Sunday, 6 August 2023

Week 31 of 2023

Had a good night slept pretty much straight through, waking at 2am to pee but settling straight back down when I went back to bed.

Found a container of ANZAC biscuits on the kitchen bench left by Tasha.

Having a bad morning shaking a lot.

Been awake since 3am and up since 5am after 2hrs of dozing on and off I was happy to get up.

When I spoke to Kathy she told me Sydney is still sick and off school today, and Kathy is also sick so she is off work and staying home with Sydney.

Tim has an afternoon appointment with his new counsellor, I hope it goes well and he likes the guy.

Tim not home by 3.30pm so I went and met Sam, he seemed happy to see me.

The first of August, horses birthday here in the Southern Hemisphere.

At 7.15 I started to have trouble with the internet dropping out and driving my mad.

Had an appointment with my GP just for scripts and got a copy of the last letter my neurologist sent which says bugga all.

Then on the way home I had Tim take me to Warners Bay Plaza so I could go to Hot Bargain and get a couple of things, it felt good to be able to walk around the store myself. I also went to Barker's Delight for a couple of danishes.


Up at 5am not as cold but cold enough.

At 7.55am I get up to throw my warm dressing gown on to take Sam up to meet their driver, only to discover it was raining and so I rang Jess to go up with Sam. I am glad Jess was home so I didn't have to wake Tim to take Sam.

I have cleaned out part of the linen press, then sorted out a box of rubbish and old photos that was in Sam's room,about an hour of work and it left me exhausted and with a lot of back pain.

I told Tim that sometime in the next or so I want to sort out his office and make room in a large cupboard he has to store stuff that I had stored in a large cupboard in the dining room before the tree came through the roof. He didn't look happy but all he said was ok.

Up at 4.50am as from about 3am my body was shaking so much it wasn't comfortable trying to lay there.

Heard from Kathy she is very sick with the flu type C I think I can't remember and I can't but she is feeling like death warmed up, except she is very cold.

The day started out cold but warmed up a bit. I again managed to sort through and store more photos that came of the walls.

I also went through and sorted out a set of drawers that I have next to my computer table as they had become a right mess.

Friday at last been a mostly fast going week, and I feel good that I was able to get some things done.

While I was vacuuming Sandy arrived and she took over, she came to drop off my postage stamps. While she was here she helped me hang a few things, it was great to see her.

She told me about how her bathroom sliding door came off its runners due to her losing her balance and falling against it and how when she was attempting to fix it part of the door fell and hit her in the head cause a nice bruise on her forehead. It also gave her a damn good headache.

Tim had a rehab appointment this afternoon, but decided to take Sam's laptop that isn't working to Harvey Norman so they can look at it and say what it will cost to repair it, this what Tim did with his desktop computer and it only cost him $50 for them to look at it and repair it. At least Jess will find out how much it will cost to get fixed.

Tasha came down to get a cane to use she is fed up with the crutches.

Slept well till 2am when I needed to pee after that I dozed on and off till 4.30 when I decided to get up and take my morning meds. I thought I might be able to go back to sleep for an hour or so but no I couldn't so I got up 5am as per usual.

I spent the first 45 minutes going through the songs on my flash drive and deleting ones that didn't play.

No visit from Kathy this weekend she is still pretty sick. The flu has gone right through her family.


  1. I don't blame Tash on the crutches, I almost put myself through the bathroom walls on the ones I used. Saying a little prayer that healing comes to your sick ones.

    1. Spoke to Kathy she is doing much better and back at work today
      Tasha is managing better with the cane

  2. Sorry the flu has hit the family. I hope you don't get it in your house, too. Glad you had some alone time shopping. :)

    1. Thankfully my daughters stay away when sick so as not to pass it to me or Tim

  3. You get up so early. Do you ever nap a bit during the afternoon? Nice that you got to shop a bit. I hope no one else catches the flu.


    1. I use to have an afternoon nap but no more, I just go to bed early, I like getting up early always have

  4. I hope everyone else is spared from the flu... good thing you went shopping.
    It's amazing how early you're up.
    A dear greeting to you. I wish you a good time.

    1. Yes no flu in this household, it did feel good to go shopping again

  5. I have hand rails in our shower precisely to keep me from falling. So sorry to hear about Kathy's bout with the flu and hope everyone gets better soon. And I'm echoing Jamie - do you ever nap? I do every day!
    Blessings, Jo-Anne!

    1. I use to nap but no more just have early nights I also have hand rails in my bathroom which is a big help

  6. Jo-Anne, I am so glad to read you actually were able to do some shopping yourself. I haven't happened to have red any time other than this time that you have been able. That made ME happy. I hope Kathy and family get all better quickly now. That is a horrible thing to get and suffer with.

    1. It was my first time shopping in nearly 3 years on my own with me walking around looking at stuff, I did go shopping 2 years ago with my niece pushing me in a wheelchair but it's not the same.


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  The national anthem of Bahrain is called Baḥraynunā. It was originally composed as an instrumental in 1942, to be played at official eve...