Sunday, 12 March 2023

WEEK 10 OF 2023

Up at my usual time 5.10am, I'm feeling fine this morning I slept pretty much straight through the night, got up at 12.30 to pee but settled straight back down.

A hot day but no air con as Tim doesn't think it is hot enough. At around 1pm Michael and Kathy with Summer came over so Micheal could help install the new security camera's.

Kathy also went and helped Tasha with her assignment there were words she didn't understand and Kathy is the smart one in the family now days.

Up at 4.45am and found that Tim left stuff all over the kitchen bench which pissed me off and I had to unpack the dishwasher. I am sneezing a bloody lot and have a slight headache. The computer is driving me mad this morning, damn it would drive any sane person mad.

Tim has gone for a nerve test on his arm.

Also got the small ramp mat at the front door.

Jess is getting a window air con installed in Sam's bedroom.

A very warm morning at 5am and there is a warm wind.

I managed to spill milk all over the floor and managed to mop it up without falling ass over head.

Looks like Tasha has a fractured groin. This is what it looks like to those doing her ultrasound, one look had the technician going to find the doctor to have a look, who said it is a deep fracture. This is not good.

Turned the air con on at 9am I was expecting Tim to winge but he didn't maybe because he stepped outside and felt how hot the wind was.

The heat is making me feel ill.

Had a so so night caused by my body shaking after going to the loo at midnight. Then again at 4am when I to the loo again, so at 4.50am I gave up and got out of bed for the day.

Had workmen come and check the roof for leaks and found some cracked tiles which they repaired. They also found a dead rat in the cage Tim had put in the ceiling.

Sandy called in this arvo she has found a house only a 10 minute walk from me. She was so happy and excited about getting a place.

Been another bloody hot day.

A much cooler morning this morning but it will heat up during the day.

Sandy turned up at 8.30am and left around 1pm, she spent most of the time on the phone sorting out her bond and 2 weeks in advance rent payment, as it all has to be paid on Monday. She should get the keys on Tuesday.

I have a shit load of back pain today.

Tim up at 4am and I was up by 4.50am with Tim being up I can't listen to my audio book.

While I was waiting with Sam this morning the cow in unit 14 pulled into the driveway and gave me a dirty look. Yesterday she swerved towards Tasha's lawn where Tasha was standing.

I am not feeling good I even went for a lay down for an hour or so it helped with the headache but I still don't feel good.

I am going back to bed and hope tomorrow I feel better.

Had a decent enough sleep woke with no headache and feeling better then yesterday. I was up at 5am as per usual.

After 3hrs working on the computer it started to freeze so had to reboot.

Saw Sandy and Denni this morning for a couple of hours.

Another bloody hot day, Tim has been cleaning out his shed and taking stuff up the front for Monday's bulk kerbside collection. I think he is doing too much but he can't be told.


  1. Sounds like a busy, hot week. I hope you can stay cool and sleep well.

  2. Okay, so now I'm all caught up. Glad things are working out for your sister, praying that Tasha's injury does as well.

  3. Hmm Tasha's fractured pelvis is painful. When I was in the hospital for my knee replacement, the lady in the other bed was brought in with a fractured pelvic (same as groin fracture) and was in horrific pain. She moaned and cried all night and it was hard for me to sleep but I felt so bad for her that I just coped with it. I was discharged before I knew what was actually done for her.

    That headache and feeling off might have been just a bug. Glad it has passed. I would hate to have to work on a dying computer that keeps freezing. So I know how that must be.

    When does Tim go in for surgery?

    And what's up with the "cow" from unit #14. I must have missed a post explaining this.


Northern Ireland

  So here we are at the start of another week, this week’s country is Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom i...