Sunday, 19 March 2023

WEEK 11 OF 2023

Up at 4.50am as I woke up at 4am to pee and couldn't settle back down, so gave up and got out of bed.

Kathy here early she spent a couple of hours cleaning up Tim's office. She then went to help Tasha.

I will shower myself this arvo, not as hot today and no rain as yet.

Had a good night but have been awake since 3am, woke to pee and couldn't settle back down so got up at 4.40am.

At 6.20 I saw Jess & Sam get into her car and go out, they returned about an hour later. Jess came over with Sam this morning to let me know she was taking him up to meet his driver, as it feels like rain.

Tim has taken a few more things up the front for rubbish collection. He also went and bought another security camera.

Gave Sandy a 12 pack of toilet paper because she had none and we have a 24 or 36 pack unopened in the cupboard. However doing so pissed Tim off and when he started going off I said I don't need his permission to do stuff. He then something that really pisses me off that he is the one who goes out and earns the money.

Not up as early today 5.15am it is a wet morning and I am still annoyed with Tim's carry on yesterday about the toilet paper.

Although I understand how he feels, the comment he earns the money makes me feel like he expects me to ask his permission to spend it.

Leo's phone kept going to voicemail when I tried to ring him and I had to get Tasha to go and wake him.

Tim will have to go to Coles for me as my Pepsi Max didn't come and I am out of it.

It has rained all day more or less.

Had a decent enough nights sleep but needed to get up and pee 3 times during the night which was annoying.

Tim has I think 3 appointments today and left at 9.40 and should be home around 14.30.

Not as hot as I was expecting today. No need for the air con just the fan.

I looked up and printed off a list of Parkinson's symptoms and it all sounds like me.

Been awake since 3am up since 4.45am. We are in for a scorcher mid 30's they say.

Tim has another lot of Xray's and scan to be done today and he is now talking about going back to ask our GP for the same things for his knee. He is so over the pain.

My postal voting forms arrived I will fill them it and send them back.

At around 1pm Warners Bay High rang to say Blain was sick and could someone go and get him, Tim was willing and happy to do that.

Awake and up at 4.30am as needed to pee and couldn't be bother going back to bed.

Natasha came down to have a cry it is all getting to her with her computer playing up and Blain's Xbox is playing up and now her phone is shitting itself. She feels like she is running up a hill and not getting anywhere.

Tim has hand rehab this morning and sounded annoyed when I asked him to go to the chemist and pick up the scripts.

Tasha saw her GP to get the results of her Xray the one that shows her groin fracture and he was shocked by how bad it is and the fact she is still walking. He is sending her to be checked out at the hospital.

The hospital rang her at midday and asked her to go straight over which she did. To be shock more people and she had a CT scan done and will here more either late today or tomorrow. She may need surgery.

Had a Mongood night up at 5.20am as I was hot laying bed. Opened the house up it is nice with the doors opened.

Tasha came over to let me know that she should know soon what the doctors at the hospital want to do about her fracture by sometime Monday.

Sam came over at 1.45pm and asked Papa if he could drive him to Windale to meet up with a mate.

At 2pm while I was exercising Blain walked in his dad dropped him home and Blain wanted to ring his mum but had no credit. So he wanted to use my phone.


  1. A busy week for everyone. Sorry to hear of all the medical problems. I hope they all get sorted.

  2. Sounds like a lot of medical stuff is up in the air. Hope it all works out well. :)

  3. As I am now travelling back in time, I am still fuzzy. Toilet paper is such a dumb thing to have a deal about. What is a "Mongood night"? I tried looking it up but Google sent me to "Mongoose" instead.


Northern Ireland

  So here we are at the start of another week, this week’s country is Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom i...