Tuesday, 15 August 2023

It's Creature Day


Welcome all to Tuesday or whatever day it is you are reading this anyway it is creature day and this weeks creature is a bird called a Social or Sociable Weaver.

It is common in the Kalahari region of southern Africa, they are finch sized birds that build the largest tree nests in the world. The measure up to 6m wide by 3m tall, this extraordinary nest is like a massive unit block housing up to 100 families at any one time. What the hell...........

Some nests are used for more than 100 years, from a distance you could mistake them for something like a haystack hanging from a tree. They can become so heavy they cause the tree to topple over.

These birds drink less water then any other bird and most never take a sip, the get all their moisture from their food.

They do not migrate; in fact, chicks may never leave the nest. Fledgling chicks might just move to an empty nesting chamber nearby. Building such a huge nest is no simple task for such a small bird, which is why it is important for them to be in constant communication as they maintain their group home.


Northern Ireland

  So here we are at the start of another week, this week’s country is Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom i...