you find some methods effective, like magnesium and meditation! Thanks for sharing your personal insights.

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