Friday, 21 April 2023



Hello world here we are at Friday and Jo-Anne's thoughts and today I am about and feeling grief as it is four years since my dad passed away and two years since we laid mum to rest.

The death of my parents has been hard being so close makes it harder. I know there are families who do not see or speak to each other very much or not at all. Thankfully my family isn't like that, we not only talk but we like each other and have been supportive to each other these last four years.

Four years isn't that long, this I know but the pain and emptiness is still very raw for me and my siblings. All any of us can do is take it one day at a time.


  1. Well I’ve gone through many deaths of family members and being the only one left except for my sons - it’s hard. My dad’s been gone for 17 years and Mom, 16 and I think of them all the time and I have those days when I miss them so much it brings me to tears. 4 years and is not a long time so it’s very normal to still have the raw feelings. They are family and we miss them - their presence in our lives. Yeah death and grief really sucks. Hugs to you and your siblings

  2. Yeah, you never really lose the empty spot, you just deal. And live.

  3. Hugs to you Jo-Anne, I do know how you feel, miss my parents too.

  4. Debby......I now 4yrs isn't long it just feels like it at times


    Chris.....So true

    Margaret.....Thank you

  5. I'm so sorry for both of your losses. I understand your grief--I lost my mum and dad, too.

  6. CW Martin said it well. My first son passed away September 14th. I feel it every single day and I will for the rest of my life.

  7. Mama........I know many understand

    Katie....The loss of a child would be so hard


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