Saturday, 30 January 2016

76 and going strong

It was on this day way back in the year of 1940 that an amazing woman was born, in the town of Parkes in the state of New South Wales. She was the first child of Florence Muriel Torrens and Mervyn James Townsend, she has a brother Ronnie and had a sister Dianne.

Her parents separated when she was about 4 and later divorced, after they separated she went to live with her grandmother in the town of Byabarra which is a small country town near Wauchope in New South Wales. She lived with her grandmother till around the age of 14, when her grandmother died.

When she was about 10 her mum remarried, her step father was Ronald Francis James, who for most of her life she thought of as just her dad, she lost contact with her father Mervyn when she as about 14. However, on the 24th May 1997 she met her father Mervyn again after around 50 years, he was living in Blayney in New South Wales she was lucky she didn't wait any longer to track him down as he died in October 1997.

For most of her life she has been called Mae, spelt with an e not a y she would say I am not a month, Mae is also the middle name of her youngest daughter and it is also the middle name of that daughters eldest daughter along with my granddaughter who is Sydney-May with a Y but that is ok.

To celebrate her birthday all her children popped over for lunch, we bought fish and chips and I bought a cake from Coles just a $5 sponge cake and mum opened a bottle of wine the wine I like so I had two glasses of wine but I didn't have to drive so all good there.

Now even though mum is now 76 that doesn't mean she will not be driving children to day care, or school and such, nope no rest for mum, she even has Landon this afternoon/evening while my brother and sister in-law went I think fishing but not really sure about that.

Ok that is it for this post I want to sit back and watch some telly.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Boring Thursday Just Saying

Well hello everyone on this somewhat sticky Thursday afternoon, this morning mum and I went to see nanna, we took Denni with us this was the first time we have taken Denni. She is only 3 and such a quiet little one not like her big sister Temika who is a right little chatter box. Nan was about the same sleeping mostly, saying most stuff we can't make out with the odd word here and there like “Ron” “Jo” and sometimes “Mavis” although I think when she says Mavis she is thinking of her sister not her daughter.

Well the boys and Sydney-May have gone back to school today when I picked up the boys I asked them if they had a good day who is their new teacher you know the usual stuff Blain said he doesn't go into a new class till Monday and Leo said he had a so so day, he has a male teacher but couldn't remember his name.

Last night when I was talking to mum about how I do not understand a child wanting to miss the first day of the school year, this is the day you find out your class and who your teacher is and when in high school you get your time table for either the term or the year. I think if you miss the first day you are kind of lost.

Speaking of mum made me remember she got a phone call on Tuesday telling her that Dawson would not be going back today he goes back tomorrow, Dawson was a bit worried he asked her is it just me or everyone in my class that goes back tomorrow. Mum reassured him that it would be all the class not just him, she is worried about how he is going to do at this new school as he doesn't handle change very well at all.

On Tuesday when we all went to mum & dad's for breakfast mum heard him telling Leo and Blain not to swear, you do not swear at that house and you do not swear around his little sister and cousin. Now when Dawson was little he went through a stage when he tried swearing but his nanna (my mum) told him it is rude and that her and pop do not use that type of language and neither should he. He would hear his mum and poppy Robert yelling and swearing at each other and thought it was normal, his nan & pop soon taught him that it is not normal and it's not polite to swear and he stopped didn't happen over night but after a few months of being told not to swear he got it. Yes he may still swear when he is talking to his mum or maybe school mates and that is fine as long as he knows not to do it around young children and older people.

This morning Natasha said she thought Dawson was a bit old for Lego, Dawson loves his Lego and it doesn't take him long to put them together, any way I tried to explain to Natasha that doing Lego is Dawson's hobby, some people read, some collect stuff Dawson does Lego. I am not sure if she got it.  

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Happy Birthday To The Love Of My Life

On this day back in 1961 it was a Thursday I believe a baby boy was born at 11.20am he weighed 6lb 3oz and was 17.5inches long. He was born at Parramatta the second child of Ron & Betty, he has one older brother and two younger brothers and a younger sister, around the age of 17 his parents divorced and his father moved to Newcastle and took up with another woman Denise and had 3 more children with her, two girls and a boy.

I wish I could tell you that he had a great childhood but often I get the impression he didn't, he has told me that his father blamed him for everything and would belt him so bad he left marks on his legs and bottom.

He left school at 14 & 9 months of age getting his first job in nursery think plants not babies, just saying he had that job I think for 18 months then he got another job with company that made annexes for caravans, tarps for trucks, and those types of things, he was a cutter and fitter.

At the age of 21 he moved from Sydney to Newcastle where he got another job with canvas company and became a canvas machinist, he was very good at this type of work, he worked for that company for only a short period of time before getting another job with the same type of company a job he had for either 10 or 12yrs.

While he was on long service leave from that job he tried his hand at driving high cars this was a job he had for about 4yrs, then he decide he wanted to drive buses which he did for 4yrs then he decided he would become a truck driver this he did for about 4yrs then he went back to driving buses, this job he still has, and for the most part he loves his job.

He told me that from a pretty young age he knew the woman for him was not in Sydney and in fact about 12-18 months after moving to Newcastle he met me, after only 3 months together he decided to arrange our engagement party, no he had not asked me to marry him, he says he just knew I would.

So this morning we went over to my parents place for breakfast, his mother in-law likes to make a fuss over him, since just before we married he took to calling my parents mum & dad and still does.

So if you haven't already guessed I am of course talking about Tim, the love of my life, my pain in he neck, the man I want to grow old with. I was going to do this post in Tim's favourite colour but he doesn't have one, when we first met it was brown but now days he doesn't have a favourite colour 

Monday, 25 January 2016

Another Monday That's Not Much Of A Funday

Hello Monday is it a fun day Monday, well I guess that would depend on the person. It is pretty fun for Blain and Leo they are outside playing handball at the moment, in fact this morning Blain rang and asked if Leo could come over to play for a while.

I overslept this morning it was 8am when I woke up, so didn't go for a walk as I just couldn't get motivated to do so, although my arms got a bit of work out. Why you wonder well I did a load of washing and when I went to get it out of the machine and peg it out on the line it was all covered in white fluff, looks like someone left a tissue in a pocket. So that meant I had to shake the clothes out as I was hanging them up.

This is the last week of school holidays here, school goes back on Thursday so there is only two days of school this week, first time is for 10 weeks, for those who do not know our school year runs from January to December and there are 4 school terms a year each for around 10 weeks.

Natasha has gone to work, the boys and in the bedroom playing Xbox and soon Tim will be going out the back to continue to work a project he started yesterday I will show photos of it when he is finished.

Just cooked a home-made pizza I do not know if the boys will eat it but we will see, I used puff pastry for the base and just tomato paste not pizza sauce.

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Sunday's Dribble

Hello world, it is now Sunday afternoon here, we had the girls over for lunch thought we were having silverside with veggies, but when we cut the meat it wasn't silverside (corn beef) it was roast beef must have been a pot roast, not that I buy pot roast but must have done. The girls all asked what was written on the package, I don't know it was in the bin and not the laundry bin but the outside bin, so no bloody way I was going looking for it.

Yesterday afternoon Tim sent me a message saying if the boys (Blain & Leo) would like a bus ride with papa and they did, so nanna walked them to the bus stop so we had an hour & half without and children here just me and Natasha who was asleep on the lounge.

Ok I started this post about 3 hours ago, yeah 3 bloody hours ago but had to stop for one thing after another. Anyway Tim and I went out to Bunnings (hardware store) to get some wood Tim is going to construct some kind of bed for Leo to sleep on when he is here. I went along as I wanted to go to Kmart to get school pants for the boys, cost me $65 for 4 pairs of long pants 2 for each boy, shorts for Leo and shoes for Leo. I had already bought school socks for both boys at a cost of $12.

It is now 3pm and Jessica and Leo have just left and only because when Tim and I got home Natasha was annoyed because he wanted her to move her car in order to get the wood out of the boot and in her little temper tantrum she managed to break off one of the hooks I have for key near the front door which made me have a little temper tantrum so Jessica decided it was time to go home. Of course both me and Natasha are over it we spat the dummy and then moved on.

Tim is now on a mission to get the bed made while he is off work for a couple of days, he doesn't go back till Wednesday now, as Tuesday is a public holiday being that it is Australia Day and also Tim's 55th birthday.

I am sitting here eating a Tim Tam and thinking what should I write about and you know I am coming up with nothing but the Tim Tam is nice I am right into them at the moment, If you don't know a Tim Tam is a chocolate biscuit but not just a chocolate biscuit it is the best damn chocolate biscuit. There a many types of Tim Tam's but I prefer the original it is the best I think.

So because I can't think of anything to write about I am just going to post this dribble

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Photo Wednesday

Not a good photo of me but what the hell, no photos are good with me in them

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

It's Tuesday so a bit of history

Good morning world, it is going to be another bloody hot day here although at the moment it is nice I, however, have woken up feeling like shit, I ache all over and I have a terrible headache so I went for a small walk this morning it was bad enough walking from the bedroom to the lounge room. I walk out to the lounge room and Natasha isn't here she isn't in her room or in Tim's office in fact she is no where to be seen so I am guessing she has gone for her walk this morning.

I am sitting here thinking and looking at the Christmas Cards on the wall in front of me and thinking I really should take them down and toss them in the bin but not right now as I can't be bothered to do anything with them, it just seems to be to much work to do so that is how terrible I am feeling.

You know I am wearing shorts at the moment and it is cool but I guess that will change soon enough.

Today I want to answer the small pile of letters I have here there is 9 letters to answer so that is on the to do list for today.

Did you know that the first recorded handwritten letter was by the Persian Queen Atossa around 500BC, and the stamped letter we know today came about during the time of Queen Victoria around the year of 1840. I think we all know that before that letters didn't have stamps or even envelopes, letters were folded and sealed by wax and usually the receiver had to pay for it when it arrived.

Of course letters are usually thought of as a more personal form of communication than emails or text messaging. Although there are many different types of letters there are personal letters which include not only letters but Christmas cards and letters which can be in a relaxed chatting type tone. Then there are business letters and for a long time bills, often for many people they would feel the only “person” to write to them would be “Bill” asking for money.

Now of course we usually get bills via email, in fact many companies will charge you extra if they send a paper bill in the mail, this I think is wrong as there are people who do not have email. My parents fall into this category even though both of them have email accounts, dad will check his emails but often he will delete stuff without bothering to read it and mum she doesn't check hers as she doesn't have a computer or tablet and doesn't know how to check her email she would like to be able to check her emails. So I think a company shouldn't charge extra to send a paper bill if the receiver doesn't have email.

Now did you know that in the 1800's it was believed that excellent letter writing was a sign of good breeding, and strict rules had to be observed when writing a letter, these include the following.

  • Have neat handwriting
  • Use elegant words
  • Know how to fold a letter
  • Sign your name to every letter
  • Use an acceptable ink colour (not sure what that colour would be)

Of course there were no no's when writing a letter such as

  • Including a postscript
  • Crossed out or erased misspelled words, you were expected to start over again
  • Underlined or abbreviate words

So how would you go following those rules I don't think I would do ok at all as I am not sure what elegant words are and what the hell are acceptable ink colours, would the purple or pink that I often use be considered acceptable I don't think so.

Now let's move onto the cost of sending a letter, did you know that the first prepaid stamp for a nationwide postal service was introduced by Great Britain in May 1940 with the Penny Black stamp for letters under half an ounce and the Twopenny Blue for stamps for heavier letters.

The United States introduced a limited postal service in August 1942 followed by a uniformed 5 cents charge in 1845 and standardised stamps in 1847.

In Australia, we have used postmarks from as early as 1812 but it wasn't till around 1850 that a system was introduced where the person sending the letter paid for the postage, this is how postage stamps began, by around 1860 every state or colony in Australia had stamps.

Monday, 18 January 2016

Fun Day Monday, Ok Not So Fun, Kind Of Boring

Hi everyone, it is now Monday and I have hardly looked at the computer since Thursday just been one thing after another.

Anyway here I am today I spent the morning reading some blogs as well as taking Natasha to Charlie to hand in forms to the Dept. of Housing, she has reapplied for public housing we got to the office just after 9am and left around 10.30am most of the time was spent waiting. After giving up the place she had in Windale the client service officer sent out new forms along with a hand written not that said that Natasha would be treated as high priority as she left under duress.

Now I am home alone for a few hours as Natasha and Tim are both at work and Blain is at his dad's place so all good, as everyone knows how I like to be home alone.

My weekend was spent mostly at home doing nothing much, this is mostly due to the weather as it rained pretty much the whole weekend. I did go out to return some pants to Kmart and looked for another pair of black leggings which thankfully I found at Target for only $8. I find that Friday's are too busy with things like going to the chemist and going to Woolworths and Coles doing food type shopping so any other shopping I want to do I now do on Saturday morning.

On Sunday Kathy and Summer along with Jessica and Leo came over for lunch but it wasn't a good day as Natasha was annoyed with Kathy about something and when Natasha is annoyed she has this tone. Well Kathy didn't like Natasha talking to her with that tone and they ended up getting into it and then Kathy and Summer left and yes Kathy was really pissed off with her sister.

I, however, didn't want to get involved, I understood why Natasha was annoyed and I understood why Kathy was upset with the tone that Natasha took with her, but all in all I didn't want to get involved. That said I was upset and I was unable to eat much as I was upset about the girls fighting.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Thursday Words But Not My Words

Across the years I will walk with you
In deep green forests on shores of sand
When our time on earth is through
In heaven too you will have my hand

Marriage is like a deck of cards
in the beginning all you need is
two hearts and a diamond
by the end you have a
club and a spade

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Canberra Day 2 of 2

So yesterday you got day 1 of my 2 day stay in Canberra so today you get day 2, this is our third night here and wow has it cooled down this afternoon, after yet another stinking bloody hot feel like one could melt day it is now lovely. Tim just opened all the windows in the cabin and the breeze is lovely.

I just told Tim if we are just going home tomorrow and not doing any sight seeing first I may not bother with a shower as I just don't feel like it.

I think I might have mentioned last night that my feet are getting so sore after only a couple of hours wearing my joggers this is new I used to be able to wear them pretty much all day without a problem. Now after only a couple of hours my toes curl and my feet swell up and near my big toe on my right foot becomes quiet sore. I hope I am not getting a bunion I will have to ask mum if the women in the family are prone to bunions.

Anyway what did we do today, we went to the railway museum and then we drove out to check out a chocolate factory took 35 minutes to get there only to find they are closed on Tuesday and Wednesday what a shit. Of course Jessica had to complain that I didn't bother to check if they were open.

We then went to KFC for lunch which was ok, then we went to check out the Australian War Memorial which I loved if only my feet and back didn't hurt so much from the walking. I think Leo liked it more or less and Jessica well let me ask her, she said it was alright. Leo thought the tanks were awesome.

Tea/dinner tonight was fried egg on a bread rolls with cream cheese something I quiet like, would had been better if we had bacon but didn't so no use complaining about it as Jessica would say she wanted to buy bacon. I finished off my wine lasted me two nights so not too bad. Jessica made herself scrambled eggs and Leo had cocktail frankfurts and nuttlea sandwiches, Tim made himself a sandwich but only ate half of it.

So that is all I have for this post, still no photos because of limited internet. 

Monday, 11 January 2016

Canberra Day 1 of 2

Hi all it is now Monday afternoon and what a full day we have had, I woke Jessica at around 8ish to go to Macca's for breakfast before we headed to the dinosaur museum only to find they didn't open till 10am so we ended up going to Cockington Green which is garden with miniature buildings it wasn't free though and we had to pay $19.50 per adult and $11.50 for Leo, if you are interested in knowing more go here:

Thankfully Cockington Green was pretty much across the road from the dinosaur museum, of course the main reason for the trip was to go to the dinosaur museum as Leo loves dinosaurs, Leo also too his toy dinosaur “Harris” with him to the museum to check it out. His mum also bought him a large green plush dinosaur who he has named Green Arrow Leefin Meadows. Harris doesn't have middle name as when Leo got Harris 6 years ago he didn't know about middle names and it is too late now to give him one, according to Leo. Jessica also bought a plush dinosaur for her collection who is called Roar-Roar Roar Meadows

We finished off our sight seeing with a trip to the Royal Australian Mint where they make our coins the paper money is firstly not made out of paper but polymer is printed in Melbourne.

While at the mint my feet started to really hurt, and I ended up taking my shoes off and walking around with just my socks on, something I would not have dreamed of doing a few years back but I have reached the age where I chose comfort first fashion second.

So when we called in at Coles (supermarket) I didn't bother putting my shoes back on and felt ok walking in just my socks, I could have tried walking barefoot but I don't like that just saying. Socks I am ok with barefoot not so much unless of course when I am home where in summer I rarely wear any type of footwear. Tim said I should had worn my thongs but no thank you I find that the thongs I have also hurt me feet after a short while.

So now we are back at the cabin, Leo is in bedroom playing with his toys and Jessica is reading via her ipad and Tim is reading his bible and I am writing a blog post, with no tv on as background noise. Wow how things have changed wasn't too long ago both Tim and I liked to have the tv on for background noise now both of us have times when we like the quiet, I do more then Tim but he is beginning to like the quiet more and more. 

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Sunday spent travelling which means I am buggered just saying

Hello bloggers, it is now Sunday in my part of the world and what a Sunday I have had, spent most of the day napping in the passenger seat while Tim drove us and by us I mean me, him, Jessica and Leo to Canberra. Ok we are not in Canberra we are at Queanbeyan which is about 20 minutes from Canberra.

Why are we here you are wondering, or maybe you are thinking what Jo-Anne you're having another holiday. Yes we are having a short break away, Jessica wanted to do something for Leo's birthday and I found a deal on Scoopon for pretty cheap tickets into the Dinosaur Museum and we all know that Leo loves dinosaurs.

It took about 4 hours to drive from home to here, Leo was good on the trip but he is bit full on at the moment because we didn't think to give him his Ritalin on the way here and when we arrived it was too late in the afternoon to give it to him. We have an hour and half before we can give him his night time medication.

We are staying at Riverside Tourist Park, in a cabin, the cabin is ok although I think the air con could be better, but over all not to bad cost is $95 per night for the 4 of us. I packed sheets and when I went to make the bed I discovered that I packed single bed sheets.

Ok since I am tired I am and really don't feel like doing much of anything I will just post this and see you all tomorrow, oh while away I will not be reading blog post since have to limit what I do online due to limited internet time. 

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Hey Hey it's Saturday

Hey hey it's Saturday, and what a Saturday, I woke up at 2.45am to go to the toilet and as I do every time I get up during the night I glanced out the window and couldn't see Natasha's car, she parks on the front lawn near the front door and her car was not there. I even walked out to the lounge room and checked outside and no her car was not there.

She got home around 3am and like many people she likes to sit up watch a little telly before she goes to bed, so she has not had a lot of sleep today, she was up with Blain around 7am. I asked her why she was so late home, the answer she was asked to do another job at the last minute and so she was really late.

Tasha and I went over to Jessica's place for lunch, she was having a bit of a party for Leo who turned 8 on Friday, there was only family at the party and all she did in way of food was buy fish and chips.

Blain said before we left he didn't want to go but Natasha had a talk to him and basically said you're going so, I told him to suck it up and deal. Of course once we got there he was find running around playing with his cousins and had a good time.

Kathy looked uncomfortable she said she felt like she didn’t fit in, she sounded like her dad, Tim often says he doesn't fit in when we go to my parents place, maybe it was because Jess, Kelli and a friend Jess has staying with her were loud and having a good time. Natasha was also quiet but I think that had a bit to do with the fact she only had a couple of hours sleep and was so tired.

Since coming home Blain and Tasha have been watching movies and eating popcorn, it has been a nice warmish day. 

Friday, 8 January 2016

Five Things Friday No 1

Hi all found this tucked into the passenger window of my car today after I had done my shopping, the writing looks familiar but I can't place it. I just showed it to Tim and he said he doesn't get it, and wanted to know who left it and why, I said I have no idea.

Speaking of Tim he came home from work early, he changed the oil in the motorbike last week and left the oil in the oil tray and before he could empty it, it rained as I said in earlier posts it pissed down rain and was very windy and the oil ended up all over the carport, so today he came home early and has been out cleaning it up.

Ok this is the first Friday of the month, oh no its not its the seconded, well any way first five things Friday. So here are this weeks five things.

A sick father, yet again

Blain, Daemon and Leo in trouble

Cold, hot, cold, warm, hot, cool

6 birthdays this month


Thursday, 7 January 2016

Thursday = Poem Day

Starting this week I am going to have Thursday as poem day, instead of writing a post I am going to share different poems I have come across, none will be by me as I can't write poems and no I have never tried but sometimes you don't have to try something to know you can't do it, such as fly a plane or brain surgery................just saying

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

A birthday, rain, wrong medication and nothing much else

Ok after talking about it for ages my mum rang and booked their cruise today, the cruise is at the end of May and we are going to Fiji and yes I said we, Tim and I are going on the cruise as well which is why I am so excited.

It has been another coldish and very wet day, this morning I had to pop out to return some items to the library and also had to go and pick up the application form for Natasha to go back on the waiting list for another Dept of Housing place. The tenancy officer for the place she gave up her the forms but she stuffed it up filling it our and had me go to get another lot of forms.

We have Leo here for the night at the moment it is just him and me here as both Tim and Natasha are at work, neither of them will be home till sometime after Leo and I have gone to bed. I also made sure Jessica gave Leo his medication before dropping him off and as such he has been good.

Tim made arrangements for an electrician to come and install the ceiling fan in Natasha's room he said something about Thursday well that is what I heard, Tim hasn't been too clear with me but you can bet that somehow it will be me who didn't listen and not him who didn't explain.

Yesterday I mentioned how I had to go back to bed after only being up for a few hours and that I slept for 2 hours, well last night as I got my night time medication I discovered that I took the night time medication in the morning, which is why I was so tired. I have 3 tablets that cause drowsiness well let's be honest I am not drowsy I get down right tired which is why I take them at night.

I make my weeks medication up in one of those 7 days containers that have morning and night and I somehow managed to take the wrong lot.

It is my niece Temika's 6th birthday today, she had wanted to go camping but that didn't happen with all this rain. I hope she had a good birthday anyway.

Monday, 4 January 2016

Fun Day Monday or Maybe Not

It's fun day Monday, ok it's not but it sounded good to say/write it.

This Monday I woke up to rain not drizzle not showers, not just rain but pissing down rain so no morning walk for me.

What really sucked was that after only a couple of hours I was sitting watching telly when Natasha looks at me and tells me that I should go back to bed as I look like I could fall asleep, at first I said no I would be ok but then I thought why am I forcing myself to stay awake when I could go back to bed for a nap so that is what I did. I ended up sleeping for two hours and have felt a bit more with it since I woke up the second time.

Being that it has rained pretty much all day I have not done much of anything, read a couple of dozen blogs or maybe a bit more. Now I thought I might find something to write about and what did I come up with. Nothing much that's what.

I can tell you that on the 3rd January 1815 France, the United Kingdom and Austria formed an alliance against Russia and Prussia, did you know that I didn't just saying.

I can tell you that on the 3rd of January 1496 Leonardo DaVinci unsuccessfully tested a flying a machine, did you know that, I didn't just saying.

Also on the 3rd January the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge began.

Lastly on the 3rd of January 1959 Alaska became the 49th state of the United States of America

I am home alone for a few hours till Tim gets home from work around 6ish I think, Natasha left for work around 2ish so I get a few hours to myself.

Sunday, 3 January 2016

A wet and boring Sunday

Oh what a Sunday I have had, this morning I read some blogs and then Tim said he wanted to go and check out a caravan ok it wasn't local it was a 40 minute drive away, so we go and the van looked ok but Tim has a bit of knowledge with vans and as it was a pop top van so Tim goes over it well which is good he knew what he was looking for. He wanted to check how old the sleeve was and he said it was the original sleeve and since the van was a 1988 van that is pretty old and he said he could tell by the feel of it that it will need replacing. There were a few other things that would need to be repaired and in the end he thought it was too much work needed on it so he didn't want to pay $6,000 for it. He also noticed that the plate of the van said 1984 but the rego papers said it was a 1988 van, have no idea what was with that.

On our way home we stopped at a few car yards to check out cars and at the third car yard I found I was unable to stand my back was aching so much, my arm was aching a lot and my balance was shot. So the next couple of car yards I stayed in the car while Tim checked out what they had, we didn't find anything.

When I got home I was so tired that I took some pain medication and the medication for my tremor and went to bed for a nap, I slept for 2 hours then got up and sorted out the medication which I do each Sunday afternoon.

On the way home Tim says its raining ahead and in about 2 minutes we entered the rain the closer we get to home the more it rained in fact it was pissing down by the time we got home.

I would like to tell everyone that after my nap I felt better but in truth that would be a lie I work up feeling like shit still.

Speaking of feeling like shit, Natasha had been feeling pretty crook the last couple of days, I hope she feels better tomorrow as she has to work tomorrow night and every night for the rest of the week. 

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Hey hey it's Saturday or how to make a toasted sandwich

Hey hey it's Saturday, and this Saturday has been a bit busy, this morning Tim wanted to go and buy another ceiling fan which we will put in Natasha & Blain's room and it has a remote with it, it was reduced from $96 down to $59 so a good deal. I just have to find an electrician to install it that I will do either tomorrow or Monday morning.

This afternoon after getting home Tim decided to clean out the car and he said he was going to wash it buy now he is sitting on the lounge and doesn't look like he is going to move so don't expect it will get washed today.

Natasha cleaned the bath and shower this morning, they have not looked so clean in a bloody long time she also did all the washing and vacuum out. I will just have to go and get the clothes of the line soonish.

The other day Kathy-Lee was here and asked me to make her a toasted ham and cheese sandwich , so I am making the sandwich and she asks me if my toasted sandwich maker is broken (note I was using it) I tell her no it's not broken why did she asked and she said because you moved the sandwich from the maker to under the grill. I then explain to her the best way to make a toasted sandwich that has cheese in it.

First you butter the bread and place it butter side down into the toasted sandwich maker and add the ham and cheese and more ham and more cheese then you add the top slice of bread butter side out and close the lid and let it cook till you can just see the cheese starting to ozz out the side of the sandwich, then you move it to under a hot grill and watch carefully till the bread is nice and brown and crunchy then you remove the sandwich place it on a bread bored (has to be wooden) leave it for a few minutes so the cheese sets and doesn't leak out when you cut the sandwich and also doesn't burn your mouth when you take a bite.

She didn't know any of this so she learn something.

Friday, 1 January 2016

First post of the year 2016

Another day another year, or should I say hello 2016.

I spent New Year's Eve day shopping and the night was spent mostly sleeping. Year long gone are the days when I would stay up to see the new year in, I just can't be bothered and unless I cam watch fireworks from my back yard I am not interested. Although have to say there has not been any fireworks in my area at all for the last few years which sucks.

Blain has gone to his father's although I am pretty sure his dad would had worked last night, he is a security guard so he would had spent the evening with Kelli and Daemon and maybe Jessica.

Yes Jessica said she was spending the night with Kelli but she didn't take Leo with her, I had Leo for the night well when I say the night it was only the night if night starts at 3pm. I still have Leo as I write this at around 11am I have no idea when she will be turning up to claim her son.

Natasha went out for the night with her cousin Samantha and from what I hear she had a great night out.

Leo and I were in bed by just after 8pm he likes me to lay down with him when he goes to bed, if he falls asleep quick I might get up and go back to watching telly but often by the time he is asleep I am also asleep so naturally I don't get up if I have fallen asleep as well.

Oh yeah it is another nice day here, not too hot at the moment and it felt nice when I went for my morning walk, the last few days I have been able to go extend the distance I walk but I am so exhausted when I get home.

The medication I take to help control the tremor seems to be working yes my hand still shakes just not as much so that is good. The arm though still gets quiet sore and stiff even when I first wake up the arm may feel stiff and sore and it still doesn't swing when I walk and it still shakes when I walk but overall the medication seems to be helping. 

New Posts

  Well, here we are at Thursday and Thursday are an easy day for me when it comes to blogging just posting links to new posts over at Random...