Tuesday, 1 March 2022



Another wet morning but no flooding here thankfully, unlike the sunshine state, aka, Queensland.

This weeks extreme creature is the Christmas Island Frigatebird, heard of it, no, me either.

The Christmas frigatebird, or Christmas Island frigatebird, is a seabird of the frigatebird family Fregatidae which is an endemic breeder to Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean. The Christmas frigatebird is a large lightly built seabird with brownish-black plumage, long narrow wings and a deeply forked tail.

Frigatebirds have a very sneaky way of getting their food, they steal it.............

They chase other seabirds until the chased birds regurgitate their meal, then they eat the vomited food, gross.............

Males have enormous red throat pouches and during the breeding season they puff them up like big red balloons to attract the females.

Scientists believe there are between 3,600 and 7,200 Christmas frigatebirds, deeming them critically endangered. There are likely several hundred thousand lesser frigatebirds, though their population is decreasing as well with a conservation status of least concern.


  1. I've never heard of them either. They are beautiful birds, even if they steal. Little boogers!

  2. That is a pretty lame way to eat. If that's evolution, I'll stay an ape.

  3. An amazing bird but what a revolting way to get food.

  4. This amazing bird is new to me. Thanks for sharing about this bird.

  5. That's a pretty disgusting way of eating (lol), but it's certainly a very interesting bird!

  6. Quite a unique-looking bird. I love to watch large seabirds.

  7. What an unpeasant looking bird! I have heard of them. I never ew what they looked like until now.


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn.blogspot.com/2025/03/just-bit-of-hodgepodge.html https://jamfn....