Monday, 28 February 2022



Good morning world, it is the last day of February and it's Monday so it is fact day, today I am going to share five more what the hell laws of days gone by, well I hope these laws are a thing of the past.

In Memphis, Tennessee it was illegal for women to drive a car unless there was a man either running or walking in front waving a red flag to warn approaching motorists and pedestrians.

A law in West Virginia stated that no children could attend school with breath smelling of wild onions.

In Minnesota it was illegal to hang male and female underwear on the same line.

In Normal, Oklahoma you could have been sent to prison for making an ugly face at a dog.

Hawaii had a law against laughing after 10pm.


  1. 1- I have an ex wife that would have worked well on...
    2- Must have been from a snap chap contest lol
    3- Like they're gonna breed...
    4- You should get that if you do it to Misty for sure...

  2. OMG! Crazy laws! I love these and wonder why they were made in the first place--LOL! :)

  3. I'm shaking my head and laughing at those. Bizarre! Yes, it makes you wonder why--and who--made these up in the first place. :-P

  4. THose old old laws were a hoot. Every now and again, Reader's Digest would publish a few. Always good for laughs.


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....