Wednesday, 17 November 2021



Living With Dementia


Published: October 27, 2021

My mind is not what it once was:
wilting like a rose.
One thing you must remember:
this is not the life I chose.

Memories grow more distant
each and every day.
I never once considered
that I'd end up this way.

So please hold judgement.
Let me be.
Please be patient.
I am still me.

It takes a little longer now for me to understand
but with your help, I will.
My moods and symptoms vary,
but I am human still.

Dementia comes in many forms,
we need to spread the word.
Make everyone you know aware,
as they may not have heard.

I hope we find a cure one day,
for I feel like I'm stuck.
Researchers work very hard,
I pray they have some luck.

My mind is not what it once was:
wilting like a rose.
One thing you must remember:
this is not the life I chose.



  1. Boy that hit home for me with my brother just passing from ATZ. Horrible disease.

  2. A person telling others how to treat a person with dementia - interesting poem indeed Jo-Anne.

  3. That was one of the most memorable things you gave listed, Thank you Jo-Anne. I have a great article I wish to send you. If your address is in your profile, I shall. xx

  4. They are pioneering a new treatment for Alzheimer's here in Boston. If it goes as expected they will roll it out full force. It is expected to significantly slow the progress of dementia if not stop it completely.

    While a wonderful poem, I'd love for it to someday be irrelevant.

  5. Debby........I get that

    Janie.......I agree

    Margaret.......I thought so

    Katie........Thank you

    Juli...........I hope a good trteatment is found


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