Sunday, 16 May 2021

The Last Week

 Woke up and got myself ready for the morning,it was a struggle to get my breakfast.

Kathy came and showered me an helped move the dressing table I got from Mum's, into my room and the old one out.

Tasha driving me and Tim over to Dave's for a sibling get together

Kathy picked us up at 6.30, I could have stayed longer but was also very tired.

Woke at 7am and rang Tasha the morning was uneventful at around 10.30 I started to feel unwell so went to bed for a bit. Afterwards I felt a little better but not much.

While I was laying down Dave dropped off my silver cup that I left at his place.

Tasha gave me a set of candles for Mother's Day.

Kathy & family gave me a new comforter for my bed, and a framed photo of her girls.

Woke with the alarm, Tim got up at the same time, today & tomorrow he has an early start.

Tasha drove me over to Mum's and I spent 4hrs there cleaning out Mum's room. There was so much rubbish consisting of old receipts and old letters from Centrelink and the bank dating back 20yrs.

Sandra drove me and Dave home.

A new day up at 6am and Tasha gave me a shower first thing. Just before 8am Dave rang and told me to listen to the radio as Leigh was on about about Mum, so I did and I cried.

There was a psychic medium on and Leigh asked about Mum & Dad and the response made me cry. Thankfully Sandy recorded it and shared it on the siblings chat and I shared it on the Meadows chat.

Of course some say it's fake because it wasn't 100% accurate 1 or 2 things we didn't understand.

Up just before the alarm, shaking from head to foot I am just so over it.

I spent another 4hrs at Mum & Dad's cleaning out their stuff and came home exhausted. Still a shit more to do.

My knees are so painful this afternoon,that I cry when I walk.

Awake after a restless night at5.50am straight up as per usual, rang Tash had wash and got ready for the day.

Not going to Mum's as I have laundry to do as well as other stuff.

I woke at 5am but managed to stay in bed till 5.35 when the need to pee became too strong to remain in bed.

A cold morning but a warm day.

Spent 4hrs at Mum's cleaning out more stuff, came home exhausted again. Although this afternoon my knees were not as sore maybe because I took one of Mum's morphine capsules this morning.

Slept in to 7.20am and Tim got up 10 minutes later. Just had a scone for breakfast as I didn't feel like doing anything else.

Kathy arrived at 8.30am and gave me a shower before her, Summer, Tim&I went over to Mum's. Kathy took 2 pictures to hang at her place.

I also brought home a box of stuff that Tash sorted through and she managed to clean off the table.

Tim removed the empty chest of drawers from our bedroom.

It has been a cold day.


  1. There is always so much to do when a parent passes and much of it is emotional and that takes a toll on us. Make sure you are rested. Take Care!

  2. Sorting through your Mom's stuff is exhausting physically and emotionally, as well. Take care. :)

  3. Busy time and going through your mother's things is a hard job, both physical and mental.

  4. It is tough having to go through your mom's things especially when memories are refreshed.

  5. You be careful taking your Mum's pills...

  6. I went through the sorting of things when my Dad passed away. It was heart wrenching.

  7. I know many people that seek comfort through mediums. If it feels right to you, no one else can judge.

  8. Debby.....Yes there is, I'm trying to rest

    Rita.....Yes it is

    Margaret D.....Yes it has been

    Nancy.......It's been hard

    Chris.....I am

    Katie......That's for aure

    Juli.....Thank you for that


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