Good morning world, it
is going to be another bloody hot day here although at the moment it
is nice I, however, have woken up feeling like shit, I ache all over
and I have a terrible headache so I went for a small walk this
morning it was bad enough walking from the bedroom to the lounge
room. I walk out to the lounge room and Natasha isn't here she isn't
in her room or in Tim's office in fact she is no where to be seen so
I am guessing she has gone for her walk this morning.
I am sitting here
thinking and looking at the Christmas Cards on the wall in front of
me and thinking I really should take them down and toss them in the
bin but not right now as I can't be bothered to do anything with
them, it just seems to be to much work to do so that is how terrible
I am feeling.
You know I am wearing
shorts at the moment and it is cool but I guess that will change soon
Today I want to answer
the small pile of letters I have here there is 9 letters to answer so
that is on the to do list for today.
Did you know that the
first recorded handwritten letter was by the Persian Queen Atossa
around 500BC, and the stamped letter we know today came about during
the time of Queen Victoria around the year of 1840. I think we all
know that before that letters didn't have stamps or even envelopes,
letters were folded and sealed by wax and usually the receiver had to
pay for it when it arrived.
Of course letters are
usually thought of as a more personal form of communication than
emails or text messaging. Although there are many different types of
letters there are personal letters which include not only letters but
Christmas cards and letters which can be in a relaxed chatting type
tone. Then there are business letters and for a long time bills,
often for many people they would feel the only “person” to write
to them would be “Bill” asking for money.

Now of course we
usually get bills via email, in fact many companies will charge you
extra if they send a paper bill in the mail, this I think is wrong as
there are people who do not have email. My parents fall into this
category even though both of them have email accounts, dad will check
his emails but often he will delete stuff without bothering to read
it and mum she doesn't check hers as she doesn't have a computer or
tablet and doesn't know how to check her email she would like to be
able to check her emails. So I think a company shouldn't charge extra
to send a paper bill if the receiver doesn't have email.
Now did you know that
in the 1800's it was believed that excellent letter writing was a
sign of good breeding, and strict rules had to be observed when
writing a letter, these include the following.
Have neat
Use elegant words
Know how to fold a
Sign your name to
every letter
Use an acceptable
ink colour (not sure what that colour would be)
Of course there were no
no's when writing a letter such as
Including a
Crossed out or
erased misspelled words, you were expected to start over again
Underlined or
abbreviate words
So how would you go
following those rules I don't think I would do ok at all as I am not
sure what elegant words are and what the hell are acceptable ink
colours, would the purple or pink that I often use be considered
acceptable I don't think so.
Now let's move onto the
cost of sending a letter, did you know that the first prepaid stamp
for a nationwide postal service was introduced by Great Britain in
May 1940 with the Penny Black stamp for letters under half an ounce
and the Twopenny Blue for stamps for heavier letters.
The United States
introduced a limited postal service in August 1942 followed by a
uniformed 5 cents charge in 1845 and standardised stamps in 1847.
In Australia, we have
used postmarks from as early as 1812 but it wasn't till around 1850
that a system was introduced where the person sending the letter paid
for the postage, this is how postage stamps began, by around 1860
every state or colony in Australia had stamps.