Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Bits and Pieces

Monday afternoon around 4pm, my middle finger on my left hand started to hurt, this is due to have arthritis in the fingers but most of the time it is ok but not Monday afternoon by 6 pm it was still very sore and causing me pain, in fact it was closer to 7pm before the pain stopped.

Tuesday evening I started to feel very tired and generally unwell so I was in bed earlier then normal, woke up drenched in sweat during the night and turned the air con on to help me cool down while I changed my nightie to a cooler one. Tim snapped that he was cold and to turn the air con off I only had it on for a couple of minutes and told him so.

Wednesday morning woke up to a cool and wet day, so decided to let Tim take the car to work if he wants to do so as I will not need it to get Leo from school this afternoon.

Mum and I had planned to go to the cemetery but I am just not feeling up to it so will give it a miss this morning.

Natasha dropped Blain off for me to take to school and her washing which I do not know if I will do today or tomorrow depends on how I feel when I get home. Also if tomorrow is going to be a better day weather wise I might leave it till then. I asked her what time she will pick him up this afternoon she said arn't you driving him home, no your dad is taking the car so then she asked what her sister was doing I have no idea what Jess is doing this afternoon you may just have to come and get him yourself Natasha.

Speaking of Jess she rings me last night I was already in bed because I wasn't feeling well, anyway she was rolling out some pastry and found some flour in the cupboard and used it on the bench so the pastry wouldn't stick only to discover the flour was three years our of date. So she rings me to make sure she wouldn't get sick but as she only used it so the pastry wouldn't stick and because flour is fine for a bloody long time.

I am around a 3rd through my Christmas cards, the problem is that my hand starts to shake a lot and ache after I have done a few so I have to stop for a bit, also my back aches so I need to sit back and rest a bit.

All over the news is how Victoria is going to try and introduce voluntary euthanasia laws, it will not be easy lots of strict rules will be involved. I personally feel about bloody time, we don't let animals suffer for years so why do we let humans suffer for years when there is no cure for the cause of the suffering.

In other news KFC here have brought out a candle that smells like KFC chicken, what the, at the start of the year they brought out sunscreen lotion that smelt like KFC chicken and that was gross as well.

I like KFC but don't want the smell of it all over my body or all over the house, sorry but, no.

Well that is all for this post I have rambled on enough.


  1. I will stay off the controversial part and just say I'm with you on KFC scented houses. If I want that I'll buy a bucket.

  2. I too will only comment on the KFC. I would hate having my body or the house smelling like the! UGH! I hope you are getting enough iron rich food.

  3. Good grief, what next - KFC and a candle, yuk!
    Hope you soon feel better.
    Haven't done my Christmas Cards yet - must get into it.

  4. I agree with you about the euthanasia laws. Hope you feel better soon.

  5. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather. I hope it passes soon. I need to get started on Christmas cards this weekend!

    1. I am feeling well today and I am slowly getting through my cards

  6. I'm sorry you don't feel well. Tell Tim that I said he's not to snap at you. I wouldn't want the scent of KFC on my body or in my house. That's weird.


    1. I am feeling better today, as for Tim snapping at me I am used to it, I often snap back which he doesn't like

  7. I have things hurt every so often and I'm usually clueless as to why. Is this part of getting older?

    1. It is part of getting older, but hurting body parts are ok better then being dead

  8. I agree on the euthanasia laws. I hate that people ever are terminally ill and that that's the best option, but that's so much better than suffering and living with a quality of life that they don't want for however long they have. The KFC scented weird! I've never seen KFC scented stuff here!

    1. Yes if you have watched a loved one suffer for sometimes years just getting more and more worse it is not nice

  9. I hope you're feeling better soon.
    I'd pass on the smell of fried chicken all over the house, too!! ;)

    1. I don't think any sane person would like that smell around the house all the bloody time

  10. Hi, Jo-Anne!

    I'm sorry your fingers are hurting and you are feeling generally unwell. I know what you're going through because I have had arthritis in my fingers and hands since the late 1970s.

    I never heard of products with a chicken scent. It doesn't sound like something I'd want to experience, unless it happens to be... chicken. :)

    Thanks for coming to see me, dear friend Jo-Anne. I hope you feel better soon.

    1. I am glad that the arthritis in my hands only plays up from time to time and isn't a daily thing.


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