Monday, 28 March 2011


On Friday Natasha went and got 4 new tattoos they are the first 3 letters of her great grandparents and grandparents names along with their date of birth and in the case of her great grandfather his date of death. Well the grandparents on my side of the family at this stage she is only thinking about getting her father's mothers name done.
The tattoos are on either side of her ankles.

She has said that she has no desire to have her dad's fathers name on her body since he is the one who told Tim that he wasn't his son and to "F" off and not come back.
She is not as close to her dad's family partly I think because she doesn't see them anywhere near as much as she has done my family.

Natasha is a very loving and caring girl or should I say woman as she is wonderful young woman now and I am so very proud of her.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011


I love fake flowers and have 3 sitting on top of my entertainment unit all given to me by my special girl and I have a lovely rose that sit across the top of my dressing table and lastly I have smiley face one that sits at the top of my lounge room curtain rod. All have been given to me by my special girl.

Now I do also like fresh flowers but rarely get them and when I do it is from my special girl, hubby never gives me flowers because when we first started dating I was going though a phase when I felt that fresh flowers died and didn't like them, however that was like 28 years ago and my feelings have changed but can I get that through to hubby...............NO

My favourite flower is Carnations follwered by Roses and they have to be pink or yellow or both. Although of all the fake flowers I have 3 of them are Red...........................

Saturday, 12 March 2011

One Eye Down One to Go

Yesterday was the day my sister had her first eye operated on and as far as I know it all went well no dramas she is due to get the other eye done in May but thankfully that will be done at a puplic hospital so won't cost as much.

My dad was really pissed that only my children and hubby along with my other sister Sue gave any money towards the operation. It must have been upsetting for Jeannie to think that her kids couldn't be bothered to help pay for an operation that she had to have. Dad had a go at one of her boys yesterday and all he could say was that he didn't have any money, but dad felt he had money to go into town and party but not to help his mother out.

Yesterday afternoon my daughter Kathy-Lee saw her Aunty Jeannie sitting at a bus stop looking sad so she stoped and asked if she was ok and Jeannie broke down crying saying she just felt depressed and her eye was iching and when she cried it only seemed to make it worse. Kathy said she hated seeing Jeannie so upset and wished she could have done more to make her feel better.

I am very proud of my girls and yes I know I have said it before but I do not think it can be said to often.............

New Posts

  Well, here we are at Thursday and Thursday are an easy day for me when it comes to blogging just posting links to new posts over at Random...