Sunday, 30 April 2023

WEEK 17 OF 2023

 Woke at 5.50am and I had just got up when I heard knocking at the front door, it was Tasha needing to use our toilet as Blain was using theirs.

Watched the movie San Andreas with Tim this is news as I am not a big movie watcher.

Had some rain on and off all day

Had a small sleep in, up at 5.20am. I wasn't able to find my glasses as they were not where they should have been and in the end needed glasses to find my glasses, good thing I have a number of pairs scatted around the house.

Tim bought an electric cigarette maker but we as in both of us can't get it to work. Sandy called in and even she couldn't get it to work it is as if there isn't any power, so Tim will be complaining about that.

Workmen came about the leaking roof not the same guys who fixed it but different men who determined that they did a shoddy job on repairing and will be asking for those men to come back and fix their stuff up.


Up at 5am washed dressed and ready for a day doing bugga all. Of course it is a public holiday and also the last day of the school holidays.

I had a shower this afternoon then I helped Tim have a shower and since Tasha has taken Blain for a driving lesson Jess came and helped me getting into bed.

Woke to another cold morning but no rain, first day of term 2 I hope Sam gets up without issue.

Sam in fact walked in the door at 7am which was a surprise.

Tim has his first appointment with a counsellor hope all goes well, he also has another rehab appointment.

While taking Sam up to meet his driver my scooter it started to flash red and I had to put it on the charge ready for tomorrow.

A new day and a cold bloody morning still have pain in my knee.

Yesterday Sam arrived early but today there is no answer when I ring. Turns out he had walked up to the top of the driveway with his mum where a friend picked her up to take her to the course she is doing. The course is a security course so she can become a security guard.

Out postie came down the driveway to hand deliver our mail instead of leaving it in the letter box at the top of the driveway. This was very nice of him.

Tasha is late in coming to help this afternoon which is annoying.

A new day and we are in for a warm day with a temp of 27 degrees, pretty warm forx this time of year Sam walked in at 7.15am.

Sam told me that the new driver didn't know what he was doing missing streets having to double back because he had forgot a student. He should improve over time.

Sandy brought over the flash dive with the video that dad took when Dawson on only a toddler.

I finally made appointments for ultrasound and blood test, I get a home visit from pathology.

The weekend has arrived another cool/cold wet weekend according to the weather people. We will see.

Bloody computer problems, I had to delete stuff from it in order to get my emails and some how deleted stuff I didn't want deleted. It took me ages to fix what I did but it is better now.

Kathy & Summer came over and changed the sheets. We now have winter sheets on the bed.

Kelli turned up with her children including Thea who I got to have a nurse of. Kathy asked if I have a thing about babies, yes I do I love babies more so now I can hand them back.

Tim felt like pizza so I ordered pizza for lunch.

Friday, 28 April 2023


 Well hello all, it is Friday so here are Jo-Anne's thoughts for Friday, today I am thinking about how I let my daughters and now my grandchildren draw on my body, usually my arms and hands.

When my girls were little and I would be resting with my eyes closed and they would think it was funny to draw on mummy things like flowers and animals.

I never got upset or angry with this as my thoughts have always been I can wash it off. This morning Sam decided to write on my arms which I washed off after Sam left for school.

So my question today is how do you feel about being drawn on, would it bother you or like me you don't mind and just wash it out.

Thursday, 27 April 2023


Hello Thursday, here we are at word of the week and this week it is the word ”whence”.

Not a word you hear very often and some may not be familiar with it but I am, it means.

from what place or source, or from which; from where.

Wednesday, 26 April 2023




Tuesday, 25 April 2023


Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that broadly commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders "who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations" and "the contribution and suffering of all those who have served"

A dawn service was held on the Western Front by an Australian battalion on the first anniversary of the Gallipoli landing on 25 April 1916, and historians agree that in Australia dawn services spontaneously popped up around the country to commemorate the fallen at Gallipoli in the years after this.

Some 8,700 Australians lost their lives and some 18,000 were wounded during the campaign. The most successful operation of the campaign was the evacuation which ended on 19–20 December 1915, conducted under a well-planned deception operation.

Monday, 24 April 2023


 It's Monday and so it is a day for some facts, today we are looking at ANZAC Day.

Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that broadly commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders "who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations" and "the contribution and suffering of all those who have served.

25 April is the national day of commemoration of Australia and New Zealand for victims of war and for recognition of the role of their armed forces. It marks the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.

There is no town or city called Gallipoli. Gallipoli is the area where the Anzacs fought and is near the famous ancient ruins of the city of Troy.

Anzac biscuits were traditionally square and so hard that some men were said to have broken their teeth on them. They were sometimes ground down to make porridge, thicken a stew or fried as fritters. They were first supplied as rations and it was only later on that mums, wives, fiances and girlfriends would make and send the biscuits we are more familiar with today.

Aboriginal Australians were not allowed to enlist in WW1

Despite not being legally allowed to serve, many Aboriginal Australians lied about their race to enlist. Sadly, their involvement is still rarely recognised even though it is believed that almost one thousand of them (out of an estimated indigenous population of 80,000) served during WW1.

Sunday, 23 April 2023

WEEK 16 OF 2023

Well it is Sunday and we are suppose to have a pretty warm day.

Blain brought down some laundry to dried in the dryer. As not a drying type day.

Yes the day turned out warmish.

Monday here again I was up at 5am as per usual and not so cold but a long way from warm.

Tim has gone to pick up our scripts but when I rang about a script they didn't have it so I rang Tasha and she reminded me that the doctor too me off it.

Sandra had old video tapes of dad's converted to a flash drive turns out some of them were why did I bother tapes the last one was better.

She was also telling me that Dawson is yet again having issues with his mother and said to Sandy that he wishes his Nan was still alive this made both me and Sandy cry.

Dawson doesn't show emotion due to his autism.

Tasha is super stressed today.

Slept in till 5.20 this morning woke to a bloody cold morning.

The shopping arrived at 7.40am the delivery guy was asking abut Jessica as in what type of work was she now doing. He said when he delivered to Jess recently Sam was acting strange, I explained he is into this non-binary crap at the moment. I don't get it and hope it is a passing fad.

Jessica came to get stuff I printed for her but I didn't print everything and she got into a mood and found and printed what she needed.

Tim has rehab this afternoon

Another cold start to the day, Tim has asked to be woken at 8.30am so he is up when the cleaners arrive. Of course they didn't turn up till 10am.

Spoke to Kathy as I do each morning but for some reason this morning I cannot remember what we talked about.

A cool day spent doing bugga all, did answer a letter and have started on another one to a new penpal.

Been awake more or less since 4am dosed on and off till I got up at 4.55am. I had a lot of pain in my left knee on and off all night and I still have it, the knee stinging and paracetamol does bugga all.

Tasha brought down some paperwork she needed scanned and transferred to a USB for her course.

It has been raining all day and also pretty damn cold.

The pain in my knee has eased.


Up early at 4.40am and found Tim already up in the loungeroom he was woken with pain. My knee is very painful this morning again.

Saw Sam when he came over looking for food, he heated and ate a cheese pie then left.

Sandy came over to see me and take me to visit Mum & Dad although the ground was so wet I was unable to get out of the car.

Also drove past the old house which looks so different as they have moved the front door. We also drove to where Sandy lives now.

I will put myself to bed tonight, I don't need help as much as I like seeing my girls which is why I get their help.

Slept in till 5.20am straight up and washed and dressed ready for the day. It s supposes to be a cool cloudy day.

No rain but not a clothes drying day so used the dryer.

Kathy came out and vacuumed and helped her dad with a shower, no he wasn't naked he wore shorts.

Friday, 21 April 2023



Hello world here we are at Friday and Jo-Anne's thoughts and today I am about and feeling grief as it is four years since my dad passed away and two years since we laid mum to rest.

The death of my parents has been hard being so close makes it harder. I know there are families who do not see or speak to each other very much or not at all. Thankfully my family isn't like that, we not only talk but we like each other and have been supportive to each other these last four years.

Four years isn't that long, this I know but the pain and emptiness is still very raw for me and my siblings. All any of us can do is take it one day at a time.

Thursday, 20 April 2023


Here we are at another word of the week and this week it is the word “highfalutin”

The meaning is pompous or pretentious

A little more detail.

Pretentious, fancy. highfalutin people. : expressed in or marked by the use of language that is elaborated or heightened by artificial or empty means : pompous. giving a highfalutin speech.

Wednesday, 19 April 2023



                                                            PHOTOS OF MY WALLS 

Tuesday, 18 April 2023



It is Tuesday and of course that means creature day and this week we have the Hammerhead Shark and there is no wondering how it got his name. It's wide set eyes are mallet-shaped head are used to find and attack nailing them to the sea floor.

Covering its expansive snout are thousands of sensory organs called the “ampullae of lorenzini” they use them to detect the electrical fields created by prey.

This is useful for hunting down its favourite meal, stingrays which usually bury themselves under the sand. It is consider dangerous to humans.

The species reaches an average length of 13.1 feet (4 m) and weight of 500 pounds (230 kg). 2. The longest great hammerhead shark ever recorded was 20 feet (6.1 m) long, and the heaviest great hammerhead shark ever recorded was 991 pounds (450 kg).

Monday, 17 April 2023


Good morning all, Monday here and the second week of school holidays and of course it is fact day. This week we are in Victoria

Victoria is a state in southeast Australia. It encompasses mountains, national parks, wineries and surfing beaches. Melbourne, the state capital, has a warren of 19th-century ‘laneways’, and a central arts precinct. The Great Ocean Road follows the coast west to Port Campbell National Park, where the Twelve Apostles are limestone stacks on the edge of the ocean

Victoria was the first Australian state to officially recognise a floral emblem. The bird emblem of Victoria is the Helmeted Honeyeater. The Helmeted Honeyeater is one of 170 species of the honeyeater birds that inhabit Australia. The animal emblem of Victoria is the Leadbeater's Possum.

Before 1851 the Colony of Victoria was a district of New South Wales known as the Port Phillip District

Melbourne was the first city outside of Europe and North America to host the Olympic games.

The black box (for planes) was invented in Melbourne.

Melbourne's tram system is the largest in the world.

The first traffic lights in Australia were installed in Melbourne.


Sunday, 16 April 2023

WEEK 15 OF 2023


Awake and u at 5.10am didn't want to get up but needed to take my morning meds which have to be taken at the same time each day. So once up I decided to stay up.

A cool dry day had to change into long pants.

Tim bought KFC for lunch I just had a snack/go bucket and still didn't eat it all.

Monday morning somewhat coldish I may need longer pants we will see. Another public holiday as it is Easter Monday.

Kathy came over to change the bed sheets. She also lowered the shelve in of my cupboards as it was too high and out of my reach.

Had to change into longer pants due to having cold legs.

I realised today that I will need to ring the chemist about my medication as a bottle now only last 2 weeks.

Up at 4.50am to cold morning changed into long pants won't be long before getting the heater out. In fact I got the heater going.

Tim had rehab this morning his arm is healing nicely.

Sandy and Denni came over so she could wash some sheets and a blanket, Tim was fine with her doing this.

Tasha's surgery is set for 15 June.

Two years since Mum passed away

At midnight I got up to pee when I went back to bed I could smell a kind off minty smell and knew it was Mum, the smell was Mum giving me a hug. When I asked where is Dad after a short while I could smell Old Spice so Dad was there too, just before the smells left I heard someone ask if I wanted a Fruit Tingle that was my Nan.

Sue rang me to see how I was coping and Sandy called in to drop off stamps and give me a hug.

Feeling drained and sad this afternoon.

A new day, I didn't feel like getting up but did it anyway not as cold this morning.

Kathy dropped off Summer around 9am I hope she has a good day here.

Tim took Summer to the park for a while and he and her made popcorn chicken for lunch which was really nice.

Tasha is helping her dad have a shower, he is wearing his board shorts.

I also am going to have a shower before going to bed.

Friday again and for the second day we will have Summer for the day.

It is raining again this morning but not cold. Raining most of the day.

Tim left at 9.45am and will be gone most of the day.

Tim said he would drive Summer out to her mum's work place this afternoon, as Kathy doesn't finish till 6pm.

Stopped raining long enough for Summer to walk down the road and post my letters.

Awake early at 4.45am needing to pee which was annoying as I had only got up at 3am to pee.

I decided to throw the towels and sheets in to be washed.

Suppose to be a dry cool day but we will see. Got pretty damn warm

Kathy & Summer turned up around 10ish and vacuumed out and emptied the bins as well as folding the towels and sheets.

Friday, 14 April 2023


 Here we are at another Friday and wet start to the day it is I am listening to my book while writing this and waiting for Kathy-Lee to ring.

Well Friday is Jo-Anne's thoughts day and what the hell are my thoughts this Friday.

Ok since we will have our granddaughter Summer again for the day I am thinking about our relationships with our grandchildren, we have better relationships with our grandsons over our granddaughters.

I believe this is because when they were babies the boys would spend one or two nights a week with us from birth till around the age of 4yrs with Blain and Sam was 14yrs old when he stopped sleeping over here. We still see the boys often during the .eek.

The girls we see but no were near as much and they have never slept over and we have only watched them a few times.

It is harder to establish close bonds between people when you do not see them on a regular basis. Kathy use to be concerned about how the girls are closer to their other grandparents then are to us. I explained to Kathy that I am not upset or jealous about this as it is just the way it is. I am just glad we get to see the girls as much as we do.

It must be hard for those who have grandchildren living in different states or countries. Thankfully now days we have video phone calls allowing us to see and hear people via a phone call.

Thursday, 13 April 2023


 Well it is Thursday so it is word of the week day and this week it is “Mob” a word most would have used at some point.

1..A large disorderly crowd

2..Friends one usually associates with

3..A flock of sheep

Wednesday, 12 April 2023





Growing up you and I didn’t have the close relationship I had with dad, I don’t have any special memories of you and me from when I was young I am not sure why that is all I know that it is like it is, anyway that doesn’t mean we don’t have a special relationship now. I guess growing up I was a daddy’s girl and now I am a middle age woman I have become more then your daughter, I am your friend.

You are my best friend as they say, the closeness I have with you now is special, I loved our nightly phone calls and my days now seem empty. Tim always said we could talk for hours about nothing at all and he is right and I love that.

You know mum when I thought about what type of mother I hoped to be one day I would always think I want to be just like my mum, because as a mum you were wonderful, loving, caring, and firm and fair and I wanted to be all those things to my children. To me you are everything a mother should be, of course as a child I may not have thought that but from around the age of 14 the thought of you as the perfect mother started to take shape.

On the 4th July 1958 Dad asked you to the movies and he rang his Aunty Joyce and asked her if she could bring him a clean pair of trousers and she did. Because, Aunty Joyce never drove and had to catch a bus into Newcastle and another one back to Walllsend a distance of 12k's as the crow flies, made you think she must be nice but you also felt that Aunty Joyce didn't think you good enough for Dad.

You have always been the one person I could turn to when I felt like everything was falling apart and being mum to my three girls was just so hard, I have memories of me ringing you in tears because being a mum was so hard and I felt like I was failing and not living up to the high standard I thought mums should live up to that standard being you…………….

I use to wonder how you could have 5 children who didn’t feel jealous of each other and always knew that they were loved equally as I had Kathy-Lee who was jealous of Jessica and thought I didn’t love her as much as her sisters. I now know that it wasn’t anything I did wrong but for a long time I did think you had some secret of how it was done, you made being a mum seem so easy and that is why I felt I had failed.

You seem ageless mum, no matter how old you get you still have all the time in the world for you children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, I hope I look as good as you do when I reach your age and I hope I don’t have to find out what life is going to be like without having you around. I love you mum, you are who I always wanted to be like you are the reason I only ever wanted to be a mother and grandmother I am so proud to be called your daughter thank you mum for being so bloody amazing and such and inspiration to me and my siblings.

You are the reason Dawson grew into such an amazing young man.

You have shown us all how to love and you have given us all the feeling of being loved and accepted for who we each are.

You taught me and my siblings to pick our battles with our other half as in don't sweat the little things and don't argue with a drunk.

Tuesday, 11 April 2023



Good morning all it is a bloody cold morning had to get the heater out. Well this weeks creature is the Paradise Flying Snake as if snakes aren't scary enough.

In the jungles of south-eastern Asia these animals use free fall and contortion to “fly”. Resting on the end of a branch a paradise flying snake propels itself forward while flatting its body to about twice its normal width, giving it an downward C shape which traps air. To turn it wriggles back and forth,

The paradise tree snake which can have green, yellow or orange spots is one of the smaller flying snakes, they measure about 60cm in length and the best glider. Its been recorded travelling up to 100m through the air.

All five species of flying snakas are better gliders than their mammalian equivalents the gliding possums. They range between 60-120cm in length and eat birds, bats, frogs, lizards and rats. While mildly venomous their tiny fangs are harmless to humans.

Monday, 10 April 2023


Good morning all this Monday morning and since it is Easter Monday here are some facts about Easter down under.

Most people in Australia celebrate the Easter holiday. Some do this for religious reasons, however, just like Christmas, Easter has become less about religion for many people in Australia.

25 per cent of Australians say Easter is the most important event of the year to them. 25 per cent Australians spend $37 – $90 for Easter.

Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday are public holidays. Under the implementation arrangements, full time and part time employees who would normally work on Easter Sunday are entitled to a paid public holiday, or if they are required to work, they are entitled to be paid double time and a half.

To celebrate Easter in Australia, some people eat chocolate bilbies instead of chocolate rabbits. Bilbies are a native Australian marsupial.

Many Christians attend church services even if they do not attend services regularly during the rest of the year. For non-religious people and followers of other faiths, the four-day Easter weekend is a welcome break and a chance to enjoy a range of sporting and cultural events.

Sunday, 9 April 2023

WEEK 14 OF 2023

Sunday here and daylight savings has come to an end managed to turn one clock back this morning will need help doing the others.

Last night Jess and Tim had an issue he rang her as soon as she got home to tell her Sam had gone out and she answered the phone in a snappy way and it went from there. I get that she had a loweong day and had to deal with spiders which she is terrified of and having a phone call while still sitting in the car caused her to snap. Tim has done so many times himself when I have attempted to speak to him as soon as he got home from work, however, he made a big deal out of it in Jess's opinion. I was asleep so don't really know. He said she was yelling at him but I heard nothing.

When I read the texts Sam sent Tim I became upset as he was very disrespectful and Jess doesn't think he should respect his elders she thinks that is old fashioned. Everyone else feels he was of line. I am so over it all.

I have told Jess not to bother coming and helping me tonight as Tim wants to give them some space.

Up at 4.50am as usual it is somewhat cool so only one door opened.

For some reason Jess told Sam thought he wasn't allowed here this has upset me. I told him of course he could come here, I also told him how I felt about his disrespect for Tim after I said my piece I am done and I will not be rehashing it over and over.

When Tasha picked up the scripts they gave her the wrong medication and when I rang they realised they filled an old script of medication that I do not take anymore.

At 4.50am when I got up it was pissing down rain not much for breakfast, as little food.

Thankfully the groceries came early at 7am I was on the phone to Kathy so had to cut our chat short.

Tasha bought me a ham & cheese croissant for my breaky which was a surprise.

Had a doctors appointment with my GP it went well he has reduced one my medications or stopped it I can't remember which at the moment.

It has been raining on and off all day.

Had a decent nights sleep although Tim wasn't able to sleep till pretty late as in the early morning hours.

Tasha drove her dad to the hospital before she went to her appointment and Jess picked him up at 1pm when he was discharged. All went well and he is coping just fine this afternoon.

Been raining on and off all day, the cleaners came and will be back in a fortnight.

Last day of school for term one. Tried to ring Sam at 7.30am as per usual but he declined the call, how annoying at least he has to be awake to do that. Sent him a text asking if I had pissed him off he rang and said no he just got out of the shower.

Sandy turned up with Denni & Hayley in tow and helped me with a couple of small jobs. The girls found 2 small lizards in the back yard and Hayley wanted to take them home which they did. Sandy took the letters I had waiting to be posted.

It's Good Friday thus a public holiday also school is on a two week break but still I was up at 5am. It is cold enough for me to not have the doors opened and dark enough to have the ceiling light on not just the touch lamp near my laptop.

A cold wet day.

Kathy came over with Sydney to give me a shower.

Sandy came over with Denni & Hayley to return my hammer and drop of a basket of laundry. Tim going on about this not being a laundromat as Tasha rang wanting to use the dryer, he pissed her off.

I will put myself to bed tonight.

Saturday and a fine cold start to it had to put long pants on as my legs felt cold. No rain today but still pretty cool.

Tim didn't get up till nearly 10am so I was able to listen to a good deal of my book.

I asked Sandy to combine my medical folders into just one folder. I hope she doesn't take too long to do it.

Friday, 7 April 2023



Well today is Good Friday here in my part of the world so today's thoughts are about Easter.

As a child I remember getting nice Easter Eggs on Easter Sunday but do not remember any Easter Egg hunts, although I hide my own daughters Easter Eggs. However, I used to label each egg with their initial, so there were no fights or one getting more then the others. My girls never thought it odd that the Easter Bunny would label their eggs.

I am no longer a church going person but I still do not eat meat on Good Friday in fact I only had meat one Good Friday back when I first met Tim as I forgot it was Good Friday.

As some will know my dad past away on Easter Sunday in 2019 so despite the date Easter Sunday will always be a bitter sweet day for my family.

Thursday, 6 April 2023


Good morning everyone here I am on this Thursday morning finding this weeks word and it is “hypertext” not a word I am familiar with.

The. Oxford English Dictionary says, it is a computing system allowing use of and cross referencing between different texts.

Wednesday, 5 April 2023


                             MY NEWPHEW DAWSON WHO TURNED 24 ON THE FIRST

Tuesday, 4 April 2023


Here we are at a wet somewhat cold Tuesday morning and of course that means in is creature day and this week we have the flying dragon.

This is a lizard and while other lizards also have small flaps of skin along their ribs and are members of the flying dragon genus this one it the only known reptile recognised as true gliders.

Soaring on outstretched wings the flying dragon lizard moves effortlessly around its native forests in south-eastern Asia and India.

The wings are actually skin extensions called “patagia” they allow the lizard to glide through the air. They have a maximum flight trajectory of 8 metres for both male and females, which is 40 times its body length.

The patagia helps identify different species as each of the 45 known specie has a unique colour display.

Monday, 3 April 2023


 Well here we are at another Monday, so here some more Aussie Facts, this week we are in South Australia.

South Australia is a state in the southern central part of Australia. It covers some of the most arid parts of the country. With a total land area of 984,321 square kilometres, it is the fourth-largest of Australia's states and territories by area, and second smallest state by population.

South Australia was freely settled, unlike other parts of Australia

Lake Eyre is the largest salt lake in Australia. Lake Eyre officially known as Kati Thanda–Lake Eyre, is an endorheic lake in the east-central part of the Far North region of South Australia. The lake was named in honour of Edward John Eyre, the first European to see it in 1840. It was officially renamed in December 2012 to include its Aboriginal name, Kati Thanda, in accordance with a policy of dual naming. The native title over the lake and surrounding region is held by the Arabana people....

Coober Pedy was founded in 1915, in northern South Australia. It is located 846km north of Adelaide, along the Stuart Highway. Since then, the town has been supplying roughly 90% of the world's gem quality opals.C

South Australia prides itself on nurturing a diverse cultural experience: from food and wine through to hosting outstanding world-class art, cultural and sporting events. Food & wine South Australia is globally renowned for its wineries, eateries and fine produce.

Sunday, 2 April 2023

WEEK 13 OF 2023

Had a good night up at 4.55am as usual, we are in for a cloudy day with some rain.

Tim was telling me how he asked Jess for help syncing his phone into the car and how she was rude and didn't want to help him. He then showed me the texts between them and she wasn't rude and didn't say she wouldn't help him. What she did say was he really needs to learn to do it himself and he won't learn if he doesn't try. When I pointed that out he got the shits with me and wouldn't talk to me, he did go and try to do it himself but had trouble and eventually asked me for help. It turned out he wasn't doing anything wrong it was just being a bitch. After many attempts I got it to sync in. His mood improved as the day went on.

When Sandy called in I told her it was being a bitch and she understood completely. It happens to all of us at times.

When Jess came over to help me get ready for bed she showed me a couple of YouTube clips she thought I would like, which I did but I think Tim thought we were talking about him. He asked me what we were talking about I told him about the clips because he wasn't interested he walked away.

Up at 5am again in for another warm day. Tim has to an about with the surgeon who did his elbow to judge how it is he healing. Turns out he was a week early for his appointment this annoyed him big time.

Tasha and I had a talk with Tim about his depression as it is bad since his accident and we are worried about him. He is argumentative and defensive all the time, he as agreed to speak to our GP about it. He often doesn't get that he is speaking in a manner that makes one want to say “fuck you”.

Tasha and Tim are so much alike that they clash violently all the bloody time. This leaves me feeling like shit as I am stuck in the middle.

Had a fair bit of rain today heavy at times.

Been awake since 4am when I went to pee and found I couldn't settle down again. So I have been up since 4.45am.

Sam didn't go to school as he has a Dr's appointment.

Tum drove Jess and Sam to his Dr's appointment and hung around to bring them back.

This afternoon Tasha & Jess had another positive talk with their dad. This made me feel happy.

Up at 4.50am again it is raining again. So Tasha had to take Sam up to meet his driver.

The wet morning turned into a hot day with no rain.

I find with the increase in medication I am tired by 1pm and falling asleep by 3pm, I hope my body adjusts soon.

Wednesday is shower day and I am happy I am able to shower myself again.

A bloody early start to the day as I woke at 4.20 needing to pee and couldn't see the point in going back to bed.

The day has turned out warm and sunny.

Tim has no appointments this has made him feel good but next week he has a few of them.

Last day of March saw me out of bed at 4.50am again. Only have the front door open as it is pretty cool.

At 7.40am Jess and Sam walked in s she could tell me that she is going out for the day she is doing a security course and someone she knows has a son doing the course so offered to drive her so she doesn't have to worry about parking.

Tim went and cancelled our post office box as it is an expense we can do without.

Tim also at last got a builders report about the tree coming through the roof for the insurance.


Had a good night slept straight through the night till 3.30am got up and peed then back to bed and back to sleep till 5am when I got up.

A cool but sunny day, Tim did the laundry and it took a bit out of him, I would have helped but he doesn't want or think he needs my help. I am sure he thinks I am useless.

Had to have a nap between 9 & 10.30 as I was so tired, felt better afterwards.


This week we are having a look at Canberra the capital of Australia located in the Australian Capital Territory or ACT. Canberra's his...