Friday, 14 April 2023


 Here we are at another Friday and wet start to the day it is I am listening to my book while writing this and waiting for Kathy-Lee to ring.

Well Friday is Jo-Anne's thoughts day and what the hell are my thoughts this Friday.

Ok since we will have our granddaughter Summer again for the day I am thinking about our relationships with our grandchildren, we have better relationships with our grandsons over our granddaughters.

I believe this is because when they were babies the boys would spend one or two nights a week with us from birth till around the age of 4yrs with Blain and Sam was 14yrs old when he stopped sleeping over here. We still see the boys often during the .eek.

The girls we see but no were near as much and they have never slept over and we have only watched them a few times.

It is harder to establish close bonds between people when you do not see them on a regular basis. Kathy use to be concerned about how the girls are closer to their other grandparents then are to us. I explained to Kathy that I am not upset or jealous about this as it is just the way it is. I am just glad we get to see the girls as much as we do.

It must be hard for those who have grandchildren living in different states or countries. Thankfully now days we have video phone calls allowing us to see and hear people via a phone call.


  1. It does make a difference as to how much time you spend with them. I had alot of time alone with Ian but about the time Liam was old enough to come over for Grandma Days covid hit. Ian still remembers all the time we spent. When I move I'll have time to bond with both of them more. I look forward to it. :) But if I am never quite as close to Liam it would be because of the three years of covid. Just the way it is.

  2. My grandparents were in Tennessee and my mom’s mom was in Ohio. We would drive back every other summer to visit all the family. We were in California. That was about 3000 + miles one way and before interstates. Even then, it was hard to get really close to any of them as well as cousins. We did write back and forth but that’s limited as well. I loved them but never had the bond the other cousins had. It’s just the way it was.

  3. Right now, I just have the two boys. When they come to visit, sometimes to be honest I'm glad I'm a grampa and not a dad of young kids. Then they give hugs when it's time to go and make it all worthwhile.

  4. Rita.......Yes having my own grandsons living so close makes it easier to see them

    Debby.....Yes so difficult when there is so much distance and no video calls when you were young.

    Chris.....I am happy being nana and not mum

  5. You bring up a very good point. And I like your feeling about not being jealous or upset. You are mature and know how dynamics in a family will work sometimes. XX


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