Friday, 4 August 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts

 Well Friday is here again, been a week that seems to have passed in a blink. This morning I am listening to a book of Aussie poems, just something different for the next few days.

Being Friday it is the day for Jo-Anne's thoughts and my thoughts today are drifting towards clutter and mess, are they the same or not, some people will say yes they are. I, however, do not agree my computer desk is cluttered but not a mess. I know where things are and have items I use daily around the desk withing easy reach.

Tim's computer desk isn't just cluttered but in my opinion a cluttered mess, this I say because he can never find stuff. For many years he would complain about my desk and how it was cluttered and full of stuff but then he set up his own desk and the complaining stopped.

Now days our daughter's well two of them complain a lot about how messy our house is and how we should throw away stuff, Tim use to side with the girls and in the last few years I have had a big clean out of stuff, Tim however has not.

Recently when Kathy was here having her say about the so called mess it was mostly her dad's stuff she was going on about. This really annoyed Tim and all I could say was “yeah I know how you feel”.

I have spent the last couple of days sorting through the photos that came off the walls and storing them away in containers as I am not rehanging most of them. I want to update the photos with modern ones not something that is easy to do as I have grandchildren who do not like their photo taken.

I told Tim that in the next few days I am going to tackle his office, I know he isn't pleased with that but I am hoping to get him motivated to do it himself he has been talking about doing it for months.

My girls may call me a hoarder but Tim is just as bad if not worse as he gets it into his head that he can sell items but when he tries often they don't sell because they are old outdated things people don't want or would use. I have no problem with his advertising stuff and if they sell, great but if they don't toss the stuff out.

He also likes to complain that the girls bring stuff here to store as in keep it safe because Mum will know where it is when it is wanted, this doesn't bother me much, it does at times but generally nope not bothered.

Ok I have had a whinge this morning and now to post and let others read.


  1. I get that - my keeps all his junk mail. I can't see that. I wish I could get rid of the junk mail once and for all.

    1. Yeah what is the point it is junk mail but for some reason it means something to him

  2. I like to think of my place as efficiently cluttered. Kind of like your desk, I guess. LOL! Less and less excess as I purge, though. :)

  3. I try to keep our home uncluttered for the most part. Just like it that way!

  4. A lot of we bloggers have blogged about too many things in the home. I have cleaned out..or one of my sons did most of the work , and they are far better. Mine however needs me to just start taking things out of my closet in my room that I have not nor will wear if I EVER did, thrown on the floor and when finished, bag them in the huge leaf and lawn bags. And out they go.

    1. I like to sort through my clothes every few years and toss what I no longer need or wear

  5. I am very neat, everything is always in its place in my house, but I have so much stuff in drawers and closets that I really need to get rid of. Whenever I think about it, though, I get too overwhelmed to even start.

    1. That is how Tim feels about his office, so it keeps being put off

  6. I agree with you on the clutter/mess debate. Personally, I like to think I lean to the clutter side, but more often than not I'm closer to Tim.

    1. Well that is good to read, didn't think I would be alone with such thoughts

  7. I know that I have collected a lot of things over the years. Every cabinet, drawer and closet is full. However, no one actually sees anything when they come over. However, I have to declutter the house because we have way to much stuff. I hope you have success in your project.

    1. So you are just normal, hiding away our stuff in drawers and cupboards, I am getting there


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