Friday, 31 March 2017

Five things Friday

Hello Friday the end of the working and school week and the start of the weekend, this weekend I have told the girls I want a quiet one so no visitors over the weekend please. Anyway here is this weeks five things for Friday.

Stinking hot one day

Cool and wet the next

Debbie causing a lot of destruction in Queensland

Followed by torrential rain in not just Qld but in NSW as well

Tim so exhausted he isn't well, so called in sick today, he needs to rest

For all those who are interested I have increased my daily workout to 1hr 15mins each morning, getting up at 4.30am now and I also added 15 mins at around lunch time to take my daily workout up to 1hr 30 mins each day. The morning workout is all yoga, I have increased the sets of each exercise from2 to 3 sets each, the lunch time workout is different I am doing what is called a bike ride but is just walking on the spot over an course that takes around 6 mins at the moment as I went back to the beginners course and I can tell you that 6 mins takes a lot out of me. In time though I hope that changes and increases.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Bony Necks, give me the creeps

What is it with news readers and other female television presenters with long skinny bony necks, I find looking at them makes me feel uncomfortable and they all wear tops and dresses that do nothing to hide their necks.

I guess such necks creep me out like some people (my daughters) get freaked out by feet, I also do not like looking into someone’s eyes, when my girls were little if they got something in their eye it was ask your dad to look at it I couldn't and still cannot.

How about other people what creeps you out?

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

A post two days in the making but really about nothing much

Ok as most people know I watch Sunrise of a morning but you know what annoys me is when on days like today they have a special broadcast and repeat the same news over and over again I get it Cyclone Debbie is big news she will be destructive and will affect the lives of many people but it is still somewhat annoying.

It is now 315pm and I am at last getting back to the computer, this morning I had to go to the chemist to get Leo's Webster pack for school and of course take it to the school for him, I also bought more ice cream for him and this afternoon Tim went mad because I let him have ice cream this morning after his cereal, whatever Tim I don't care what you think about this I said it was ok and I am the one here with him.

When I got home a few minutes ago I got distracted and nearly reversed the car into the house,and of course Tim went off but I said didn't hit anything, didn't do and damage so get over it, I was listening to Blain and his friends and not taking any notice of what I was doing.

Blain just walked in his mum rang him and told him he has to be here when she gets here,she annoyed or angry about something and wants to talk to him face to face.

Leo had his school photos done today and said he isn't in the class photo as he wouldn't behave or something. I hope that isn't the case as his mum paid $40 for the school photos.

Ok started this yesterday morning, came back to it yesterday afternoon and now it is Wednesday morning and I am back at it, just got distracted yesterday afternoon and didn't get it finished, this morning there is more news about Debbie but at least there is other stuff on Sunrise and not just Debbie, people are being told to stay home and not go out if they don't need to. Debbie lasted all day yesterday and into last night, it is being reported as one of the worst cyclones to hit Queensland in a bloody long time because it lasted for so long, thankfully none of my family live in the affected areas. At the same time they say it wasn't as bad as they thought it would be it was only because it lasted so long that it is considered so bad.

Of course they are saying that the price of tomatoes and bananas and sugar will rise because of the cyclone.

I have increased my exercise workout of a morning from 60 minutes to this morning 80minutes and of course I am doing them 7 days a week.

Mum saw the specialist about her hip replacement yesterday she is now on the waiting list for the surgery the doctor said the wait should be around 9 months which is what both her and I thought it would be. She also said when he was examining her that he hurt her a lot she was nearly in tears as was my sister Sue who took her to the hospital, Sandra was unable to go with her due to the time of the appointment it was in the afternoon and Sandra had her daughter she had to get from school.

There is a plan to pay people to adopt children the reports are that people could be paid up to $35,000 per year now this is new for Australia but it is something that has been around in other counties for a while well that is what they said on the news.

Well now I am going to post this rambling post this morning at long last.

Monday, 27 March 2017

Good morning all, it is still morning here, just

Good morning all here we are at another Monday another start to the working or school week I am up dressed and exercised and now waiting for the boys to arrive yes boys both Blain and Leo will be here and I hope I do not have a repeat of last Monday.

Didn't do much in the way of blogging over the weekend as Tim wanted to use his computer and who am I to tell him he can't did manage to read some blogs each day around maybe 20-25 blogs but didn't get back here to read comments nor write anything but I guess that is life.

This morning after I take the boys to school I have to go and do a few things for mum as I do each pension day for her,banking money into Dawson's account for her to pay for his Chrisco which for those who don't know is a Christmas Hamper company. He orders gifts for his parents and grandparents and since he doesn't get pocket money mum is ok giving him the money for this.

Dawson is for the most part a good kid well he isn't actually a kid any more he will be 18 in a few days on the 1st April. There will be family party for him next weekend at his dad's house which I will be attending.

Many may have heard of Cyclone Debbie just for those who do not know it will be no where near me it is in the top end of the country in a different state but it is suppose to be a very destructive cyclone and I hope it doesn't do as much damage as they are predicting.

Ok have taken the boys to school and now I am hoping to get this finished and posted it is now 11.30 and I started this at 7.30. The boys were well behaved this morning although when the school rang at 10am I was oh no what's happened but all good just rang to tell me Leo needs more medication by Wednesday so I rang the chemist and arranged that will have to pick it up tomorrow and take it to the school.

I went to the GP and asked about weight loss surgery she has referred me to a guy in Gosford about 45 minutes away I think anyway the GP told me the surgery will be between $6,000 and $8,000 my sister said her sister in-law and a couple of other people she knows have had it and thought it was about $7,000.

So on Saturday night Tim went online and enquired about health cover and joined a health fund which was going to cost him $57 a week and I would have to wait a year to have the surgery. So I worked out he would be paying around $3,000 in premiums and our out of pocket would still be around $3,500 according to the doctors website so we would only be saving between $500 and $1,500. I told Tim I thought it made more sense to just save the money and have the surgery in a years time, so he will ring up and cancel the health cover in the next week or so you have a month to cancel if you change your mind.

Well that is it for this morning

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

On Sunrise this morning

This morning on Sunrise I saw and heard the following stories.

More women are dying of heart attack then men because women don't generally get the “Hollywood” style of heart attack where there is a lot of chest pain, women are more likely to feel nausea and back pain or stomach pains. It seems that women are 50% more likely to die of a heart attack then a man,not only do we have different symptoms but we ignore the symptoms for longer and just carry on because we don't get that terrible chest pain you see in the movies and tv shows. There have been many times when I have had chest pain but always assume it is just ingestion and do nothing other then take a Mylanta tablet and hope it goes away. Does this come as a surpise to me..........Nope

There is a lot of salt in bread and some breads have more salt then a packet of potato chips,and it isn't just white bread but wholemeal and some flat breads as well, also doesn't come as a surprise to me.

Yesterday afternoon there was what reported as a seize in Tights Hill which is in town about 15-20minutes from where I live, a guy who the day before stabbed three people unknown to him and robbed a store was on the roof of an apartment complex he was on the damn roof for 17 hours he came down around 5am this morning, this hard ass bitch doesn't get why they had to spend so long negotiating with fella but I get you can't shoot the dickhead because that would be wrong. The residents living around the area had a terrible night as they had to leave their home and wasn't allowed back till around 6am that would have pissed me off.

Seems that people prefer a good old book with pages over Ebooks this also doesn’t come as a surprise I prefer a normal book over and Ebook you don't have to charge book and you can carry it everywhere.

Days after a mid-air emergency that saw a propeller fly off a Rex plane bound for Sydney, the airline has taken action and grounded five similar model aircraft. The propeller was found close to homes yesterday not were they thought it would be, it had to be winched out as it was 150kgs in weight and some were surprised it was found so quickly.

That is about all I have for today’s post, more to come tomorrow.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Lazy Day and My Weight

Good afternoon, well here we are at the end of another day here in Newie been a pretty warm/hot day again. This afternoon while watching telly with Tim I commented that I was really tired and Tim said why didn't I go have a nap, so I did, I slept for over an hour then it was time to get ready and go and get Leo from school this afternoon.

Been a pretty lazy day for me not doing much at all no appointments, no laundry to do,only the usual housework that needs to be done day in and day out.

Leo said he had a better day at school not great but better, also when he got home he asked for a toasted ham & cheese sandwich, also had a not from the school to order ham & cheese toasted sandwiches next Tuesday and he said he wanted me to order 2 for him, I will order 1 I think as he doesn't eat much at school.

I am still feeling stiff and sore but I am still working out each morning.

On Sunday when Tim and I returning from going to my parents place he had something he wanted to do with the caravan and the we went to the shops, well on the way from mum & dad's place to Warners Bay Plaza he started again about my weight and how much I eat and that he wants me to have weight loss surgery and wants me to as the doctor about it when I see her on Wednesday. I ended up snapping and telling him I get it and to give it a rest, he said he just wanted to make his point, I said point made, now you are just making me mad.

I know he loves me and worries about my health but nagging me about my weight only gets me pissed off. He said the exercisers are not working this is all because I am stiff and sore and can barely move at times, I said it takes time for the exercisers to pay off but I think he expects to see a change in a weeks time but I know it takes longer.

I have never been interested in having weight loss surgery but I have agreed to speak to the doctor about it which I will do tomorrow when I go to the doctors for my yearly care plan.

Monday, 20 March 2017

My morning

Well here we are at another day, can't say the day started off that great well the getting up and exercising was find and I even managed to put my knee high stocking on without much trouble but around 8am things went south.

The boys (Blain & Leo) got into a punch up which was annoying and frustrating and made me yell but what really made me see red and lose it with Blain was when Leo had fallen to the floor and Blain started kicking him in the ribs. As far as I am concerned kicking a person when they are down is a cowardly thing to do, as Jessica said when I told her if they were drunk it would be understandable or if one was frightened and fighting for their life kicking someone would be understandable but this was two little boys fighting over nothing really so such an action was uncalled for.

When I dropped Leo off at school he said he was sorry that he upset me and told me he loved me, and could never hate me, the hate me bit was because as we were leaving this morning I stopped at the top of the driveway and asked if one of the boys would get out and get the catalogues off the letter boxes and neither would so in a huff I got out and said sometimes it is as if you hate me. I was just in a mood.

After taking the boys to school I went and had my mammogram done and on the way home I rang and spoke to Natasha and explained to her while I lost it with Blain even though she was on the phone to Blain while all this fighting went down. I wanted to explain things in a calm manner she said she will be speaking to Blain about kicking when she gets him from school this afternoon as she also agreed you do not kick someone when they are on the ground.
She also said that Blain will not be going to is mates place after school today because of his behaviour this morning.

Natasha said she is having a lot of attitude from Blain on Friday mornings and Mondays after he gets back from his dad's place the problem on Fridays is because he doesn't want to go to his dads and he often returns in a right mood as well.

I think the fact that Blain knows his dad doesn't like Steve and thinks Natasha is being stupid for supporting him has something to do with why Blain doesn't want to be with his dad, Blain like most children want to see his mum happy. Also Jono is very strict and Blain has to do chores and homework and and can't get away with stuff like he does when he is with his mum.

Sunday, 19 March 2017

The Sunshine award

I was nominated for the Sunshine award by Diane at if you don't already follow her go and check her out, here are the questions she gave me to answer along of course with my answers. I don't nominate people though 

What’s your life philosophy or motto?
Life's to short to be miserable you’d like.
Have you ever seen a ghost?
No but have felt a spirit with me, while laying in bed there have been times when I have felt someone sit next to me and touch me but there is no one there.
How do you relax after a long day?
Have a hot bubble bath
Do you have a favorite book or movie?
No not really at different times in my life there have been movies I really enjoyed and watched a number of times but no over all favourtie
What’s your worst habit?
Eating too much
Are you a morning person?
Hell yes, I get up at 5am and exercise and blog and if I have to have an appointment I prefer a morning one, straight after I take Leo to school works best for me
What’s your favorite childhood memory?
What comes to mind is the things I did with dad, like running power to the garage or wallpapering the kitchen
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
I don't do crazy
What do you get really, really excited about?
Christmas and holidays
What is something you’ve done recently that is worth remembering?
Damn I can't think of a single thing
If you had the power to change anything about the country you live in, what 3 things would you change? Be as serious as you’d like.
The cost of domestic airfares, they are ridiculously high cheaper to fly overseas sometimes then to fly anywhere in the country.
Our internet speed it is too damn slow in some parts of the country and too damn expensive
How much we pay those who serve in the military and police force and such they deserve more money for willing putting themselves in hams way to protect the rest of us.

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Good Morning

Good morning all I am up dressed and stiff and sore, my back the last couple of days has been giving me a lot of trouble, why you wonder, well each morning when I exercise I do 30-35 minutes of yoga type exercises to help strengthen my back and give me more movement aka flexibility in my back and legs at the moment I have very little so at the moment I am stiff and sore and movement hurts but in the long run these exercises should improve my movement in the short term there is pain and stiffness.

The above was written yesterday Friday morning this morning Saturday morning I am not as stiff and sore and have increased my yoga workout to 45 minutes by adding two extra exercises so this morning I did 70 minutes of exercise up 10minutes on the usual.

It is still wet here but I don't need to go out at all so that's good, Leo will be here hopefully around lunch time and not before as his mum is working this afternoon/night. There is some event on at the Hope Estate Winery called the Hot Dub Machine no idea what that is though but for Jessica it means work and work means money so she is happy and Leo has no problem staying with Nanna & Papa, although Papa will be at work all day today.

Since I started this I have read around 30 blogs and had breakfast and watched a bit of telly and now I generally feel like my head is going to fall off it is heavy and kinda stuffed up and I keep sneezing and coughing and part of me just wants to go back to bed as I am feeling pretty tied but Leo will be here soon so that isn't going to happen.

Friday, 17 March 2017

Five things Friday

Hello Friday and this Friday I can post could have posted last Friday if I had thought to use Tim's computer like I am now doing and have been doing all week, oh well sometimes we are a little slow to realise things, this Friday like all Fridays will be long and busy as it is the main day I go shopping.

Anyway without further ado here is this weeks five things.

Stiff and sore



Wet and warm/hot

Feeling Good

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Sweating and Stabbing

So we have had a string of wet days here with cool mornings and warm days and the last two days when I did Natasha's laundry I had to use the dryer to dry it, well this afternoon I done a load of my own washing and when it was done I went outside expecting to throw it in the dryer but it was fine and sunny so hung it on the line and now I have sweat dripping off me.

When I went to hang the washing out I was missing a heap of pegs found them all broken on the ground will be saying something to Leo about that, also I am going to need a new laundry basket as the one I have is breaking also thanks to Leo.

At times Leo can be a destructive little sod, the other day I found him in the laundry stabbing the box I use for the recycling with a streak knife, when I asked him what he was doing he said just stabbing, when asked why he was stabbing he said just feel like it. Took the knife off him and explained that I do not like him to do such things and you can't go around stabbing stuff,his reply well it is just a box not a living thing,he then went on to explain that you cannot stab living things because it would hurt them and they may die and that is wrong but a box is ok because it has no feelings and cannot die. I didn't know how to respond to that other then to say it makes a mess and can destroy something I am still using.

In about 10-15 minutes I will be leaving to go get Leo from school, so may not get this finished and posted till after I get back from doing that he is going home to his house tonight and again tomorrow night but I think Jess has work on Saturday so he will be back here then.

Also I stink from the sweating, good thing I am not going out around people this afternoon, yes I use deodorant every day proper deodorant not that body spray stuff well I use that too with the proper deodorant I think too many people mistake body spray for proper deodorant, just saying.

Back again the thermometer in the car said it was 30°c when I got in it to go get Leo,no wonder I was dripping in sweat, heat and wet weather equals hot and sticky I will be going to have a nice relaxing bath when I am finished this.

Back to Leo and knifes and scissors he has a thing for these items, he takes after his mother when she was a child she had a fascination with knifes and scissors as well. She once stormed into the house into the kitchen crapped a large knife and was starting to leave the house saying “I'll teach the little shit” she was referring to one of the neighbours son who was about the same age as her. I of course stopped her and took the knife off her and told her you cannot go around threatening people with knifes just because they have pissed you off. She thankfully out grew that stage.

Well I am off to have a bath and will be back tomorrow, hope you all have a good night or day depending on when you read this.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Bad behaviour

Seems Aussie kids are some of the worst behaved in the western world, teachers are complaining that they are unable to discipline and control children there is a call for parents to discipline children and I have to agree I often see some terrible behaved children but a big part of the problem is how do parents and teachers discipline you are not allowed to spank, you cannot yell at them, in fact some so called expects say you should sit the child down and calmly tell them what they are doing wrong and send them to a time out for a few minutes. Teachers have it harder in my opinion the list of all they can't do in way of discipline is so damn long they have no idea what to do. Thanks to the do-gooders of the world, kids these days have no respect and no consequences for their hideous behaviour. Parents need to parent and stop trying to be "friends" with their kids.

Ok Justin Bieber is in the news again after he got caught giving a mouth full of abuse to someone who yelled out to him to say something to his fans while he was chillin in what was suppose to be a secluded location. His response was a mouth full of foul language and to give the finger to the person not good, yeah I get he wants his space and privacy but he is a public figure and these things happen he should have just turned his back and said and did nothing, not good for his young fans to see him carry on in such a manner.

Leo is acting crazy by laying behind me while I sit here typing, he said to tell you all I am his swag nanna and you cannot have me.

I have now returned after taking Leo to school, it is a cool wet day outside this morning.

In Queensland a dad is annoyed that the parents with prams parking signs show a woman with a baby not a man and a woman and mentioned how a lot of men get strange looks when they take their child into a parents room to take them to the toilet or change their nappy as if this is something only women can do, I say way to go, women want men to be more involved but when they try the get weird looks as if they are doing something wrong.

I forgot to mention that yesterday was my niece Kelli's birthday she is now I think about 23, I call her my sweetheart this started a few years back when her and Daemon (her son) lived here with me and Tim, Daemon was only 2 at the time and now he is 5 and going to school. Kelli is my sister Sue's youngest child.

Well that is all for today’s post.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

SIDS & Cardboard Boxes

Hi today I am going to talk a little about cot death or SIDS why well because this morning I saw a story about putting babies to sleep in a cardboard box to help prevent SIDS the report said they have been used in Norway and Finland since the 1930's.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) is a term used to describe the sudden and unexpected death of a baby. SUDI may be the result of a serious illness or a problem that baby may have been born with, but most SUDI deaths occur as a result of either SIDS or a fatal sleep accident.
When no cause for the death can be found, it is called ‘SIDS’.SIDS, is the sudden, unexpected and unexplained death of an apparently well baby. In Australia in 2013, 117 babies died suddenly and unexpectedly, of those deaths, 54 were identified as SIDS. Despite these deaths, SIDS is rare and the risk of your baby dying from it is low.
Most deaths happen during the first 3 months of a baby’s life. If a baby is born premature or with a low birth weight they are at greater risk, and SIDS is also more common in baby boys. Most unexpected deaths occur while the child is asleep in their cot at night.
what the box contains

I remember when my girls where babies I would go and check on them during the night often placing my hand on their chest to make sure they were breathing if couldn't tell by looking at them. Also I used the baby sleeping bag thing for them to sleep in during the colder months to keep them warm over using a blanket to cover them.
However, SIDS can also occur when a baby is asleep during the day or, occasionally, while they are awake. Mothers can reduce the risk of SIDS by not smoking while pregnant or around the baby after it is born or while breastfeeding and always placing the baby on their back when sleeping.
Finland has one of the world’s lowest infant death rates of just 3.3 per 1000 in 2013, compared with Australia at 10 per 1000. However, many experts say that the use of a box for baby to sleep in does nothing to prevent SIDS, this mother can see the logic behind it the box isn't much bigger then the baby there is no room for a pillow which we all know shouldn't be used with a baby but still far too many mothers do use because they thing the baby looks uncomfortable. The baby isn't able to roll onto its stomach, there is no room for stuffed toys so really all round safer.

In Finland expectant mothers are given the box in what is a starter kit with clothes, sheets and toys, the maternity package is a gift from the government, here in Australia all new mums can get a baby bundle which is also a free gift from the government, however it doesn't come in a box that can be used for baby to sleep in and I think maybe it should.

The box in Finland also contains a mattress in the bottom so the baby is sleeping on something. Mothers have a choice between taking the box, or a cash grant, currently set at 140 euros, but 95% opt for the box as it's worth much more.

Babies who die of SIDS are thought to have problems in the way they respond to these stresses and how they regulate their heart rate, breathing and temperature. Although the cause of SIDS is not fully understood, you can reduce the risk. By doing the following.

Place your child on their back to sleep. The safest place for them to sleep is in a cot in a room with you for the first 6 to 12 months.

Do not smoke while you are pregnant or after your baby is born, and do not let anyone else smoke in the same room as your baby.

SIDS and Kids recommend sleeping a baby in a cot next to the parent’s bed for the first 6-12 months of life.

Don't have baby sleeping in the same bed as yourself, although I did with all my girls and grandbabies.

Never sleep with your baby on a sofa or an armchair, did this too

Do not let your baby get too hot.

Keep your baby’s head uncovered. Their blanket should be tucked in no higher than their shoulders.

Place your baby on their back to sleep from the very beginning, for both day and night sleeps. This will reduce the risk of cot death. It’s not as safe for babies to sleep on their sides as on their backs. Healthy babies placed on their backs are not more likely to choke.

When the baby is old enough to roll over, don’t prevent them from doing so, how you are to do that they can't tell you.

Monday, 13 March 2017

In the news today

Rioters who wear masks could be sentenced to 15years in gaol this is the call after the problems with rioters over the weekend at the Moomba sounds good but can this woman see it happening, not really the judges and magistrates in this country are a bunch of gutless wimps.

Adele was attacked by mozzies during a recent performance her in Aus does this come as a surprise to any Aussie, me thinks not. Also turns out to get on a stage that is in the middle of a venue she is wheeled passed them in a box so she can just appear on stage as if by magic.

There is a new push for car manufactures to make cars that stop people for texting while driving the first thing that popped into my head when I heard this what if they do it via the Bluetooth in the car then I would be screwed while travelling as it is my phone not Tim's that automatic connects to the cars bluetooth not Tim's. Yes his car is synced in but it is mine the connects when we are both in the car I think this is because I drive the car most thus it is generally my phone connected to the bluetooth. Also a good idea but really I have no problem with heavy fines and loss of licence why do we have to have the technology, why can't people just grow up and do the right thing.

Justin Bieber insulted people while he is here, because he didn't want selfies taken with all and not nice but I wouldn't want people crapping me and taking a selfie with me so I do get that at times someone like him would feel his personal space is being invaded. Just to add I am not a Bieber fan yeah some of his songs are ok but wouldn't call myself a fan. I also know that a lot of famous people can be and act like assholes and they should know what happens when you are famous but still I get that at times they lose their shit just like any other person.

Leo is having the day off school as his voice is still not great coming and going and I really don't see the point in sending him, I will let him have another day to recover. At this stage I am unsure of how Tim is yesterday he felt pretty sick, taking cold tablets and sleeping a lot he said if he is still not feeling better he said he will call in sick today so we will see when he gets up. He is on afternoon starts so has time to see how he feels once he wakes up.

The CSIRO has developed a telehealth device that older people can use in their own home to monitor their health they conducted a 12 month trial of the device. The use of telehealth systems and technologies to provide patient care have long been touted as a solution to ease the burden on Australia’s health system, and a recent study completed by the CSIRO has provided the most compelling evidence yet of their benefits

The 12-month trial was conducted in conjunction with a number of partners and involved trialing telehealth systems with 287 patients.

Participants were provided with a telehealth device that included videoconferencing capabilities with clinicians, messaging features and the delivery of clinical and study-specific questionnaires.

Depending on the conditions the patients had, the devices monitored their ECG, heart rate, spirometry, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, body weight and body temperature, and glucometry were also deployed

Sounds like a good idea, if it helps keep people out of hospital and in their own homes.

Sunday, 12 March 2017

The Blue Screen of Death and a Sick Leo

Hello everyone, hope you all are having a good weekend, as usual I have been up since 5am done my morning exercises and have put the silverside on to cook and have peeled the spuds and cut them up they are sitting in water ready to be cooked later.

If you follow me on good ole Facebook you would know that my computer came up with the blue screen of death on Friday so I am using Tim's computer, Michael (Kathy's partner) is coming over with Kathy for lunch today and will look at it, he is the IT guy in the family. I am not holding out a lot of hope but who knows.

Told Tim if I do need a new computer I will not be wanting a $900 one like what he got, in the time I have had my laptop Tim has had 3 computers each one more expensive. I am using my tablet for Facebook and to look stuff up online but for blogging I prefer a computer. It is Tim's computer that I am using now

I said to Tim yesterday that he used to complain about the amount of stuff around my computer he is twice as bad I had to clean off his desk enough to use it. Because Tim has a large screen he sits further back then I like also he has better eyesight then me so is able to see the screen better.

Natasha and her dad are bickering about money again, so she will not be coming today for lunch she needs to get her knickers out of a twist and see things from her dad's point of view.

Yesterday I had both Blain and Leo here for a few hours why you wonder well Jessica and Kelli had a girls night along with Heather (Kelli's sister) and another friend Cassie, Blain was picked up by his dad after his father finished work and Daemon was with his nanna, my sister Sue.

Speaking of Leo he is a sick little boy not that he was acting that sick yesterday when Blain was here, but he is sick, he sounds sick as in had a croaky voice not that croaky this morning as this morning he has no voice at all. So I am expecting him to have tomorrow off school.

I am having hot cross buns for breakfast, a brand I have not had before and I am not keen on them they have very little fruit in them and taste kind bland won't be buying them again. Yesterday I had a headache for most of the day and even though I had Leo here, his mum came over to use my thermometer to check if he had a temp and when it came time to go home for a few hours before she wanted me to watch him he didn't want to go. So I had him since midday, anyway because I had a headache Leo let me have a nap he said he would just watch TV while I slept which is what he did.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

A post for this Thursday about stuff, not important stuff just stuff

Hello everyone, it is 4pm on Thursday afternoon and I am at last getting around to writing a post started it this morning but with one thing or another I forgot about it and just remembered the clothes in the dryer so will have to wait a bit longer.

Ok back again after standing at the dryer for only 5 minutes I was in a lot of pain so ended up having to bring the laundry in to fold while sitting down. I like to get the clothes out of the dryer as soon as it is finished as I do not like ironing and if I get Tim's work shirts out straight away they don't need to be ironed well they will pass.

This morning I heard a report about overweight children, seems some idiot, yes I think they are idiots want teachers are too report fat children to welfare agencies NO, just no not a good an idea teachers have too much to do as it is without having to do this as well. Yes overweight children is an issue but it isn't in my opinion black and white, there could be medical reasons for the child being heavier then they should, it just doesn't sit wrong with me how overweight are they talking about and what one teacher may think is overweight another will think is ok.

I know some children who once they got to a certain age would become more interested in walking to school which caused them to lose weight and some get into sport as they get a bit older and that helps them lose weight and be fitter. I feel that the government keeps expecting teachers to do more and more report this, report that, tell parents they are doing this or that wrong and lets be honest here generally speaking most parents are loving and caring and doing the best the know how to do. They do not need teachers making them feel like they are failures.

Also heard that there is a call for all renters to be allowed to keep pets, this is also wrong the landlord should have a right to have no pets as pets can damage property if the renters do not take care of the property, I am in favour of being able to have pets but the landlord should be able to say no if they don't want them in their property.

Last night I had Leo as I do with it being Wednesday night, for those who don't know I have him Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday nights while his mum is at Tafe anyway last night there was a school disco and he wanted to go but I didn't have money nor did I feel like going out so I told him he would have to give it a miss. This news put him in a right mood his mood lasted about 30-45 minutes after which he came to me and said “sorry nanna for my behaviour” I said it was ok, he said “I love you but I am still mad with you” I said that is ok he is allowed to be mad, he then gave me a hug and went to his room turning and saying again, “love you nanna, but I am still mad”. I was happy that he came and apologised as not all children would do so without being told to.

While at the school this afternoon I got a headache which I still have even though I have taken pain relief, tonight I will be home alone for a bit after Jessica takes Leo home and before Tim gets home and tomorrow night should be the same then on Saturday I will have Leo during the afternoon and again that night his mum has a girls night planned will also have Blain for a bit in the afternoon his dad will pick him up after he finishes work at around 6.30pm as Jessica's girls night is with Kelli.

Ok I am posting this now hope all had a good day or have a good day depending on what time you are reading this.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Aboriginal Sites and Rock Climbing

Did you know there are over 1000 sites of Aboriginal culture and heritage in the areas of Sydney known as North Sydney, Lane Cove, Willoughby, Manly and the Northern Beaches Council.

Many of these sites are found in the cliffs and crags of the Hawkesbury Sandstone rock formations that make up much of the wider Sydney area.

The sites are of significance to Aboriginal people because they are evidence of the past Aboriginal occupation and are valued as a link with their traditional culture. 

There is also great scientific value in these sites. By studying the shells, stones and bones, we can learn a great deal about past environments, what plants and animals were used by people, what tools they used and how they survived.

Sites are under threat every day from development, vandalism and natural erosion. Recreational activities like rock climbing can also do irreparable damage. The sites cannot be replaced, and once they are destroyed, they are lost forever.

Even though rock climbing is a relatively low impact sport, some of the methods used can be damaging to Aboriginal heritage.
  • Putting bolts into rock leaves permanent scars and will permanently deface the site.
  • Climbing routes that pass over or adjacent rock art results in scuffing and wear of the art surfaces and loss of pigments.
  • Chalk adheres to rock surfaces and can damage rock art.
  • Chalk marks on an Aboriginal site is aesthetically displeasing and deeply hurtful to Indigenous people.
  • Repeated use of a site leads to erosion of archaeological deposits such as shell middens.
As all Aboriginal sites in NSW are protected under the National Parks and Wildlife Act it is an offence to damage or destroy them so climbing on and around these sites is against the law. Sandstone overhangs have high potential for Aboriginal heritage and therefore rock climbing can be seen as a high risk activity that could impact an Aboriginal site.

Rock climbing is restricted in many National Parks and Council reserves for this and other reasons. Rangers and Compliance Officers will take actions to prosecute climbers if Aboriginal sites are being harmed.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

In the news today

Ok today we have some things I saw on Sunrise this morning, first up there was talk about how the little green and red men at traffic lights you know what I mean you cross when the little man goes from red to green well they are now going to change some lights from little men to little women in skirts, why, really why I don't understand why councils or government or who ever it is who has decided to do that would waste money changing the lights to me it is just a huge waste of money.

I think most people would feel living in a gated community would be pretty safe they are protect from the bad guys but on the news this morning a man was killed by his brother so when the bad guy is your brother you are not so safe.

A Melbourne mother has spoken out after she and her infant baby were told to leave a city bowling alley because the venue was serving alcohol, she wanted to catch up with friends and thought Strike Bowling would be a better place to take her infant daughter than the pub.
We could have taken her to the pub, ironically that would have been legal, but I thought a less suitable environment to have a three-month-old baby in,” she said.
So the new mum and her family joined a group of friends at the bowling alley in central Melbourne on Friday night. But the fun lasted just half an hour after the group was evicted under liquor licensing laws when the venue started serving alcohol at 8pm.
The reason for the law being in existence is to prevent minors from purchasing alcohol,”
Clearly there’s no chance a three-month-old would be drinking anything other than milk.”Strike Bowling bans anyone under 18 from the premises once the bar opens, which is designed “to offer a protected and safe experience”, according to company policy.
Strike Bowling did refund the family’s game and has invited them back to bowl free of charge, I don't know if I would be going back any time soon if it was me.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Just another Monday

Well here we are at another Monday, so since I don't post over the weekend Monday's post is just letting you know what happened over the weekend. So what happened, nothing much, I spent a lot of the time sleeping. Yeah I just didn't feel 100%, very tired and just not right can't put my finger on what was wrong, I found myself needed to go back to bed a few hours after I got up on both Saturday and Sunday.

In fact Saturday saw me go to bed for the night at 5.30pm in the afternoon, I was watching telly with Tim and found myself falling asleep so decided to go to bed because I am not like some people (Tim) and just allow myself to fall asleep in front of the telly. If I find my eyes closing I take myself off to bed.

Sunday wasn't much better at 10 am I went back to bed for a couple of hours please note I get up at 5am each morning so at 10am I had been up for 5 hours and done an hour of exercise on my Wi Fit as I do each morning. I didn't go to bed too early around 7.30pm which is about average for me I am a early to bed person.

It rained all weekend so all the laundry went into the dryer and Kathy even came over to use the dryer to just finish her clothes off she needed to make sure Sydney-May's school clothes were dried ready for school today.

It is not raining today but there is a brisk wind which makes wearing shorts leaving your legs cold so I am wearing light weight long pants today with socks because my feet felt cold without the socks.

So that is my weekend, today is the start of another week and as usual I hope it will be a good week not hot, not cold and not too wet, although before I go I will mention on Friday it pissed down rain most of the day and I got pretty wet when I got home getting the shopping out of the car.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Five Things Friday

Hello Friday here is this weeks five things:


32kgs up 3kgs (in 6 mths)

135cms up 17cms (in 6mths)

Blood pressure 112/62

Medication no change needed at this time

So as you may have told I took Leo to his 6 monthly appointment with his paediatrician for the first time the appointment was held at the (JHH)John Hunter Hospital children’s apartment it used to be held at the old Wallsend Hospital's Kaleidoscope Unit but the JHH is closer to me so I am ok with the appointment being held there. 

Thursday, 2 March 2017

More about my country..................Australia

So I thought today I would share a bit about Australia some of these facts you may know some you may not know. Today you get another dozen facts numbers 13 to 24.
    13 Australia is very sparsely populated: The UK has 248.25 persons per square kilometre, while Australia has only 2.66 persons per square kilometre.
    14. Australia’s first police force was made up of the most well-behaved convicts.
    15. Australia has the highest electricity prices in the world.
    16. There were over one million feral camels in outback Australia, until the government launched the $19m Feral Camel Management Program, which aims to keep the pest problem under control.
    17. Saudi Arabia imports camels from Australia (mostly for meat production).
    18. Qantas once powered an interstate flight with cooking oil.
    19. Per capita, Australians spend more money on gambling than any other nation.
    20. In 1832, 300 female convicts mooned the governor of Tasmania. It was said that in a “rare moment of collusion with the Convict women, the ladies in the Governor’s party could not control their laughter.”
    21. Australia is home to the longest fence in the world. It is 5,614 km long, and was originally built to keep dingoes away from fertile land.
    22. Australia was one of the founding members of the United Nations.
    23. Melbourne is considered the sporting capital of the world, as it has more top level sport available for its citizens than anywhere else. Narrabri, NSW is Australia’s sportiest town.
    24. Before the arrival of humans, Australia was home to megafauna: three metre tall kangaroos, seven metre long goannas, horse-sized ducks, and a marsupial lion the size of a leopard. It is theorised that it was also covered in rainforest before humans applied a burning style of hunting.

New Posts

  Well, here we are at Thursday and Thursday are an easy day for me when it comes to blogging just posting links to new posts over at Random...