Thursday, 9 March 2017

A post for this Thursday about stuff, not important stuff just stuff

Hello everyone, it is 4pm on Thursday afternoon and I am at last getting around to writing a post started it this morning but with one thing or another I forgot about it and just remembered the clothes in the dryer so will have to wait a bit longer.

Ok back again after standing at the dryer for only 5 minutes I was in a lot of pain so ended up having to bring the laundry in to fold while sitting down. I like to get the clothes out of the dryer as soon as it is finished as I do not like ironing and if I get Tim's work shirts out straight away they don't need to be ironed well they will pass.

This morning I heard a report about overweight children, seems some idiot, yes I think they are idiots want teachers are too report fat children to welfare agencies NO, just no not a good an idea teachers have too much to do as it is without having to do this as well. Yes overweight children is an issue but it isn't in my opinion black and white, there could be medical reasons for the child being heavier then they should, it just doesn't sit wrong with me how overweight are they talking about and what one teacher may think is overweight another will think is ok.

I know some children who once they got to a certain age would become more interested in walking to school which caused them to lose weight and some get into sport as they get a bit older and that helps them lose weight and be fitter. I feel that the government keeps expecting teachers to do more and more report this, report that, tell parents they are doing this or that wrong and lets be honest here generally speaking most parents are loving and caring and doing the best the know how to do. They do not need teachers making them feel like they are failures.

Also heard that there is a call for all renters to be allowed to keep pets, this is also wrong the landlord should have a right to have no pets as pets can damage property if the renters do not take care of the property, I am in favour of being able to have pets but the landlord should be able to say no if they don't want them in their property.

Last night I had Leo as I do with it being Wednesday night, for those who don't know I have him Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday nights while his mum is at Tafe anyway last night there was a school disco and he wanted to go but I didn't have money nor did I feel like going out so I told him he would have to give it a miss. This news put him in a right mood his mood lasted about 30-45 minutes after which he came to me and said “sorry nanna for my behaviour” I said it was ok, he said “I love you but I am still mad with you” I said that is ok he is allowed to be mad, he then gave me a hug and went to his room turning and saying again, “love you nanna, but I am still mad”. I was happy that he came and apologised as not all children would do so without being told to.

While at the school this afternoon I got a headache which I still have even though I have taken pain relief, tonight I will be home alone for a bit after Jessica takes Leo home and before Tim gets home and tomorrow night should be the same then on Saturday I will have Leo during the afternoon and again that night his mum has a girls night planned will also have Blain for a bit in the afternoon his dad will pick him up after he finishes work at around 6.30pm as Jessica's girls night is with Kelli.

Ok I am posting this now hope all had a good day or have a good day depending on what time you are reading this.


  1. Busy times as always for you Jo-Anne.
    Don't agree with teacher reporting children for being obese - oh gosh, what is this world coming to!

    1. Yeah I am usually busy and yeah what is the world coming to

  2. It seems in many Countries, the Government interferes in things that are not necessary and an invasion of a persons home and life. Concentrate on crime, not whether a child is overweight!! Think how awful to be singled out like that and as you said, sometimes it is a medical reason. My son is a teacher of what is called Middle School here... the grades just before High School. (12-14 year old students) He teaches. And unless the child comes to school with marks on him from abuse or the child mentions such, teachers are not required to
    interfere with the home. But apart from that, the invasion these past 20 years into home life is shocking all over the world.

    1. So true I get the need to report abuse but what happens at home doesn't concern the school or government, there are many reasons a child may be overweight doesn't have to mean they have bad parents

  3. Here in the States schools have taken away recess and playtime and then wonder why there's a problem with childhood obesity. How about bringing back recess so they can play and be active?

    I agree that teachers have too much to do than monitor children's weights. Plus they aren't qualified to make a MEDICAL judgement about the children. As you say, the child could be on medication or have a health issue contributing to their weight.

    1. No recess that is terrible Leo's school has a lot of play equipment including a trampoline and stuff to climb on and have recess and lunch and play time

  4. I'm always impressed with all you do while in pain. You are truly an inspiration. That Leo. What a sweetheart! You're right, not many would come back and apologize. He's got quite a heart. :)

    1. Thank you like my mum I feel I don't generally have time to be sick and even if it hurts I need to move my body. Jessica says if she gets angry with Leo and skits out she will go to him when she has calmed down and say sorry for going off her head but she is still mad or upset but shouldn't had gone off like she did so I think that shows Leo that when you lose your shit it is nice to apologise afterwards

  5. Reporting children who are overweight? That will lead to nothing but trouble. I finally got the DVD with the first three episodes of Anzac Girls and loved it.


  6. That is awful about reporting overweight children. Total government overreach. I'm with you on private property rights. It's the bad renters with pets, that messed it up for the good renters. I'd be for, allowing the owner to charge a larger security deposit for the animals.

    1. Yes I don't know anyone who likes the idea of expecting teachers to report overweight children. Yes a landlord should be able to charge a pet fee if the tenant wants a pet, not sure if they do or not since I do not rent privately

  7. Your news stories paint a real nanny state. Hope the loons fail in their attempts.

    1. Oh yeah we are becoming a huge nanny state and it pisses me off

  8. Kids pick on each other enough without singling out overweight kids, too. You know they will find out about it. And governments don't need to stick their noses into every little thing. Bring back more recess and gym time. Teach health and nutritional cooking, etc.
    That was progress with Leo!! Nice! :)

    1. Yeah so true, we have recess here I think it is about 20 minutes mid morning for the kids to play and Leo's school has a lot of play equipment Blain's school not as much and don't know about Sydney's school.

  9. Everything has changed and now everyone is expected to do more. Teachers and students are overload with unnecessary work load. There is not enough rest or play time and everything doesn't seems to improve. I hope your headache is gone by now. Have a good day!

    1. Hell yeah teachers are expected to do so much it is a joke, at least the schools here have a fair amount of play time for the kids

  10. If you start making children uncomfortable about their looks or their weight at a young age, you are putting their self esteem at risk for life.

    1. I agree being an overweight child is hard enough without it being pointed out and the child and the parents made to feel like failures which is what will happen


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