Sunday, 9 May 2021

Another week gone


Awake at 6.30am managed to dress myself as Tasha went out early and Tim was still in bed. I like being up alone of a morning.

Kathy came over to help us clean and sort through some stuff.

However Leo heard us talking about his room and got upset as he thought we were going to make changes without consulting him. I assured him we wouldn't. Tasha also spoke to him and he was fine

Then Kathy & Jess went in to talk to him which didn't go well. Jess felt that Kathy was speaking down to Leo in a disrespectful manner. This of course caused an argument between the two girls.

I kept out of it

Some cleaning and sorting did happen.

Had a restless night and was up at 6am as per usual,however, because I thought Tasha had gone out I didn't contact her till 6.50. Instead I dressed myself after my morning wash,only to find out that she didn't go out and I could have rung her at 6am.

Spent the morning along and the afternoon saw Jess, Kelli, Leo & Blain here. It was great having the house full of family.

Up with the alarm and rang Tasha slept better till 4.30am, then not so much till 6am.

Tasha came and showered me at lunch time.

Sandy rang and we are meeting at Mum's Wednesday morning.

Awake with my alarm after a shocking nights sleep. At 12.30am and take a Phenergan as I was so restless.

Leo came home from school he said he was having a bad day.

Had to get up 5 minutes after going to bed as I had forgotten to take my night time meds. Had to send Leo to fetch Tasha as I already had my Cpap mask on and needed help, yes I could have taken the mask off but I would still need Tasha's help as the mask is difficult to do up on my own.

Up with my alarm, washed and dressed.

Had a Dr appointment for my care plan, asked for a referral to see a occupational therapist for a functional assessment. This means 2 less visits to the podiatrist.

Tasha then dropped me at Mum's place so we (my siblings) could start to clean out the house. We did the spare room first and I brought home a heap of knitting stuff for Jess.

I also brought home her cordless vacuum cleaner, as well as other stuff.

I have decided to stop using the Norspan patch for pain relief as I feel it isn't working as well.

Up before the alarm by 10 minutes, it is raining so I couldn't take Leo up the front to meet his driver.

Sandra came over to pick up the stuff I printed for her. I also gave her 3 packets of biscuits Jess didn't want.

Tasha came and showered me,Leo here tonight.

Woke with the alarm, straight up and washed and dressed and ready for the day.

Tasha drove me to Mum's and Tim meet me there with the trailer so he could bring home the dressing table that was Aunty Joyce's. He also brought home the fridge Jess wanted.

Tasha putting me to bed as Jess is busy.


  1. Seems a fairly tame week by your standards! Happy mothers day to you and yours.

  2. It is good to have family members around in the house with you. Sometimes, it is just knowing that they are around makes a lot of difference.

  3. Dear Jo-Anne, I've been away from reading blogs for nearly two months, and it's clear that much has happened in your life during that time. I scrolled back through several of your postings, and I'm not exactly sure what has happened. Have you been sick? Are you now? Did someone die?

    I'm so sorry to have missed whatever has been happening. And I so hope that you are okay deep inside yourself where the Oneness that connects us all dwells. I hope that whatever is happening brings with it some good that can comfort you. Peace.

  4. I'm happy for you that you're so surrounded by family. I hope you had a happy Mother's Day.

  5. I'm glad to hear you had family around you---it makes a difference and truly helps.

  6. Chris.....I guess it was

    Nancy.....Yes so true

    Dee.......My Mum died on the 12th and was buried on the 21st 2yrs after Dad passed

    Karen....Thank you

    Mama.......Me too


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